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Developed for [autograph](https://github.com/charles-r-earp/autograph). - Similar functionality to CUDA and OpenCL. - Supports GPU's and other Vulkan 1.2 capable devices. - MacOS / iOS supported via [MoltenVK](https://github.com/KhronosGroup/MoltenVK). - Kernels are written inline, entirely in Rust. - Simple iterator patterns can be implemented without unsafe. - Supports inline [SPIR-V](https://www.khronos.org/spir) assembly. - DebugPrintf integration, generates backtraces for panics. - Buffers on the host can be accessed natively as Vecs and slices. # krnlc Kernel compiler for krnl. - Built on [spirv-builder](https://github.com/EmbarkStudios/rust-gpu/tree/main/crates/spirv-builder). - Supports dependencies defined in Cargo.toml. - Uses [spirv-tools](https://github.com/EmbarkStudios/spirv-tools-rs) to validate and optimize. - Compiles to "krnl-cache.rs", so the crate will build on stable Rust. See the docs for installation and usage instructions. # Installing For device functionality (kernels), install [Vulkan](https://www.vulkan.org) for your platform. - For development, it's recomended to install the [LunarG Vulkan SDK](https://www.lunarg.com/vulkan-sdk/), which includes additional tools: - vulkaninfo - Validation layers - DebugPrintf - spirv-tools - This is used by krnlc for spirv validation and optimization. - krnlc builds by default without needing spirv-tools to be installed. ## Test - Check that `vulkaninfo --summary` shows your devices. - Instance version should be >= 1.2. - Alternatively, check that `cargo test --test integration_tests -- --exact none` shows your devices. - You can run all the tests with `cargo test --all-features`. # Getting Started See the [docs](https://docs.rs/krnl) or build them locally with `cargo doc --all-features`. # Example ```rust use krnl::{ macros::module, anyhow::Result, device::Device, buffer::{Buffer, Slice, SliceMut}, }; #[module] mod kernels { #[cfg(not(target_arch = "spirv"))] use krnl::krnl_core; use krnl_core::macros::kernel; pub fn saxpy_impl(alpha: f32, x: f32, y: &mut f32) { *y += alpha * x; } // Item kernels for iterator patterns. #[kernel] pub fn saxpy(alpha: f32, #[item] x: f32, #[item] y: &mut f32) { saxpy_impl(alpha, x, y); } // General purpose kernels like CUDA / OpenCL. #[kernel] pub fn saxpy_global(alpha: f32, #[global] x: Slice, #[global] y: UnsafeSlice) { use krnl_core::buffer::UnsafeIndex; let global_id = kernel.global_id(); if global_id < x.len().min(y.len()) { saxpy_impl(alpha, x[global_id], unsafe { y.unsafe_index_mut(global_id) }); } } } fn saxpy(alpha: f32, x: Slice, mut y: SliceMut) -> Result<()> { if let Some((x, y)) = x.as_host_slice().zip(y.as_host_slice_mut()) { x.iter() .copied() .zip(y.iter_mut()) .for_each(|(x, y)| kernels::saxpy_impl(alpha, x, y)); return Ok(()); } if true { kernels::saxpy::builder()? .build(y.device())? .dispatch(alpha, x, y) } else { // or kernels::saxpy_global::builder()? .build(y.device())? .with_global_threads(y.len() as u32) .dispatch(alpha, x, y) } } fn main() -> Result<()> { let x = vec![1f32]; let alpha = 2f32; let y = vec![0f32]; let device = Device::builder().build().ok().unwrap_or(Device::host()); let x = Buffer::from(x).into_device(device.clone())?; let mut y = Buffer::from(y).into_device(device.clone())?; saxpy(alpha, x.as_slice(), y.as_slice_mut())?; let y = y.into_vec()?; println!("{y:?}"); Ok(()) } ``` # Performance _NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 with Max-Q Design_ [benches/compute-benches](benches/compute-benches) ## alloc | | `krnl` | `cuda` | `ocl` | | :--------------- | :------------------------- | :-------------------------------- | :------------------------------ | | **`1,000,000`** | `316.90 ns` (✅ **1.00x**) | `112.84 us` (❌ _356.06x slower_) | `495.45 ns` (❌ _1.56x slower_) | | **`10,000,000`** | `318.15 ns` (✅ **1.00x**) | `1.10 ms` (❌ _3454.98x slower_) | `506.82 ns` (❌ _1.59x slower_) | | **`64,000,000`** | `317.56 ns` (✅ **1.00x**) | `6.31 ms` (❌ _19854.77x slower_) | `506.15 ns` (❌ _1.59x slower_) | ## upload | | `krnl` | `cuda` | `ocl` | | :--------------- | :------------------------- | :-------------------------------- | :------------------------------ | | **`1,000,000`** | `332.66 us` (✅ **1.00x**) | `359.18 us` (✅ **1.08x slower**) | `773.51 us` (❌ _2.33x slower_) | | **`10,000,000`** | `4.83 ms` (✅ **1.00x**) | `3.69 ms` (✅ **1.31x faster**) | `8.76 ms` (❌ _1.81x slower_) | | **`64,000,000`** | `25.24 ms` (✅ **1.00x**) | `24.34 ms` (✅ **1.04x faster**) | `57.02 ms` (❌ _2.26x slower_) | ## download | | `krnl` | `cuda` | `ocl` | | :--------------- | :------------------------- | :-------------------------------- | :------------------------------ | | **`1,000,000`** | `584.39 us` (✅ **1.00x**) | `447.38 us` (✅ **1.31x faster**) | `20.17 ms` (❌ _34.52x slower_) | | **`10,000,000`** | `5.67 ms` (✅ **1.00x**) | `4.03 ms` (✅ **1.41x faster**) | `20.15 ms` (❌ _3.55x slower_) | | **`64,000,000`** | `28.82 ms` (✅ **1.00x**) | `25.57 ms` (✅ **1.13x faster**) | `37.01 ms` (❌ _1.28x slower_) | ## zero | | `krnl` | `cuda` | `ocl` | | :--------------- | :------------------------- | :-------------------------------- | :-------------------------------- | | **`1,000,000`** | `38.15 us` (✅ **1.00x**) | `25.28 us` (✅ **1.51x faster**) | `34.12 us` (✅ **1.12x faster**) | | **`10,000,000`** | `250.90 us` (✅ **1.00x**) | `242.95 us` (✅ **1.03x faster**) | `251.86 us` (✅ **1.00x slower**) | | **`64,000,000`** | `1.53 ms` (✅ **1.00x**) | `1.55 ms` (✅ **1.01x slower**) | `1.56 ms` (✅ **1.02x slower**) | ## saxpy | | `krnl` | `cuda` | `ocl` | | :--------------- | :------------------------- | :-------------------------------- | :-------------------------------- | | **`1,000,000`** | `90.76 us` (✅ **1.00x**) | `81.16 us` (✅ **1.12x faster**) | `88.94 us` (✅ **1.02x faster**) | | **`10,000,000`** | `746.92 us` (✅ **1.00x**) | `770.03 us` (✅ **1.03x slower**) | `779.90 us` (✅ **1.04x slower**) | | **`64,000,000`** | `4.71 ms` (✅ **1.00x**) | `4.90 ms` (✅ **1.04x slower**) | `4.91 ms` (✅ **1.04x slower**) | # License Dual-licensed to be compatible with the Rust project. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 or the MIT license http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT, at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. # Contribution Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.