//! This example shows how to discover KNX devices on the network. //! //! `cargo run --example discovery` //! //! Output: //! //! ```text //! ⊙ //! ⏵ Name: MDT KNX TP IP //! ⏵ Medium: TP1 //! ⏵ Individual Addr: 15.15.0 //! ⏵ Programming Mode: no //! ⏵ Project Installation ID: 0 //! ⏵ Serial: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] //! ⏵ Multicast Addr: //! ⏵ MAC Addr: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] //! ⏵⏵ Service Family: 2 Version: 2 //! ⏵⏵ Service Family: 3 Version: 2 //! ⏵⏵ Service Family: 4 Version: 2 //! ⏵⏵ Service Family: 5 Version: 2 //! ⏵⏵ Service Family: 7 Version: 2 //! ``` use knx_ip_client::packets::core::{DeviceStatus, SearchResponse}; use knx_ip_client::transport::udp::UdpClient; use log::info; use snafu::Whatever; use std::time::Duration; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Whatever> { env_logger::init(); let devices = UdpClient::search(Duration::from_millis(100)).await?; info!("Received {} responses", devices.len()); for response in devices { let SearchResponse { control_endpoint, device_hardware, supported_service_families, } = response; let programming_status = if device_hardware.knx_device_status == DeviceStatus::PROGRAMMING_MODE { "yes" } else { "no" }; println!("⊙ {}", control_endpoint.address); println!("⏵ Name: {}", &device_hardware.friendly_name()?); println!("⏵ Medium: {:?}", device_hardware.knx_medium); println!("⏵ Individual Addr: {:?}", device_hardware.knx_individual_address); println!("⏵ Programming Mode: {}", programming_status); println!("⏵ Project Installation ID: {}", device_hardware.project_installation_identifier); println!("⏵ Serial: {:?}", device_hardware.serial_number); println!("⏵ Multicast Addr: {}", device_hardware.routing_multicast_address); println!("⏵ MAC Addr: {:?}", device_hardware.mac_address); for family in supported_service_families.service_families { println!("⏵⏵ Service Family: {:?} Version: {:?}", family.service_family, family.version); } println!(); } Ok(()) }