# About Date/time CLI utility *See also the [`kron-lib`] crate.* [`kron-lib`]: https://crates.io/crates/kron-lib # Usage ``` $ kron -h Date/time CLI utility Usage: kron [OPTIONS] [ARG]... Arguments: [ARG]... Argument ["%s[%.f]" timestamp, default: now] Options: -f, --format Format (COMPACT, ISO8601, ISO8601NS) [default: ISO8601] -r, --readme Print readme -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ``` $ kron -V kron 2.1.0 ``` # Examples ## Now ``` $ kron 2023-05-29T14:43:19Z ``` ## Alternate formats ``` $ kron -f COMPACT 20230529-144319Z ``` ``` $ kron -f ISO8601NS 2023-05-29T14:43:19.240644157Z ``` ## Custom formats ``` $ kron -f '[hour]:[minute]' 14:43 ``` ``` $ kron -f '[weekday repr:long], [month repr:long] [day], [year]' Monday, May 29, 2023 ``` ## Single timestamp ``` $ kron 0 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z ``` ## Multiple timestamps ``` $ kron 0 3600 7200 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z 1970-01-01T01:00:00Z 1970-01-01T02:00:00Z ``` ## Subsecond timestamp ``` $ kron -f ISO8601NS 626609862.1234 1989-11-09T10:17:42.123400000Z ``` ## Invalid timestamp ``` $ kron not-a-timestamp Error: Invalid timestamp: "not-a-timestamp" ``` # Format syntax Component | Description ---|--- `[day {padding:{zero,space,none}}]` | Day of month `[hour {padding:{zero,space,none},repr:{12,24}}]` | Clock hour `[minute {padding:{zero,space,none}}]` | Minute within the clock hour `[month {padding:{zero,space,none},repr:{numerical,long,short},case_sensitive:{true,false}}]` | Month `[offset_hour {padding:{zero,space,none},sign:{automatic,mandatory}}]` | Whole hours offset from UTC `[offset_minute {padding:{zero,space,none}]` | Minutes within the hour offset from UTC `[offset_second {padding:{zero,space,none}]` | Seconds within the minute offset from UTC `[ordinal {padding:{zero,space,none}}]` | Day of year `[period {case:{lower,upper},case_sensitive:{true,false}}]` | AM/PM `[second {padding:{zero,space,none}}]` | Second within the clock minute `[subsecond {digits:1+,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}]` | Subsecond within the clock second `[unix_timestamp {precision:{second,millisecond,microsecond,nanosecond},sign:{automatic,mandatory}}]` | Unix timestamp `[week_number {padding:{zero,space,none},repr:{iso,sunday,monday}}]` | Week of the year `[weekday {repr:{long,short,sunday,monday},one_indexed:{false,true},case_sensitive:{true,false}}]` | Day of the week `[year {padding:{zero,space,none},repr:{full,last_two},base:{calendar,iso_week},sign:{automatic,mandatory}}]` | Year See for additional details.