# knet 1.5.x # ## **knet** is cross-platform multi-threading light-weight TCP transport library, for now, knet support **IOCP**, **select**, **epoll** model on **Windows** and **CentOS**. it will testing(port) under more Linux and Unix OS version, more model will be implemented like: kqueue(kevent) etc. **knet** is not a event loop like **libevent**, **knet** focus on transport only. **knet** 是跨平台,多线程,轻量级的TCP网络库,当前版本提供了Windows和Linux平台下的 **IOCP**, **select**, **epoll** 三种实现. 未来 **knet**将会在更多Linux和Unix操作系统下测试(移植),同时,更多的实现也会逐渐加入进来,譬如:kqueue(kevent)等. **knet** 并不是像libevent一样的事件库, **knet** 只专注于传输. ### Loop ### ## `kloop_t` is the wrapper of different implemented model, it's easy to use `kloop_t` to build a loop. `kloop_t` 是对不同平台实现的包装器,使用`kloop_t`可以非常容易的建立一个网络循环. #include "knet.h" kloop_t* loop = knet_loop_create(); For now, a loop is ready for run, we create a `channel_ref_t` as acceptor. 网络循环已经建立好了,建立一个`channel_ref_t`作为监听器. kchannel_ref_t* channel = knet_loop_create_channel(loop, 0, 1024); kchannel_ref_accept(channel, "", 80); We built a acceptor channel with infinite send chain size and maximal read buffer size 1024, after that run endless loop. 我们建立的监听器管道不限制发送队列的长度,读缓冲区的最大长度为1024, 建立完成后我们启动网络循环. knet_loop_run(loop); knet_loop_destroy(loop); The program just holds your screen, we should add some code for new client coming. 程序什么都没做,需要我们添加一些代码来建立客户端来的连接. void acceptor_cb(kchannel_ref_t* channel, knet_channel_cb_event_e e) { if (e & channel_cb_event_accept) { /* TODO do job here */ } } The whole story: 整个过程如下: #include "knet.h" void acceptor_cb(kchannel_ref_t* channel, knet_channel_cb_event_e e) { if (e & channel_cb_event_accept) { /* the new client coming */ /* TODO do job here */ } } int main() { kloop_t* loop = knet_loop_create(); kchannel_ref_t* channel = knet_loop_create_channel(loop, 0, 1024); knet_channel_ref_accept(channel, "", 80); knet_channel_ref_set_cb(channel, acceptor_cb); knet_loop_run(loop); knet_loop_destroy(loop); return 0; } For more detail, see `examples/basic.c` #### config.h #### ## #if defined(WIN32) #define LOOP_IOCP 1 /* IOCP */ #define LOOP_SELECT 0 /* select */ #else #define LOOP_EPOLL 1 /* epoll */ #define LOOP_SELECT 0 /* select */ #endif /* defined(WIN32) */ In header file `knet/config.h`, change the macro value to tell compiler choose specific implement, IOCP on Windows, epoll on Linux by default, more implement will be appended in the future release. 头文件`knet/config.h`内有一些有用的宏做条件编译,Windows的默认实现是IOCP, Linux的默认实现是epoll, 未来版本中会增加更多平台的实现. #define LOGGER_ON 0 /* the switch of internal logger */ #define LOGGER_MODE (logger_mode_file | logger_mode_console | logger_mode_flush | logger_mode_override) /* the mode of logger */ #define LOGGER_LEVEL logger_level_verbose /* the level of logger */ In header file `knet/logger.h`, `LOGGER_ON` is the switch of **knet** internal logger, the macro `LOGGER_MODE` and `LOGGER_LEVEL` can change the mode and the level of logger. Internal logger may help developer find the problom ASAP, `LOGGER_ON` should be set to 0 in release version. 头文件`knet/logger.h`内,`LOGGER_ON`宏可以开启或关闭 **knet** 的内部日志,宏`LOGGER_MODE`和`LOGGER_LEVEL`分别表示日志模式和日志等级. 内部日志可以帮助使用者尽快的发现问题. `LOGGER_ON`宏在发行版本中应该被设置为零. ### Balancer ### ## `kloop_t` runs at the thread which calling `knet_loop_run` or `knet_loop_run_once`, each `loop_t` knows nothing about others. `kloop_balancer_t` coordinates all attached `kloop_t`(`knet_loop_balance_attach`) and try to balance load for them. `kloop_t`运行在调用`knet_loop_run`或者`knet_loop_run_once`函数的线程内,每个`loop_t`都不知道其他`loop_t`的存在. `kloop_balancer_t`协调所有与自己关联的`kloop_t`(`knet_loop_balance_attach`), 并对关联的网络循环做负载均衡. `kloop_balancer_t` conceal the details and sophisticated for developer, the process of balancing is thread-safety and highly efficent. **knet** offers a simple thread API to run internally `knet_loop_run_once`, the interact among loops are also transparent for developers. `kloop_balancer_t`为开发者隐藏了所有负载均衡细节, 负载均衡的过程是线程安全的, 同时也是非常高效的. **knet**提供了一个简单的线程API并在内部运行`knet_loop_run_once`, 网络循环之间的交互对于使用者也是透明的. For more detail, see `examples/multi_loop.c` ### Document ### ## see `doc/knet.pptx` for big picture of **knet** see `doc/html/index.html` for dev doc. ### Build ### ## 1. Windows see `knet/win-proj/knet.sln` 2. Linux ./build.sh [IPV6] The build result in folder `knet/bin` and `knet/lib`. ### Test ### see `knet/bin`. 1. Windows `test_client.exe` `test_server.exe` 2. Linux `test_client` `test_server` 3. The command line of client 1. `-ip` server listening IP 2. `-port` server listening port 3. `-n` connector count 4. the command line of server 1. `-ip` server listening IP 2. `-port` server listening port 3. `-w` worker count