Loading package v1 go.mod has version 1.0.0 sub_dir/go.mod has version 1.0.0 Looking for Git tags matching package name. No tags found matching pattern v1/v Loading package v2 v2/go.mod has version 2.0.0 sub_dir/v2/go.mod has version 2.0.0 Looking for Git tags matching package name. No tags found matching pattern v2/v Getting conventional commits since last release of package v1 No tags found matching pattern v1/v Tag v1/v0.0.0 not found, using ALL commits Only checking commits with scopes: ["v1"] Determining new version for v1 commit fix(v1): A fix implies rule PATCH Using PATCH rule to bump from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 Getting conventional commits since last release of package v2 No tags found matching pattern v2/v Tag v2/v0.0.0 not found, using ALL commits Only checking commits with scopes: ["v2"] Determining new version for v2 commit feat(v2): New feature implies rule MINOR Using MINOR rule to bump from 2.0.0 to 2.1.0 Would add the following to go.mod: 1.0.1 Would add the following to sub_dir/go.mod: 1.0.1 Would add the following to v2/go.mod: 2.1.0 Would add the following to sub_dir/v2/go.mod: 2.1.0 Would add the following to CHANGELOG.md: ## 1.0.1 ([DATE]) ### Fixes - A fix Would add the following to v2/CHANGELOG.md: ## 2.1.0 ([DATE]) ### Features - New feature Would add files to git: go.mod sub_dir/go.mod v2/go.mod sub_dir/v2/go.mod CHANGELOG.md v2/CHANGELOG.md Would create Git tag v1.0.1 Would create Git tag sub_dir/v1.0.1 Would create Git tag v2.1.0 Would create Git tag sub_dir/v2.1.0 Would create Git tag v1/v1.0.1 Would create Git tag v2/v2.1.0