mod parser { use koto_parser::{Node::*, *}; fn check_ast(source: &str, expected_ast: &[Node], expected_constants: Option<&[Constant]>) { println!("{source}"); match Parser::parse(source) { Ok(ast) => { for (i, (ast_node, expected_node)) in ast.nodes().iter().zip(expected_ast.iter()).enumerate() { assert_eq!(ast_node.node, *expected_node, "Mismatch at position {i}"); } assert_eq!( ast.nodes().len(), expected_ast.len(), "Node list length mismatch" ); if let Some(expected_constants) = expected_constants { for (constant, expected_constant) in ast.constants().iter().zip(expected_constants.iter()) { assert_eq!(constant, *expected_constant); } assert_eq!( ast.constants().size(), expected_constants.len(), "Constant pool size mismatch" ); } else { assert_eq!(ast.constants().size(), 0); } } Err(error) => panic!("{error} - {}", error.span.start), } } fn check_ast_for_equivalent_sources( sources: &[&str], expected_ast: &[Node], expected_constants: Option<&[Constant]>, ) { for source in sources { check_ast(source, expected_ast, expected_constants) } } fn simple_string(literal_index: ConstantIndex, quotation_mark: StringQuote) -> AstString { AstString { quote: quotation_mark, contents: StringContents::Literal(literal_index), } } fn string_literal(literal_index: ConstantIndex, quotation_mark: StringQuote) -> Node { Node::Str(simple_string(literal_index, quotation_mark)) } fn string_literal_map_key(literal_index: ConstantIndex, quotation_mark: StringQuote) -> MapKey { MapKey::Str(simple_string(literal_index, quotation_mark)) } mod values { use super::*; #[test] fn literals() { let source = r#" true false 1 1.0 "hello" 'world' a null"#; check_ast( source, &[ BoolTrue, BoolFalse, SmallInt(1), Float(0), string_literal(1, StringQuote::Double), string_literal(2, StringQuote::Single), Id(3), Null, MainBlock { body: vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::F64(1.0), Constant::Str("hello"), Constant::Str("world"), Constant::Str("a"), ]), ) } #[test] fn number_notation() { let source = " 1 0x1 0x100 0xABADCAFE 0o1 0o100 0b1 0b100 "; check_ast( source, &[ SmallInt(1), SmallInt(1), Int(0), Int(1), SmallInt(1), SmallInt(64), SmallInt(1), SmallInt(4), MainBlock { body: vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::I64(256), Constant::I64(2880293630)]), ) } #[test] fn multiline_strings() { let source = r#" " foo bar " "foo \ bar\ " "#; check_ast( source, &[ string_literal(0, StringQuote::Double), string_literal(1, StringQuote::Double), MainBlock { body: vec![0, 1], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str(" foo\n bar\n"), Constant::Str("foo bar"), ]), ) } #[test] fn strings_with_escape_codes() { let source = r#" "\t\n\x4d\x2E" '\u{1F917}\u{1f30d}' "#; check_ast( source, &[ string_literal(0, StringQuote::Double), string_literal(1, StringQuote::Single), MainBlock { body: vec![0, 1], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("\t\nM."), Constant::Str("🤗🌍")]), ) } #[test] fn strings_with_interpolated_ids() { let source = r#" 'Hello, {name}!' "{foo}" '{x} {y}' "#; check_ast( source, &[ Id(1), Str(AstString { quote: StringQuote::Single, contents: StringContents::Interpolated(vec![ StringNode::Literal(0), StringNode::Expression { expression: 0, format: StringFormatOptions::default(), }, StringNode::Literal(2), ]), }), Id(3), Str(AstString { quote: StringQuote::Double, contents: StringContents::Interpolated(vec![StringNode::Expression { expression: 2, format: StringFormatOptions::default(), }]), }), Id(4), Id(6), // 5 Str(AstString { quote: StringQuote::Single, contents: StringContents::Interpolated(vec![ StringNode::Expression { expression: 4, format: StringFormatOptions::default(), }, StringNode::Literal(5), StringNode::Expression { expression: 5, format: StringFormatOptions::default(), }, ]), }), MainBlock { body: vec![1, 3, 6], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("Hello, "), Constant::Str("name"), Constant::Str("!"), Constant::Str("foo"), Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str(" "), Constant::Str("y"), ]), ) } #[test] fn string_with_interpolated_expression() { let source = " '{123 + 456}!' "; check_ast( source, &[ SmallInt(123), Int(0), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Add, lhs: 0, rhs: 1, }, Str(AstString { quote: StringQuote::Single, contents: StringContents::Interpolated(vec![ StringNode::Expression { expression: 2, format: StringFormatOptions::default(), }, StringNode::Literal(1), ]), }), MainBlock { body: vec![3], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::I64(456), Constant::Str("!")]), ) } #[test] fn string_with_formatted_expression() { let source = " '!{a:_>3.2}!' "; check_ast( source, &[ Id(1), Str(AstString { quote: StringQuote::Single, contents: StringContents::Interpolated(vec![ StringNode::Literal(0), StringNode::Expression { expression: 0, format: StringFormatOptions { alignment: StringAlignment::Right, min_width: Some(3), precision: Some(2), fill_character: Some(2), }, }, StringNode::Literal(0), ]), }), MainBlock { body: vec![1], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("!"), Constant::Str("a"), Constant::Str("_")]), ) } #[test] fn raw_strings() { let source = r###" r'$foo ${bar}' r"[\r?\n]\" r#''$foo''# r##'#$bar'## "###; check_ast( source, &[ Str(AstString { quote: StringQuote::Single, contents: StringContents::Raw { constant: 0, hash_count: 0, }, }), Str(AstString { quote: StringQuote::Double, contents: StringContents::Raw { constant: 1, hash_count: 0, }, }), Str(AstString { quote: StringQuote::Single, contents: StringContents::Raw { constant: 2, hash_count: 1, }, }), Str(AstString { quote: StringQuote::Single, contents: StringContents::Raw { constant: 3, hash_count: 2, }, }), MainBlock { body: vec![0, 1, 2, 3], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("$foo ${bar}"), Constant::Str(r"[\r?\n]\"), Constant::Str("'$foo'"), Constant::Str("#$bar"), ]), ) } #[test] fn negatives() { let source = " -12.0 -a -x[0] -(1 + 1)"; check_ast( source, &[ Float(0), Id(1), UnaryOp { op: AstUnaryOp::Negate, value: 1, }, Id(2), SmallInt(0), Lookup((LookupNode::Index(4), None)), // 5 Lookup((LookupNode::Root(3), Some(5))), UnaryOp { op: AstUnaryOp::Negate, value: 6, }, SmallInt(1), SmallInt(1), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Add, lhs: 8, rhs: 9, }, // 10 Nested(10), UnaryOp { op: AstUnaryOp::Negate, value: 11, }, MainBlock { body: vec![0, 2, 7, 12], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::F64(-12.0), Constant::Str("a"), Constant::Str("x")]), ) } } mod lists { use super::*; #[test] fn basic_lists() { let source = r#" [0, n, "test", n, -1] [] "#; check_ast( source, &[ SmallInt(0), Id(0), string_literal(1, StringQuote::Double), Id(0), SmallInt(-1), List(vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4]), List(vec![]), MainBlock { body: vec![5, 6], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("n"), Constant::Str("test")]), ) } #[test] fn nested_list() { let source = r#" [0, [1, -1], 2] "#; check_ast( source, &[ SmallInt(0), SmallInt(1), SmallInt(-1), List(vec![1, 2]), SmallInt(2), List(vec![0, 3, 4]), // 5 MainBlock { body: vec![5], local_count: 0, }, ], None, ) } #[test] fn list_with_line_breaks() { let sources = [ " x = [ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 ] ", " x = [ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 ] ", " x = [ 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 ] ", " x = [ 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0] ", ]; check_ast_for_equivalent_sources( &sources, &[ Id(0), SmallInt(0), SmallInt(1), SmallInt(0), SmallInt(1), SmallInt(0), // 5 List(vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), Assign { target: 0, expression: 6, }, MainBlock { body: vec![7], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x")]), ) } } mod maps { use super::*; #[test] fn map_inline() { let sources = [ " {} x = {'foo': 42, bar, baz: 'hello', @+: 99}", " { } x = { 'foo': 42 , bar , baz: 'hello' , @+: 99 } ", " { } x = { 'foo': 42, bar , baz: 'hello' , @+: 99 } ", ]; check_ast_for_equivalent_sources( &sources, &[ Map(vec![]), Id(0), SmallInt(42), string_literal(4, StringQuote::Single), SmallInt(99), Map(vec![ (string_literal_map_key(1, StringQuote::Single), Some(2)), (MapKey::Id(2), None), (MapKey::Id(3), Some(3)), (MapKey::Meta(MetaKeyId::Add, None), Some(4)), ]), // 5 Assign { target: 1, expression: 5, }, MainBlock { body: vec![0, 6], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("foo"), Constant::Str("bar"), Constant::Str("baz"), Constant::Str("hello"), ]), ) } #[test] fn map_inline_multiline() { let source = r#" { 'foo': 42, bar, baz: "hello", }"#; check_ast( source, &[ SmallInt(42), string_literal(3, StringQuote::Double), Map(vec![ (string_literal_map_key(0, StringQuote::Single), Some(0)), (MapKey::Id(1), None), (MapKey::Id(2), Some(1)), ]), MainBlock { body: vec![2], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("foo"), Constant::Str("bar"), Constant::Str("baz"), Constant::Str("hello"), ]), ) } #[test] fn map_block() { let source = r#" x = foo: 42 "baz": foo: 0 @-: -1 x"#; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), // x SmallInt(42), SmallInt(0), Map(vec![(MapKey::Id(1), Some(2))]), // foo, 0 SmallInt(-1), Map(vec![ (MapKey::Id(1), Some(1)), // foo: 42 (string_literal_map_key(2, StringQuote::Double), Some(3)), // "baz": nested map (MapKey::Meta(MetaKeyId::Subtract, None), Some(4)), // @-: -1 ]), // 5 Assign { target: 0, expression: 5, }, Id(0), MainBlock { body: vec![6, 7], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("foo"), Constant::Str("baz"), ]), ) } #[test] fn map_block_first_entry_with_string_key() { let source = r#" x = "foo": 42 "#; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), // x SmallInt(42), Map(vec![( string_literal_map_key(1, StringQuote::Double), Some(1), )]), // "foo": 42 Assign { target: 0, expression: 2, }, MainBlock { body: vec![3], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("foo")]), ) } #[test] fn map_block_first_entry_is_nested_map_block() { let source = r#" x = foo: bar: 42 "#; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), // x SmallInt(42), Map(vec![ (MapKey::Id(2), Some(1)), // bar: 42 ]), Map(vec![ (MapKey::Id(1), Some(2)), // foo: ... ]), Assign { target: 0, expression: 3, }, MainBlock { body: vec![4], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("foo"), Constant::Str("bar"), ]), ) } #[test] fn map_block_first_entry_is_comma_separated_tuple() { let sources = [ " x = foo: 10, 20, 30 ", " x = foo: 10, 20, 30, ", " x = foo: 10, 20, 30, ", ]; check_ast_for_equivalent_sources( &sources, &[ Id(0), // x SmallInt(10), SmallInt(20), SmallInt(30), Tuple(vec![1, 2, 3]), Map(vec![(MapKey::Id(1), Some(4))]), // 5 - foo: 10, 20, 30 Assign { target: 0, expression: 5, }, MainBlock { body: vec![6], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("foo")]), ) } #[test] fn map_block_second_entry_is_paren_free_call() { let sources = [ " x = foo: 1 bar: baz 42 ", " x = foo: 1 bar: baz 42 ", " x = foo: 1 bar: baz 42 ", ]; check_ast_for_equivalent_sources( &sources, &[ Id(0), // x SmallInt(1), SmallInt(42), NamedCall { id: 3, args: vec![2], }, Map(vec![ (MapKey::Id(1), Some(1)), // foo: 1 (MapKey::Id(2), Some(3)), // bar: baz 42 ]), Assign { target: 0, expression: 4, }, // 5 MainBlock { body: vec![5], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("foo"), Constant::Str("bar"), Constant::Str("baz"), ]), ) } #[test] fn map_block_meta() { let source = r#" x = @+: 0 @-: 1 @meta foo: 0 "#; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), // x SmallInt(0), SmallInt(1), SmallInt(0), Map(vec![ (MapKey::Meta(MetaKeyId::Add, None), Some(1)), (MapKey::Meta(MetaKeyId::Subtract, None), Some(2)), (MapKey::Meta(MetaKeyId::Named, Some(1)), Some(3)), ]), Assign { target: 0, expression: 4, }, // 5 MainBlock { body: vec![5], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("foo")]), ) } #[test] fn assigning_map_to_meta_key() { let source = r#" @tests = @pre_test: 0 @post_test: 1 @test foo: 0 "#; check_ast( source, &[ Meta(MetaKeyId::Tests, None), SmallInt(0), SmallInt(1), SmallInt(0), Map(vec![ (MapKey::Meta(MetaKeyId::PreTest, None), Some(1)), (MapKey::Meta(MetaKeyId::PostTest, None), Some(2)), (MapKey::Meta(MetaKeyId::Test, Some(0)), Some(3)), ]), Assign { target: 0, expression: 4, }, // 5 Export(5), MainBlock { body: vec![6], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("foo")]), ) } } mod ranges { use super::*; #[test] fn ranges_from_literals() { let source = " 0..1 0..=1"; check_ast( source, &[ SmallInt(0), SmallInt(1), Range { start: 0, end: 1, inclusive: false, }, SmallInt(0), SmallInt(1), Range { start: 3, end: 4, inclusive: true, }, // 5 MainBlock { body: vec![2, 5], local_count: 0, }, ], None, ) } #[test] fn range_from_expressions() { let source = "0 + 1..1 + 0"; check_ast( source, &[ SmallInt(0), SmallInt(1), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Add, lhs: 0, rhs: 1, }, SmallInt(1), SmallInt(0), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Add, lhs: 3, rhs: 4, }, // 5 Range { start: 2, end: 5, inclusive: false, }, MainBlock { body: vec![6], local_count: 0, }, ], None, ) } #[test] fn range_from_values() { let source = " min = 0 max = 10 min..max "; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), SmallInt(0), Assign { target: 0, expression: 1, }, Id(1), SmallInt(10), Assign { target: 3, expression: 4, }, // 5 Id(0), Id(1), Range { start: 6, end: 7, inclusive: false, }, MainBlock { body: vec![2, 5, 8], local_count: 2, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("min"), Constant::Str("max")]), ) } #[test] fn range_from_lookups() { let source = ""; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), Lookup((LookupNode::Id(1), None)), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(0), Some(1))), Id(0), Lookup((LookupNode::Id(2), None)), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(3), Some(4))), // 5 Range { start: 2, end: 5, inclusive: false, }, MainBlock { body: vec![6], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("foo"), Constant::Str("bar"), Constant::Str("baz"), ]), ) } #[test] fn ranges_in_lists() { let source = "\ [0..1] [0..10, 10..=0]"; check_ast( source, &[ SmallInt(0), SmallInt(1), Range { start: 0, end: 1, inclusive: false, }, List(vec![2]), SmallInt(0), SmallInt(10), // 5 Range { start: 4, end: 5, inclusive: false, }, SmallInt(10), SmallInt(0), Range { start: 7, end: 8, inclusive: true, }, List(vec![6, 9]), MainBlock { body: vec![3, 10], local_count: 0, }, ], None, ) } } mod tuples { use super::*; #[test] fn tuple() { let source = "0, 1, 0"; check_ast( source, &[ SmallInt(0), SmallInt(1), SmallInt(0), Tuple(vec![0, 1, 2]), MainBlock { body: vec![3], local_count: 0, }, ], None, ) } #[test] fn empty_tuple() { let source = "(,)"; check_ast( source, &[ Tuple(vec![]), MainBlock { body: vec![0], local_count: 0, }, ], None, ) } #[test] fn empty_parentheses_without_comma() { let source = "()"; check_ast( source, &[ Null, MainBlock { body: vec![0], local_count: 0, }, ], None, ) } #[test] fn tuple_in_parens() { let sources = [ "(0, 1, 0)", " ( 0, 1, 0 ) ", " ( 0 , 1 , 0 ) ", ]; check_ast_for_equivalent_sources( &sources, &[ SmallInt(0), SmallInt(1), SmallInt(0), Tuple(vec![0, 1, 2]), MainBlock { body: vec![3], local_count: 0, }, ], None, ) } #[test] fn single_entry_tuple() { let source = "(1,)"; check_ast( source, &[ SmallInt(1), Tuple(vec![0]), MainBlock { body: vec![1], local_count: 0, }, ], None, ) } } mod assignment { use super::*; #[test] fn single() { let source = "a = 1"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), SmallInt(1), Assign { target: 0, expression: 1, }, MainBlock { body: vec![2], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("a")]), ) } #[test] fn tuple() { let source = "x = 1, 0"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), SmallInt(1), SmallInt(0), Tuple(vec![1, 2]), Assign { target: 0, expression: 3, }, MainBlock { body: vec![4], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x")]), ) } #[test] fn tuple_of_tuples() { let source = "x = (0, 1), (2, 3)"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), SmallInt(0), SmallInt(1), Tuple(vec![1, 2]), SmallInt(2), SmallInt(3), // 5 Tuple(vec![4, 5]), Tuple(vec![3, 6]), Assign { target: 0, expression: 7, }, MainBlock { body: vec![8], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x")]), ) } #[test] fn unpack_tuple() { let source = "x, y[0] = 1, 0"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), Id(1), SmallInt(0), Lookup((LookupNode::Index(2), None)), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(1), Some(3))), SmallInt(1), // 5 SmallInt(0), TempTuple(vec![5, 6]), MultiAssign { targets: vec![0, 4], expression: 7, }, MainBlock { body: vec![8], local_count: 1, // y is assumed to be non-local }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("y")]), ) } #[test] fn tuple_with_linebreaks() { let source = "\ x, y = 1, 0, x"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), Id(1), SmallInt(1), SmallInt(0), TempTuple(vec![2, 3]), MultiAssign { targets: vec![0, 1], expression: 4, }, // 5 Id(0), MainBlock { body: vec![5, 6], local_count: 2, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("y")]), ) } #[test] fn multi_1_to_3_with_wildcard() { let source = "x, _, _y = f()"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), Wildcard(None), Wildcard(Some(1)), Id(2), Lookup(( LookupNode::Call { args: vec![], with_parens: true, }, None, )), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(3), Some(4))), // 5 MultiAssign { targets: vec![0, 1, 2], expression: 5, }, MainBlock { body: vec![6], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("y"), Constant::Str("f")]), ) } #[test] fn