# publish order 1. krnl-macros 2. krnl-core 3. krnl 4. krnlc # publishing 1. Create a new branch ie "publish-v0.1.0". 2. Bump all crates to the next version, removing the prerelease, ie "=0.1.0". 3. Update krnlc lockfile. 4. Recompile with the new krnlc version. 5. Set publish to true for workspace / krnlc. 6. Commit and push the new branch. 7. PR to merge with main. Wait for CI and merge. 8. Pull the merged main. 9. Tag main with the version, ie `git tag v0.1.0`. 10. Push the tag `git push origin v0.1.0`. 11. Move into each crate directory and cargo publish. # bumping next pre-release 1. Set publish to false for workspace / krnlc. 2. Bump all versions to the next version with prerelease "alpha", ie "=0.1.1-alpha". 3. Update krnlc lockfile. 4. Recompile with the new krnlc version. 5. Commit and push to main.