# rust-genome-longread-count - A kmer origin finding faster than the recent implementation of the recent implementation. Back to sequences: Find the origin of 𝑘-mers DOI: 10.21105/joss.07066. - output a table for the direct ingestion into any graphs. - outputs a sam type file with the distinct count of the kmers and can be used for the jellyfish count. - support both the genome and the longread fasta file. ``` Usage: kmerorigin Arguments: please provide the kmer to be searched for the origin please provide the path to be searched for the strings containing the kmer Options: -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` - a better table for direct ingestion into the graphs also to make a jellyfish count. ``` ./target/debug/kmerorigin 4 ./sample-files/fastafile.fasta >seq1 AGTCAGTC AGTC 0 4 AGTCAGTC GTCA 1 5 AGTCAGTC CAGT 3 7 AGTCAGTC TCAG 2 6 >seq2 AGGCAGTC CAGT 3 7 AGGCAGTC GGCA 1 5 AGGCAGTC AGGC 0 4 AGGCAGTC GCAG 2 6 ``` Gaurav Sablok