compound_assignment() { let source = "\ x += 0 x -= 1 x *= 2 x /= 3 x %= 4"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), SmallInt(0), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::AddAssign, lhs: 0, rhs: 1, }, Id(0), SmallInt(1), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::SubtractAssign, lhs: 3, rhs: 4, }, // 5 Id(0), SmallInt(2), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::MultiplyAssign, lhs: 6, rhs: 7, }, Id(0), SmallInt(3), // 10 BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::DivideAssign, lhs: 9, rhs: 10, }, Id(0), SmallInt(4), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::RemainderAssign, lhs: 12, rhs: 13, }, MainBlock { body: vec![2, 5, 8, 11, 14], local_count: 0, }, // 15 ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x")]), ) } #[test] fn list_with_lookup_as_first_element() { let source = " [] "; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), Lookup(( LookupNode::Call { args: vec![], with_parens: true, }, None, )), Lookup((LookupNode::Id(1), Some(1))), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(0), Some(2))), List(vec![3]), MainBlock { body: vec![4], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("foo"), Constant::Str("bar")]), ) } } mod export { use super::*; #[test] fn export_assignment() { let sources = [ "export a = 1 + 1", " export a = 1 + 1", " export a = 1 + 1", ]; check_ast_for_equivalent_sources( &sources, &[ Id(0), SmallInt(1), SmallInt(1), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Add, lhs: 1, rhs: 2, }, Assign { target: 0, expression: 3, }, Export(4), // 5 MainBlock { body: vec![5], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("a")]), ) } #[test] fn export_map_block() { let source = " export a: 123 b: 99 "; check_ast( source, &[ SmallInt(123), SmallInt(99), Map(vec![ (MapKey::Id(0), Some(0)), // a: 123 (MapKey::Id(1), Some(1)), // b: 99 ]), Export(2), MainBlock { body: vec![3], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("a"), Constant::Str("b")]), ) } } mod arithmetic { use super::*; #[test] fn addition_subtraction() { let sources = [ " 1 - 0 + 1 ", " 1 - 0 + 1 ", " 1 - 0 + 1 ", ]; check_ast_for_equivalent_sources( &sources, &[ SmallInt(1), SmallInt(0), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Subtract, lhs: 0, rhs: 1, }, SmallInt(1), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Add, lhs: 2, rhs: 3, }, MainBlock { body: vec![4], local_count: 0, }, ], None, ) } #[test] fn add_multiply() { let source = "1 + 0 * 1 + 0"; check_ast( source, &[ SmallInt(1), SmallInt(0), SmallInt(1), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Multiply, lhs: 1, rhs: 2, }, BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Add, lhs: 0, rhs: 3, }, SmallInt(0), // 5 BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Add, lhs: 4, rhs: 5, }, MainBlock { body: vec![6], local_count: 0, }, ], None, ) } #[test] fn with_parentheses() { let source = "(1 + 0) * (1 + 0)"; check_ast( source, &[ SmallInt(1), SmallInt(0), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Add, lhs: 0, rhs: 1, }, Nested(2), SmallInt(1), SmallInt(0), // 5 BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Add, lhs: 4, rhs: 5, }, Nested(6), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Multiply, lhs: 3, rhs: 7, }, MainBlock { body: vec![8], local_count: 0, }, ], None, ) } #[test] fn divide_then_remainder() { let source = "18 / 3 % 4"; check_ast( source, &[ SmallInt(18), SmallInt(3), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Divide, lhs: 0, rhs: 1, }, SmallInt(4), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Remainder, lhs: 2, rhs: 3, }, MainBlock { body: vec![4], local_count: 0, }, ], None, ) } #[test] fn string_and_id() { let source = "'hello' + x"; check_ast( source, &[ string_literal(0, StringQuote::Single), Id(1), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Add, lhs: 0, rhs: 1, }, MainBlock { body: vec![2], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("hello"), Constant::Str("x")]), ) } #[test] fn function_call_on_rhs() { let source = "x = 1 + f y"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), // x SmallInt(1), Id(2), // y NamedCall { id: 1, // f args: vec![2], }, BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Add, lhs: 1, rhs: 3, }, Assign { target: 0, expression: 4, }, // 5 MainBlock { body: vec![5], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("f"), Constant::Str("y")]), ) } #[test] fn arithmetic_assignment_chained() { let sources = [ " a = 1 + 2 * 3 ", " a = 1 + 2 * 3 ", " a = 1 + 2 * 3 ", " a = 1 + 2 * 3 ", ]; check_ast_for_equivalent_sources( &sources, &[ Id(0), SmallInt(1), SmallInt(2), SmallInt(3), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Multiply, lhs: 2, rhs: 3, }, BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Add, lhs: 1, rhs: 4, }, // 5 Assign { target: 0, expression: 5, }, MainBlock { body: vec![6], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("a")]), ) } #[test] fn arithmetic_assignment_with_nested_expression() { let sources = [ " a = (1 + 2) * 3 ", " a = (1 + 2) * 3 ", " a = (1 + 2) * 3 ", " a = (1 + 2) * 3 ", ]; check_ast_for_equivalent_sources( &sources, &[ Id(0), SmallInt(1), SmallInt(2), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Add, lhs: 1, rhs: 2, }, Nested(3), SmallInt(3), // 5 BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Multiply, lhs: 4, rhs: 5, }, Assign { target: 0, expression: 6, }, MainBlock { body: vec![7], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("a")]), ) } } mod logic { use super::*; #[test] fn and_or() { let source = "0 < 1 and 1 > 0 or true"; check_ast( source, &[ SmallInt(0), SmallInt(1), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Less, lhs: 0, rhs: 1, }, SmallInt(1), SmallInt(0), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Greater, lhs: 3, rhs: 4, }, BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::And, lhs: 2, rhs: 5, }, BoolTrue, BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Or, lhs: 6, rhs: 7, }, MainBlock { body: vec![8], local_count: 0, }, ], None, ) } #[test] fn chained_comparisons() { let source = "0 < 1 <= 1"; check_ast( source, &[ SmallInt(0), SmallInt(1), SmallInt(1), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::LessOrEqual, lhs: 1, rhs: 2, }, BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Less, lhs: 0, rhs: 3, }, MainBlock { body: vec![4], local_count: 0, }, ], None, ) } } mod control_flow { use super::*; #[test] fn if_inline() { let source = "1 + if true then 0 else 1"; check_ast( source, &[ SmallInt(1), BoolTrue, SmallInt(0), SmallInt(1), If(AstIf { condition: 1, then_node: 2, else_if_blocks: vec![], else_node: Some(3), }), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Add, lhs: 0, rhs: 4, }, MainBlock { body: vec![5], local_count: 0, }, ], None, ) } #[test] fn if_block() { let sources = [ " a = if false 0 else if true 1 else if false 0 else 1 a", " a = if false 0 else if true 1 else if false 0 else 1 a", " a = if false 0 else if true 1 else if false 0 else 1 a", ]; check_ast_for_equivalent_sources( &sources, &[ Id(0), BoolFalse, SmallInt(0), BoolTrue, SmallInt(1), BoolFalse, // 5 SmallInt(0), SmallInt(1), If(AstIf { condition: 1, then_node: 2, else_if_blocks: vec![(3, 4), (5, 6)], else_node: Some(7), }), Assign { target: 0, expression: 8, }, Id(0), MainBlock { body: vec![9, 10], local_count: 1, }, // 10 ], Some(&[Constant::Str("a")]), ) } #[test] fn if_inline_multi_expressions() { let source = "a, b = if true then 0, 1 else 1, 0"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), Id(1), BoolTrue, SmallInt(0), SmallInt(1), Tuple(vec![3, 4]), // 5 SmallInt(1), SmallInt(0), Tuple(vec![6, 7]), If(AstIf { condition: 2, then_node: 5, else_if_blocks: vec![], else_node: Some(8), }), MultiAssign { targets: vec![0, 1], expression: 9, }, // 10 MainBlock { body: vec![10], local_count: 2, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("a"), Constant::Str("b")]), ) } #[test] fn if_block_in_function_followed_by_id() { let source = " || if true return x "; check_ast( source, &[ BoolTrue, Return(None), If(AstIf { condition: 0, then_node: 1, else_if_blocks: vec![], else_node: None, }), Id(0), Block(vec![2, 3]), Function(koto_parser::Function { args: vec![], local_count: 0, accessed_non_locals: vec![0], body: 4, is_variadic: false, is_generator: false, }), // 5 MainBlock { body: vec![5], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x")]), ) } } mod loops { use super::*; #[test] fn for_block() { let source = "\ for x, _, _y, z in foo z x"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), // x Wildcard(None), Wildcard(Some(1)), // _y Id(2), // z Id(3), // foo Id(0), // x - 5 NamedCall { id: 2, // z args: vec![5], }, For(AstFor { args: vec![0, 1, 2, 3], iterable: 4, body: 6, }), MainBlock { body: vec![7], local_count: 2, // x, z }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("y"), Constant::Str("z"), Constant::Str("foo"), ]), ) } #[test] fn while_block() { let source = "\ while x > y f x"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), // x Id(1), // y BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Greater, lhs: 0, rhs: 1, }, Id(0), // x NamedCall { id: 2, // f args: vec![3], }, While { condition: 2, body: 4, }, // 5 MainBlock { body: vec![5], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("y"), Constant::Str("f")]), ) } #[test] fn until_block() { let source = "\ until x < y f y"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), // x Id(1), // y BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Less, lhs: 0, rhs: 1, }, Id(1), // y NamedCall { id: 2, // f args: vec![3], }, Until { condition: 2, body: 4, }, // 5 MainBlock { body: vec![5], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("y"), Constant::Str("f")]), ) } #[test] fn for_block_after_array() { // A case that failed parsing at the start of the for block, // expecting an expression in the main block. let source = "\ [] for x in y x"; check_ast( source, &[ List(vec![]), Id(0), // x Id(1), // y Id(0), // x For(AstFor { args: vec![1], iterable: 2, body: 3, }), MainBlock { body: vec![0, 4], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("y")]), ) } #[test] fn for_with_range_from_lookup_call() { let source = "\ for a in y a "; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), // a Id(1), // x Id(3), // y Lookup(( LookupNode::Call { args: vec![2], with_parens: false, }, None, )), Lookup((LookupNode::Id(2), Some(3))), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(1), Some(4))), // ast 5 Id(0), // a For(AstFor { args: vec![0], iterable: 5, body: 6, }), MainBlock { body: vec![7], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("a"), Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("zip"), Constant::Str("y"), ]), ) } } mod functions { use super::*; #[test] fn inline_no_args() { let source = " a = || 42 a()"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), SmallInt(42), Function(koto_parser::Function { args: vec![], local_count: 0, accessed_non_locals: vec![], body: 1, is_variadic: false, is_generator: false, }), Assign { target: 0, expression: 2, }, Id(0), Lookup(( LookupNode::Call { args: vec![], with_parens: true, }, None, )), // 5 Lookup((LookupNode::Root(4), Some(5))), MainBlock { body: vec![3, 6], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("a")]), ) } #[test] fn inline_two_args() { let sources = [ " |x, y| x + y ", " | x, y, | x + y ", ]; check_ast_for_equivalent_sources( &sources, &[ Id(0), Id(1), Id(0), Id(1), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Add, lhs: 2, rhs: 3, }, Function(koto_parser::Function { args: vec![0, 1], local_count: 2, accessed_non_locals: vec![], body: 4, is_variadic: false, is_generator: false, }), // 5 MainBlock { body: vec![5], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("y")]), ) } #[test] fn inline_var_args() { let source = "|x, y...| x + y.size()"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), Id(1), Id(0), Id(1), Lookup(( LookupNode::Call { args: vec![], with_parens: true, }, None, )), Lookup((LookupNode::Id(2), Some(4))), // 5 Lookup((LookupNode::Root(3), Some(5))), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Add, lhs: 2, rhs: 6, }, Function(koto_parser::Function { args: vec![0, 1], local_count: 2, accessed_non_locals: vec![], body: 7, is_variadic: true, is_generator: false, }), MainBlock { body: vec![8], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("y"), Constant::Str("size"), ]), ) } #[test] fn with_body() { let source = "\ f = |x| y = x y f 42"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), // f Id(1), // x Id(2), // y Id(1), // x Assign { target: 2, expression: 3, }, Id(2), // 5 Block(vec![4, 5]), Function(koto_parser::Function { args: vec![1], local_count: 2, accessed_non_locals: vec![], body: 6, is_variadic: false, is_generator: false, }), Assign { target: 0, expression: 7, }, SmallInt(42), NamedCall { id: 0, args: vec![9], }, // 10 MainBlock { body: vec![8, 10], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("f"), Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("y")]), ) } #[test] fn with_body_nested() { let source = "\ f = |x| y = |z| z y x f 42"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), // f Id(1), // x Id(2), // y Id(3), // z Id(3), // z Function(koto_parser::Function { args: vec![3], local_count: 1, accessed_non_locals: vec![], body: 4, is_variadic: false, is_generator: false, }), // 5 Assign { target: 2, expression: 5, }, Id(1), // x NamedCall { id: 2, // y args: vec![7], }, Block(vec![6, 8]), Function(koto_parser::Function { args: vec![1], local_count: 2, accessed_non_locals: vec![], body: 9, is_variadic: false, is_generator: false, }), // 10 Assign { target: 0, expression: 10, }, SmallInt(42), NamedCall { id: 0, // f args: vec![12], }, MainBlock { body: vec![11, 13], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("f"), Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("y"), Constant::Str("z"), ]), ) } #[test] fn call_negative_arg() { let source = "f x, -x"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(1), Id(1), UnaryOp { op: AstUnaryOp::Negate, value: 1, }, NamedCall { id: 0, // f args: vec![0, 2], }, MainBlock { body: vec![3], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("f"), Constant::Str("x")]), ) } #[test] fn call_arithmetic_arg() { let source = "f x - 1"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(1), SmallInt(1), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Subtract, lhs: 0, rhs: 1, }, NamedCall { id: 0, // f args: vec![2], }, MainBlock { body: vec![3], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("f"), Constant::Str("x")]), ) } #[test] fn call_with_parentheses() { let sources = [ " f(x, -x) ", " f(x,-x) ", " f( x, -x ) ", " f(x, -x) ", ]; check_ast_for_equivalent_sources( &sources, &[ Id(0), Id(1), Id(1), UnaryOp { op: AstUnaryOp::Negate, value: 2, }, Lookup(( LookupNode::Call { args: vec![1, 3], with_parens: true, }, None, )), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(0), Some(4))), MainBlock { body: vec![5], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("f"), Constant::Str("x")]), ) } #[test] fn call_without_parentheses() { let sources = [ " foo x, y ", " foo x,y ", " foo x, y ", " foo x, y ", ]; check_ast_for_equivalent_sources( &sources, &[ Id(1), Id(2), NamedCall { id: 0, // foo args: vec![0, 1], }, MainBlock { body: vec![2], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("foo"), Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("y")]), ) } #[test] fn call_with_indented_function_arg() { let source = " foo x, |y| y"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(1), Id(2), Id(2), Function(koto_parser::Function { args: vec![1], local_count: 1, accessed_non_locals: vec![], body: 2, is_variadic: false, is_generator: false, }), NamedCall { id: 0, // foo args: vec![0, 3], }, MainBlock { body: vec![4], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("foo"), Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("y")]), ) } #[test] fn calls_with_comment_between() { let source = " f x # Indented comment shouldn't break parsing f x"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(1), NamedCall { id: 0, args: vec![0], }, Id(1), NamedCall { id: 0, args: vec![2], }, // 5 MainBlock { body: vec![1, 3], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("f"), Constant::Str("x")]), ) } #[test] fn recursive_call() { let source = "f = |x| f x"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), // f Id(1), // x Id(1), // x NamedCall { id: 0, // f args: vec![2], }, Function(koto_parser::Function { args: vec![1], local_count: 1, accessed_non_locals: vec![0], body: 3, is_variadic: false, is_generator: false, }), Assign { target: 0, expression: 4, }, // 5 MainBlock { body: vec![5], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("f"), Constant::Str("x")]), ) } #[test] fn recursive_calls_multi_assign() { let source = "f, g = (|x| f x), (|x| g x)"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), // f Id(1), // g Id(2), // x Id(2), NamedCall { id: 0, args: vec![3], }, Function(koto_parser::Function { args: vec![2], local_count: 1, accessed_non_locals: vec![0], body: 4, is_variadic: false, is_generator: false, }), // 5 Nested(5), Id(2), // x Id(2), // x NamedCall { id: 1, // g args: vec![8], }, Function(koto_parser::Function { args: vec![7], local_count: 1, accessed_non_locals: vec![1], body: 9, is_variadic: false, is_generator: false, }), // 10 Nested(10), TempTuple(vec![6, 11]), MultiAssign { targets: vec![0, 1], expression: 12, }, MainBlock { body: vec![13], local_count: 2, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("f"), Constant::Str("g"), Constant::Str("x")]), ) } #[test] fn call_with_pipe() { let source = "f x >> g >> h"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(1), // x NamedCall { id: 0, // f args: vec![0], }, Id(2), // g BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Pipe, lhs: 1, rhs: 2, }, Id(3), // h BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Pipe, lhs: 3, rhs: 4, }, // 5 MainBlock { body: vec![5], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("f"), Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("g"), Constant::Str("h"), ]), ) } #[test] fn indented_piped_calls_after_lookup() { let source = " x >> y >> z "; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), // foo Id(2), // x Lookup(( LookupNode::Call { args: vec![1], with_parens: false, }, None, )), Lookup((LookupNode::Id(1), Some(2))), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(0), Some(3))), Id(3), // 5 - y BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Pipe, lhs: 4, rhs: 5, }, Id(4), // z BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Pipe, lhs: 6, rhs: 7, }, MainBlock { body: vec![8], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("foo"), Constant::Str("bar"), Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("y"), Constant::Str("z"), ]), ) } #[test] fn instance_function() { let source = "{foo: 42, bar: |x| = x}"; check_ast( source, &[ SmallInt(42), Id(2), // x Self_, // self Lookup((LookupNode::Id(0), None)), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(2), Some(3))), Id(2), // 5 Assign { target: 4, expression: 5, }, Function(koto_parser::Function { args: vec![1], local_count: 1, accessed_non_locals: vec![], body: 6, is_variadic: false, is_generator: false, }), Map(vec![(MapKey::Id(0), Some(0)), (MapKey::Id(1), Some(7))]), MainBlock { body: vec![8], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("foo"), Constant::Str("bar"), Constant::Str("x"), ]), ) } #[test] fn function_map_block() { let source = " f = || foo: x bar: 0 "; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), Id(2), SmallInt(0), Map(vec![(MapKey::Id(1), Some(1)), (MapKey::Id(3), Some(2))]), Function(koto_parser::Function { args: vec![], local_count: 0, accessed_non_locals: vec![2], body: 3, is_variadic: false, is_generator: false, }), Assign { target: 0, expression: 4, }, MainBlock { body: vec![5], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("f"), Constant::Str("foo"), Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("bar"), ]), ) } #[test] fn function_map_block_with_nested_map_as_first_entry() { let source = " f = || foo: bar: x baz: 0 "; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), // f Id(3), // x Map(vec![ (MapKey::Id(2), Some(1)), // bar: x ]), SmallInt(0), Map(vec![ (MapKey::Id(1), Some(2)), // foo: ... (MapKey::Id(4), Some(3)), // baz: 0 ]), Function(koto_parser::Function { args: vec![], local_count: 0, accessed_non_locals: vec![3], body: 4, is_variadic: false, is_generator: false, }), // 5 Assign { target: 0, expression: 5, }, MainBlock { body: vec![6], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("f"), Constant::Str("foo"), Constant::Str("bar"), Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("baz"), ]), ) } #[test] fn instance_function_block() { let source = " f = || foo: 42 bar: |x| = x f()"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), SmallInt(42), Id(3), // x Self_, Lookup((LookupNode::Id(1), None)), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(3), Some(4))), // 5 Id(3), Assign { target: 5, expression: 6, }, Function(koto_parser::Function { args: vec![2], local_count: 1, accessed_non_locals: vec![], body: 7, is_variadic: false, is_generator: false, }), // 10 Map(vec![(MapKey::Id(1), Some(1)), (MapKey::Id(2), Some(8))]), Function(koto_parser::Function { args: vec![], local_count: 0, accessed_non_locals: vec![], body: 9, is_variadic: false, is_generator: false, }), Assign { target: 0, expression: 10, }, Id(0), Lookup(( LookupNode::Call { args: vec![], with_parens: true, }, None, )), // 15 Lookup((LookupNode::Root(12), Some(13))), MainBlock { body: vec![11, 14], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("f"), Constant::Str("foo"), Constant::Str("bar"), Constant::Str("x"), ]), ) } #[test] fn nested_function_with_loops_and_ifs() { let source = "\ f = |n| f2 = |n| for i in 0..1 if i == n return i f2 "; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), // f Id(1), // n Id(2), // f2 Id(1), Id(3), // i SmallInt(0), // ast 5 SmallInt(1), Range { start: 5, end: 6, inclusive: false, }, Id(3), // i Id(1), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Equal, lhs: 8, rhs: 9, }, // ast 10 Id(3), Return(Some(11)), If(AstIf { condition: 10, then_node: 12, else_if_blocks: vec![], else_node: None, }), For(AstFor { args: vec![4], iterable: 7, body: 13, }), Function(koto_parser::Function { args: vec![3], local_count: 2, accessed_non_locals: vec![], body: 14, is_variadic: false, is_generator: false, }), // ast 15 Assign { target: 2, expression: 15, }, Id(2), Block(vec![16, 17]), Function(koto_parser::Function { args: vec![1], local_count: 2, accessed_non_locals: vec![], body: 18, is_variadic: false, is_generator: false, }), Assign { target: 0, expression: 19, }, // ast 20 MainBlock { body: vec![20], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("f"), Constant::Str("n"), Constant::Str("f2"), Constant::Str("i"), ]), ) } #[test] fn non_local_access() { let source = " || x = x + 1 x "; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), Id(0), SmallInt(1), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Add, lhs: 1, rhs: 2, }, Assign { target: 0, expression: 3, }, Id(0), // 5 Block(vec![4, 5]), Function(koto_parser::Function { args: vec![], local_count: 1, accessed_non_locals: vec![0], // initial read of x via capture body: 6, is_variadic: false, is_generator: false, }), MainBlock { body: vec![7], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x")]), ) } #[test] fn access_after_previous_assignment() { // In this example, b should not be counted as a non-local let source = " || a = (b = 1), b "; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), Id(1), SmallInt(1), Assign { target: 1, expression: 2, }, Nested(3), Id(1), // 5 Tuple(vec![4, 5]), Assign { target: 0, expression: 6, }, Function(koto_parser::Function { args: vec![], local_count: 2, accessed_non_locals: vec![], // b is locally assigned when accessed body: 7, is_variadic: false, is_generator: false, }), MainBlock { body: vec![8], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("a"), Constant::Str("b")]), ) } #[test] fn non_local_update_assignment() { let source = " || x += 1 "; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), SmallInt(1), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::AddAssign, lhs: 0, rhs: 1, }, Function(koto_parser::Function { args: vec![], local_count: 0, accessed_non_locals: vec![0], // initial read of x via capture body: 2, is_variadic: false, is_generator: false, }), MainBlock { body: vec![3], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x")]), ) } #[test] fn call_with_function() { let source = "\ z = y [0..20], |x| x > 1 y z"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), // z SmallInt(0), SmallInt(20), Range { start: 1, end: 2, inclusive: false, }, List(vec![3]), Id(2), // 5 - x Id(2), SmallInt(1), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Greater, lhs: 6, rhs: 7, }, Function(koto_parser::Function { args: vec![5], local_count: 1, accessed_non_locals: vec![], body: 8, is_variadic: false, is_generator: false, }), NamedCall { id: 1, // y args: vec![4, 9], }, // 10 Assign { target: 0, expression: 10, }, Id(0), // z NamedCall { id: 1, // y args: vec![12], }, MainBlock { body: vec![11, 13], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("z"), Constant::Str("y"), Constant::Str("x")]), ) } #[test] fn generator_function() { let source = "|| yield 1"; check_ast( source, &[ SmallInt(1), Yield(0), Function(koto_parser::Function { args: vec![], local_count: 0, accessed_non_locals: vec![], body: 1, is_variadic: false, is_generator: true, }), MainBlock { body: vec![2], local_count: 0, }, ], None, ) } #[test] fn generator_multiple_values() { let source = "|| yield 1, 0"; check_ast( source, &[ SmallInt(1), SmallInt(0), Tuple(vec![0, 1]), Yield(2), Function(koto_parser::Function { args: vec![], local_count: 0, accessed_non_locals: vec![], body: 3, is_variadic: false, is_generator: true, }), MainBlock { body: vec![4], local_count: 0, }, ], None, ) } #[test] fn generator_yielding_a_map() { let source = " || yield foo: 42 "; check_ast( source, &[ SmallInt(42), Map(vec![(MapKey::Id(0), Some(0))]), Yield(1), Function(koto_parser::Function { args: vec![], local_count: 0, accessed_non_locals: vec![], body: 2, is_variadic: