# knil An simple logger based on environment! ## Getting Started! ```toml # get log and the package from crates [dependencies] log = "0.4" knil = "0.1" ``` ```rs use std::io; fn main () -> io::Result<()> { knil::init()?; info!("Hello, World!") } ``` What about the environment thing? Don't worry it's very simple, the environment soley depends on the: `RUST_ENV`, you can directly set the environment level by setting the `RUST_ENV` with the corresponding level: ``` error = 0 warn = 1 info = 2 debug = 3 trace = 4 ``` There also level presets such as: ``` development = 4 production = 2 staging = 3 max = 4 min = 0 ``` By default the level is set to the `development` preset. ## Contribute Uh, make an Issue or Pull Request if you wanna see something changed or configured.