# kp ![kp](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/makovich/kp/assets/kp-howto.gif "quick intro") ## Features * macOS, Linux * [KDBX v4](https://keepass.info/help/kb/kdbx_4.html) * fuzzy matching prompt with [skim](https://github.com/lotabout/skim/) * as well as sidewise preview * support system clipboard (macOS, X11 in Linux) * master password store/load from [Keychain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keychain_(software)) and [keyrings](http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/keyrings.7.html) * easy scripting (e.g. `RESTIC_PASSWORD_COMMAND="kp homebackup"`) ## Install Use [releases page](https://github.com/makovich/kp/releases) or install from crates.io with `cargo`: ``` $ cargo install kp # or without clipboard support $ cargo install kp --no-default-features ``` ## Usage ``` $ kp --help kp 0.2.0 KeePass KDBX4 password reader. Usage: kp [options] [] [] kp --help Commands: clip Copy password and clear clipboard after specified amount of time. This is default command if no other provided. info Display entry's info. Alias `show`. Options: -d, --database KDBX file path. -k, --key-file Path to the key file unlocking the database. -p, --use-keyring Store password for the database in the OS's keyring. -P, --remove-key Remove database's password from OS's keyring and exit. -G, --no-group Show entries without group(s). -v, --preview Preview entry during picking. -f, --full-screen Use all available screen for picker. -t, --timeout Timeout in seconds before clearing the clipboard. Default to 15 seconds. 0 means no clean-up. -h, --help -V, --version Environment variables: KP_DEFAULTS Set default arguments (see examples). Examples: Open a database and copy password to the clipboard after selection: $ kp --database /root/secrets.kdbx Set default database, secret file and options via environment variable: export KP_DEFAULTS="-d$HOME/my.kdbx -k$HOME/.secret -pGt7" Display selector and then print entry's info: $ kp info Copy password if only single entry found otherwise display selector: $ kp clip gmail `clip` command name can be omitted: $ kp gmail Print password to STDOUT: $ kp github.com | cat Read password from STDIN: $ cat /mnt/usb/key | kp ``` ## License MIT/Unlicensed