false, is_generator: true, }), MainBlock { body: vec![3], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("foo")]), ) } #[test] fn unpack_call_args() { let sources = [ " |a, (_, (others..., c, _d)), _e| a ", " | a, ( _, (others..., c, _d) ), _e | a ", ]; check_ast_for_equivalent_sources( &sources, &[ Id(0), // a Wildcard(None), Ellipsis(Some(1)), // others Id(2), // c Wildcard(Some(3)), // d Tuple(vec![2, 3, 4]), // ast index 5 Tuple(vec![1, 5]), Wildcard(Some(4)), // e Id(0), Function(koto_parser::Function { args: vec![0, 6, 7], local_count: 3, accessed_non_locals: vec![], body: 8, is_variadic: false, is_generator: false, }), MainBlock { body: vec![9], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("a"), Constant::Str("others"), Constant::Str("c"), Constant::Str("d"), Constant::Str("e"), ]), ) } } mod lookups { use super::*; #[test] fn indexed_assignment() { let source = "a[0] = a[1]"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), SmallInt(0), Lookup((LookupNode::Index(1), None)), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(0), Some(2))), Id(0), SmallInt(1), // 5 Lookup((LookupNode::Index(5), None)), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(4), Some(6))), Assign { target: 3, expression: 7, }, MainBlock { body: vec![8], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("a")]), ) } #[test] fn index_range_full() { let source = "x[..]"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), RangeFull, Lookup((LookupNode::Index(1), None)), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(0), Some(2))), MainBlock { body: vec![3], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x")]), ) } #[test] fn index_range_to() { let source = "x[..3]"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), SmallInt(3), RangeTo { end: 1, inclusive: false, }, Lookup((LookupNode::Index(2), None)), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(0), Some(3))), MainBlock { body: vec![4], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x")]), ) } #[test] fn index_range_from_and_sub_index() { let source = "x[10..][0]"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), SmallInt(10), RangeFrom { start: 1 }, SmallInt(0), Lookup((LookupNode::Index(3), None)), Lookup((LookupNode::Index(2), Some(4))), // 5 Lookup((LookupNode::Root(0), Some(5))), MainBlock { body: vec![6], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x")]), ) } #[test] fn lookup_id() { let source = ""; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), Lookup((LookupNode::Id(1), None)), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(0), Some(1))), MainBlock { body: vec![2], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("foo")]), ) } #[test] fn lookup_call() { let source = ""; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), Lookup(( LookupNode::Call { args: vec![], with_parens: true, }, None, )), Lookup((LookupNode::Id(1), Some(1))), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(0), Some(2))), MainBlock { body: vec![3], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("bar")]), ) } #[test] fn lookup_call_arithmetic_arg() { let source = " - 1"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), Lookup(( LookupNode::Call { args: vec![], with_parens: true, }, None, )), Lookup((LookupNode::Id(1), Some(1))), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(0), Some(2))), SmallInt(1), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Subtract, lhs: 3, rhs: 4, }, // 5 MainBlock { body: vec![5], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("bar")]), ) } #[test] fn lookup_assignment() { let source = r#""baz" = 1 "#; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), Lookup(( LookupNode::Str(AstString { quote: StringQuote::Double, contents: StringContents::Literal(2), }), None, )), Lookup(( LookupNode::Call { args: vec![], with_parens: true, }, Some(1), )), Lookup((LookupNode::Id(1), Some(2))), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(0), Some(3))), SmallInt(1), // 5 Assign { target: 4, expression: 5, }, MainBlock { body: vec![6], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("bar"), Constant::Str("baz"), ]), ) } #[test] fn lookup_space_separated_call() { let source = " 42"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), SmallInt(42), Lookup(( LookupNode::Call { args: vec![1], with_parens: false, }, None, )), Lookup((LookupNode::Id(1), Some(2))), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(0), Some(3))), MainBlock { body: vec![4], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("foo")]), ) } #[test] fn lookup_indentation_separated_call() { let source = " 42 "; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), SmallInt(42), Lookup(( LookupNode::Call { args: vec![1], with_parens: false, }, None, )), Lookup((LookupNode::Id(1), Some(2))), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(0), Some(3))), MainBlock { body: vec![4], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("foo")]), ) } #[test] fn lookup_indentation_separated_with_map_arg() { let source = " x.takes_a_map foo: 42 "; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), // x SmallInt(42), Map(vec![ (MapKey::Id(2), Some(1)), // foo: 42 ]), Lookup(( LookupNode::Call { args: vec![2], with_parens: false, }, None, )), Lookup((LookupNode::Id(1), Some(3))), // takes_a_map Lookup((LookupNode::Root(0), Some(4))), // @5 MainBlock { body: vec![5], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("takes_a_map"), Constant::Str("foo"), ]), ) } #[test] fn map_lookup_in_list() { let sources = [ "[,]", " [ my_map .foo , my_map .bar ] ", " [, my_map .bar ] ", ]; check_ast_for_equivalent_sources( &sources, &[ Id(0), Lookup((LookupNode::Id(1), None)), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(0), Some(1))), Id(0), Lookup((LookupNode::Id(2), None)), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(3), Some(4))), // 5 List(vec![2, 5]), MainBlock { body: vec![6], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("my_map"), Constant::Str("foo"), Constant::Str("bar"), ]), ) } #[test] fn lookups_on_call_result() { let source = "(f x).foo"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(1), // x NamedCall { id: 0, // f args: vec![0], }, Nested(1), Lookup((LookupNode::Id(2), None)), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(2), Some(3))), MainBlock { body: vec![4], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("f"), Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("foo")]), ) } #[test] fn index_on_call_result() { let source = "(f x)[0]"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(1), // x NamedCall { id: 0, // f args: vec![0], }, Nested(1), SmallInt(0), Lookup((LookupNode::Index(3), None)), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(2), Some(4))), // 5 MainBlock { body: vec![5], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("f"), Constant::Str("x")]), ) } #[test] fn call_on_call_result() { let source = "(f x)(y)"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(1), // x NamedCall { id: 0, // f args: vec![0], }, Nested(1), Id(2), // y Lookup(( LookupNode::Call { args: vec![3], with_parens: true, }, None, )), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(2), Some(4))), // 5 MainBlock { body: vec![5], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("f"), Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("y")]), ) } #[test] fn lookup_on_number() { let source = "1.sin()"; check_ast( source, &[ SmallInt(1), Lookup(( LookupNode::Call { args: vec![], with_parens: true, }, None, )), Lookup((LookupNode::Id(0), Some(1))), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(0), Some(2))), MainBlock { body: vec![3], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("sin")]), ) } #[test] fn lookup_on_string() { let source = "'fox'.ends_with 'x'"; check_ast( source, &[ string_literal(0, StringQuote::Single), string_literal(2, StringQuote::Single), Lookup(( LookupNode::Call { args: vec![1], with_parens: false, }, None, )), Lookup((LookupNode::Id(1), Some(2))), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(0), Some(3))), MainBlock { body: vec![4], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("fox"), Constant::Str("ends_with"), Constant::Str("x"), ]), ) } #[test] fn lookup_on_tuple() { let sources = [ " x = (0, 1).contains y ", " x = (0, 1) .contains y ", " x = ( 0 , 1) .contains y ", ]; check_ast_for_equivalent_sources( &sources, &[ Id(0), SmallInt(0), SmallInt(1), Tuple(vec![1, 2]), Id(2), Lookup(( LookupNode::Call { args: vec![4], with_parens: false, }, None, )), // 5 Lookup((LookupNode::Id(1), Some(5))), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(3), Some(6))), Assign { target: 0, expression: 7, }, MainBlock { body: vec![8], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("contains"), Constant::Str("y"), ]), ) } #[test] fn lookup_on_list() { let sources = [ " x = [0, 1].contains y ", " x = [0, 1] .contains y ", " x = [ 0 , 1] .contains y ", ]; check_ast_for_equivalent_sources( &sources, &[ Id(0), SmallInt(0), SmallInt(1), List(vec![1, 2]), Id(2), Lookup(( LookupNode::Call { args: vec![4], with_parens: false, }, None, )), // 5 Lookup((LookupNode::Id(1), Some(5))), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(3), Some(6))), Assign { target: 0, expression: 7, }, MainBlock { body: vec![8], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("contains"), Constant::Str("y"), ]), ) } #[test] fn lookup_on_map() { let sources = [ " x = {y, z}.values() ", " x = {y, z} .values() ", " x = {y, z} .values() ", " x = { y , z} .values() ", ]; check_ast_for_equivalent_sources( &sources, &[ Id(0), Map(vec![(MapKey::Id(1), None), (MapKey::Id(2), None)]), Lookup(( LookupNode::Call { args: vec![], with_parens: true, }, None, )), Lookup((LookupNode::Id(3), Some(2))), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(1), Some(3))), Assign { target: 0, expression: 4, }, // 5 MainBlock { body: vec![5], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("y"), Constant::Str("z"), Constant::Str("values"), ]), ) } #[test] fn lookup_on_range_same_line() { let source = "(0..1).size()"; check_ast( source, &[ SmallInt(0), SmallInt(1), Range { start: 0, end: 1, inclusive: false, }, Nested(2), Lookup(( LookupNode::Call { args: vec![], with_parens: true, }, None, )), Lookup((LookupNode::Id(0), Some(4))), // 5 Lookup((LookupNode::Root(3), Some(5))), MainBlock { body: vec![6], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("size")]), ) } #[test] fn lookup_on_range_next_line() { let source = " 0..1 .size() "; check_ast( source, &[ SmallInt(0), SmallInt(1), Range { start: 0, end: 1, inclusive: false, }, Lookup(( LookupNode::Call { args: vec![], with_parens: true, }, None, )), Lookup((LookupNode::Id(0), Some(3))), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(2), Some(4))), // 5 MainBlock { body: vec![5], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("size")]), ) } #[test] fn nested_lookup_call() { let source = "((x).contains y)"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), Nested(0), Id(2), Lookup(( LookupNode::Call { args: vec![2], with_parens: false, }, None, )), Lookup((LookupNode::Id(1), Some(3))), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(1), Some(4))), // 5 Nested(5), MainBlock { body: vec![6], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("contains"), Constant::Str("y"), ]), ) } #[test] fn multiline_lookup() { let source = " x.iter() .skip 1 .to_tuple() "; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), SmallInt(1), Lookup(( LookupNode::Call { args: vec![], with_parens: true, }, None, )), Lookup((LookupNode::Id(3), Some(2))), Lookup(( LookupNode::Call { args: vec![1], with_parens: false, }, Some(3), )), Lookup((LookupNode::Id(2), Some(4))), // 5 Lookup(( LookupNode::Call { args: vec![], with_parens: true, }, Some(5), )), Lookup((LookupNode::Id(1), Some(6))), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(0), Some(7))), MainBlock { body: vec![8], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("iter"), Constant::Str("skip"), Constant::Str("to_tuple"), ]), ) } #[test] fn lookup_followed_by_continued_expression_on_next_line() { let source = " or foo.baz or false "; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), Lookup((LookupNode::Id(1), None)), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(0), Some(1))), Id(0), Lookup((LookupNode::Id(2), None)), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(3), Some(4))), // 5 BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Or, lhs: 2, rhs: 5, }, BoolFalse, BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Or, lhs: 6, rhs: 7, }, MainBlock { body: vec![8], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("foo"), Constant::Str("bar"), Constant::Str("baz"), ]), ) } } mod keywords { use super::*; #[test] fn flow() { let source = "\ break continue return return 1"; check_ast( source, &[ Break(None), Continue, Return(None), SmallInt(1), Return(Some(3)), MainBlock { body: vec![0, 1, 2, 4], local_count: 0, }, ], None, ) } #[test] fn expressions() { let source = r#" not true debug x + x assert_eq x, "hello" "#; check_ast( source, &[ BoolTrue, UnaryOp { op: AstUnaryOp::Not, value: 0, }, Id(0), Id(0), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Add, lhs: 2, rhs: 3, }, Debug { expression_string: 1, expression: 4, }, // 5 Id(0), // x string_literal(3, StringQuote::Double), NamedCall { id: 2, args: vec![6, 7], }, MainBlock { body: vec![1, 5, 8], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("x + x"), Constant::Str("assert_eq"), Constant::Str("hello"), ]), ) } } mod import { use super::*; fn import_id(id: ConstantIndex) -> ImportItem { ImportItem { item: id.into(), name: None, } } fn import_string(literal_index: ConstantIndex, quotation_mark: StringQuote) -> ImportItem { ImportItem { item: simple_string(literal_index, quotation_mark).into(), name: None, } } #[test] fn import_single_item() { let source = "import foo"; check_ast( source, &[ Import { from: vec![], items: vec![import_id(0)], }, MainBlock { body: vec![0], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("foo")]), ) } #[test] fn import_item_as() { let source = "import foo as bar"; check_ast( source, &[ Import { from: vec![], items: vec![ImportItem { item: 0.into(), name: Some(1), }], }, MainBlock { body: vec![0], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("foo"), Constant::Str("bar")]), ) } #[test] fn import_from_module() { let source = "from foo import bar"; check_ast( source, &[ Import { from: vec![0.into()], items: vec![import_id(1)], }, MainBlock { body: vec![0], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("foo"), Constant::Str("bar")]), ) } #[test] fn import_item_used_in_assignment() { let source = "x = from foo import bar"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), Import { from: vec![1.into()], items: vec![import_id(2)], }, Assign { target: 0, expression: 1, }, MainBlock { body: vec![2], local_count: 2, // x and bar both assigned locally }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("foo"), Constant::Str("bar"), ]), ) } #[test] fn import_items() { let sources = [ "import foo, 'bar', baz", " import foo, 'bar', baz, ", " import foo, 'bar', baz ", ]; check_ast_for_equivalent_sources( &sources, &[ Import { from: vec![], items: vec![ import_id(0), import_string(1, StringQuote::Single), import_id(2), ], }, MainBlock { body: vec![0], local_count: 2, // foo and baz, bar needs to be assigned }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("foo"), Constant::Str("bar"), Constant::Str("baz"), ]), ) } #[test] fn import_items_from() { let sources = [ "from foo import bar, baz", " from foo import bar, baz ", " from foo import bar, baz, ", ]; check_ast_for_equivalent_sources( &sources, &[ Import { from: vec![0.into()], items: vec![import_id(1), import_id(2)], }, MainBlock { body: vec![0], local_count: 2, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("foo"), Constant::Str("bar"), Constant::Str("baz"), ]), ) } #[test] fn import_nested_items() { let source = "from 'foo'.bar import abc, xyz"; check_ast( source, &[ Import { from: vec![simple_string(0, StringQuote::Single).into(), 1.into()], items: vec![import_id(2), import_id(3)], }, MainBlock { body: vec![0], local_count: 2, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("foo"), Constant::Str("bar"), Constant::Str("abc"), Constant::Str("xyz"), ]), ) } } mod error_handling { use super::*; #[test] fn try_catch() { let source = "\ try f() catch e debug e "; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), Lookup(( LookupNode::Call { args: vec![], with_parens: true, }, None, )), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(0), Some(1))), Id(1), // e Id(1), Debug { expression_string: 1, expression: 4, }, // ast 5 Try(AstTry { try_block: 2, catch_arg: 3, catch_block: 5, finally_block: None, }), MainBlock { body: vec![6], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("f"), Constant::Str("e")]), ) } #[test] fn try_catch_ignored_catch_arg() { let source = "\ try x catch _ y "; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), Wildcard(None), Id(1), Try(AstTry { try_block: 0, catch_arg: 1, catch_block: 2, finally_block: None, }), MainBlock { body: vec![3], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("y")]), ) } #[test] fn try_catch_ignored_catch_arg_with_name() { let source = "\ try x catch _error y "; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), // x Wildcard(Some(1)), // error Id(2), // y Try(AstTry { try_block: 0, catch_arg: 1, catch_block: 2, finally_block: None, }), MainBlock { body: vec![3], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("error"), Constant::Str("y"), ]), ) } #[test] fn try_catch_finally() { let source = "\ try f() catch e debug e finally 0 "; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), Lookup(( LookupNode::Call { args: vec![], with_parens: true, }, None, )), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(0), Some(1))), Id(1), // e Id(1), Debug { expression_string: 1, expression: 4, }, // ast 5 SmallInt(0), Try(AstTry { try_block: 2, catch_arg: 3, catch_block: 5, finally_block: Some(6), }), MainBlock { body: vec![7], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("f"), Constant::Str("e")]), ) } #[test] fn throw_value() { let source = "throw x"; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), Throw(0), MainBlock { body: vec![1], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x")]), ) } #[test] fn throw_string() { let source = "throw 'error!'"; check_ast( source, &[ string_literal(0, StringQuote::Single), Throw(0), MainBlock { body: vec![1], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("error!")]), ) } #[test] fn throw_map() { let source = r#" throw data: x message: "error!" "#; check_ast( source, &[ Id(1), string_literal(3, StringQuote::Double), Map(vec![(MapKey::Id(0), Some(0)), (MapKey::Id(2), Some(1))]), Throw(2), MainBlock { body: vec![3], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("data"), Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("message"), Constant::Str("error!"), ]), ) } } mod match_and_switch { use super::*; #[test] fn assign_from_match_with_alternative_patterns() { let source = r#" x = match y 0 or 1 then 42 z then -1 "#; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), Id(1), SmallInt(0), SmallInt(1), SmallInt(42), Id(2), // 5 SmallInt(-1), Match { expression: 1, arms: vec![ MatchArm { patterns: vec![2, 3], condition: None, expression: 4, }, MatchArm { patterns: vec![5], condition: None, expression: 6, }, ], }, Assign { target: 0, expression: 7, }, MainBlock { body: vec![8], local_count: 2, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("y"), Constant::Str("z")]), ) } #[test] fn match_string_literals() { let source = r#" match x 'foo' then 99 "bar" or "baz" then break "#; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), string_literal(1, StringQuote::Single), SmallInt(99), string_literal(2, StringQuote::Double), string_literal(3, StringQuote::Double), Break(None), // 5 Match { expression: 0, arms: vec![ MatchArm { patterns: vec![1], condition: None, expression: 2, }, MatchArm { patterns: vec![3, 4], condition: None, expression: 5, }, ], }, MainBlock { body: vec![6], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("foo"), Constant::Str("bar"), Constant::Str("baz"), ]), ) } #[test] fn match_tuple() { let source = r#" match (x, y, z) (0, a, _) then a (_, (0, b), _foo) then 0 "#; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), Id(1), Id(2), Tuple(vec![0, 1, 2]), SmallInt(0), Id(3), // 5 Wildcard(None), Tuple(vec![4, 5, 6]), Id(3), Wildcard(None), SmallInt(0), // 10 Id(4), Tuple(vec![10, 11]), Wildcard(Some(5)), Tuple(vec![9, 12, 13]), SmallInt(0), // 15 Match { expression: 3, arms: vec![ MatchArm { patterns: vec![7], condition: None, expression: 8, }, MatchArm { patterns: vec![14], condition: None, expression: 15, }, ], }, MainBlock { body: vec![16], local_count: 2, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("y"), Constant::Str("z"), Constant::Str("a"), Constant::Str("b"), Constant::Str("foo"), ]), ) } #[test] fn match_tuple_subslice() { let source = r#" match x (..., 0) then 0 (1, ...) then 1 "#; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), Ellipsis(None), SmallInt(0), Tuple(vec![1, 2]), SmallInt(0), SmallInt(1), // 5 Ellipsis(None), Tuple(vec![5, 6]), SmallInt(1), Match { expression: 0, arms: vec![ MatchArm { patterns: vec![3], condition: None, expression: 4, }, MatchArm { patterns: vec![7], condition: None, expression: 8, }, ], }, MainBlock { body: vec![9], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x")]), ) } #[test] fn match_tuple_subslice_with_id() { let source = r#" match y (rest..., 0, 1) then 0 (1, 0, others...) then 1 "#; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), Ellipsis(Some(1)), SmallInt(0), SmallInt(1), Tuple(vec![1, 2, 3]), SmallInt(0), // 5 SmallInt(1), SmallInt(0), Ellipsis(Some(2)), Tuple(vec![6, 7, 8]), SmallInt(1), // 10 Match { expression: 0, arms: vec![ MatchArm { patterns: vec![4], condition: None, expression: 5, }, MatchArm { patterns: vec![9], condition: None, expression: 10, }, ], }, MainBlock { body: vec![11], local_count: 2, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("y"), Constant::Str("rest"), Constant::Str("others"), ]), ) } #[test] fn match_with_conditions_and_block() { let source = r#" match x z if z > 5 then 0 z if z < 10 then 1 z then -1 "#; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), Id(1), Id(1), SmallInt(5), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Greater, lhs: 2, rhs: 3, }, SmallInt(0), // 5 Id(1), Id(1), SmallInt(10), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Less, lhs: 7, rhs: 8, }, SmallInt(1), // 10 Id(1), SmallInt(-1), Match { expression: 0, arms: vec![ MatchArm { patterns: vec![1], condition: Some(4), expression: 5, }, MatchArm { patterns: vec![6], condition: Some(9), expression: 10, }, MatchArm { patterns: vec![11], condition: None, expression: 12, }, ], }, MainBlock { body: vec![13], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("z")]), ) } #[test] fn match_multi_expression() { let source = " match x, y 0, 1 or 2, 3 if z then 0 a, () then a else 0 "; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), Id(1), TempTuple(vec![0, 1]), SmallInt(0), SmallInt(1), TempTuple(vec![3, 4]), // 5 SmallInt(2), SmallInt(3), TempTuple(vec![6, 7]), Id(2), SmallInt(0), // 10 Id(3), Null, TempTuple(vec![11, 12]), Id(3), SmallInt(0), // 15 Match { expression: 2, arms: vec![ MatchArm { patterns: vec![5, 8], condition: Some(9), expression: 10, }, MatchArm { patterns: vec![13], condition: None, expression: 14, }, MatchArm { patterns: vec![], condition: None, expression: 15, }, ], }, MainBlock { body: vec![16], local_count: 1, }, ], Some(&[ Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("y"), Constant::Str("z"), Constant::Str("a"), ]), ) } #[test] fn match_expression_is_lookup_call() { let source = " match 42 null then 0 else 1 "; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), SmallInt(42), Lookup(( LookupNode::Call { args: vec![1], with_parens: false, }, None, )), Lookup((LookupNode::Id(1), Some(2))), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(0), Some(3))), Null, // 5 SmallInt(0), SmallInt(1), Match { expression: 4, arms: vec![ MatchArm { patterns: vec![5], condition: None, expression: 6, }, MatchArm { patterns: vec![], condition: None, expression: 7, }, ], }, MainBlock { body: vec![8], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("foo")]), ) } #[test] fn match_pattern_is_lookup() { let source = " match x then 0 "; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), Id(1), Lookup((LookupNode::Id(2), None)), Lookup((LookupNode::Root(1), Some(2))), SmallInt(0), Match { expression: 0, arms: vec![MatchArm { patterns: vec![3], condition: None, expression: 4, }], }, MainBlock { body: vec![5], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("y"), Constant::Str("foo")]), ) } #[test] fn match_arm_is_throw_expression() { let source = " match x 0 then 1 else throw 'nope' "; check_ast( source, &[ Id(0), SmallInt(0), SmallInt(1), string_literal(1, StringQuote::Single), Throw(3), Match { expression: 0, arms: vec![ MatchArm { patterns: vec![1], condition: None, expression: 2, }, MatchArm { patterns: vec![], condition: None, expression: 4, }, ], }, // 5 MainBlock { body: vec![5], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x"), Constant::Str("nope")]), ) } #[test] fn switch_expression() { let source = " switch 1 == 0 then 0 a > b then 1 else a "; check_ast( source, &[ SmallInt(1), SmallInt(0), BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Equal, lhs: 0, rhs: 1, }, SmallInt(0), Id(0), Id(1), // 5 BinaryOp { op: AstBinaryOp::Greater, lhs: 4, rhs: 5, }, SmallInt(1), Id(0), Switch(vec![ SwitchArm { condition: Some(2), expression: 3, }, SwitchArm { condition: Some(6), expression: 7, }, SwitchArm { condition: None, expression: 8, }, ]), MainBlock { body: vec![9], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("a"), Constant::Str("b")]), ) } #[test] fn switch_arm_is_debug_expression() { let source = " switch true then 1 else debug x "; check_ast( source, &[ BoolTrue, SmallInt(1), Id(0), Debug { expression_string: 0, expression: 2, }, Switch(vec![ SwitchArm { condition: Some(0), expression: 1, }, SwitchArm { condition: None, expression: 3, }, ]), MainBlock { body: vec![4], local_count: 0, }, ], Some(&[Constant::Str("x")]), ) } } }