use krpc::*; use tokio::time; struct MySub; impl SubcribeCallback<(String, i32)> for MySub { fn callback(&mut self, data: (String, i32)) -> bool { assert_eq!(&data.0, "hello"); assert_eq!(data.1, 100i32); false } } async fn start_server(addr: &str) -> std::io::Result<()> { let mut service = Server::new(); service.bind( "test_notargs_and_notret", callback!(|| { println!("test_notargs_and_notret called"); }), ); service.bind( "test_notret", callback!(|s: String| { println!("str is {}", s); }), ); service.bind("test_notargs", callback!(|| -> String { String::from("test_notargs called!") })); service.bind( "test_has_args_and_ret", callback!(|a0: i32, a1: i16, a2: i8, a3: bool| -> String { format!("{} {} {} {}", a0, a1, a2, a3) }), ); let publisher = service.publisher(); tokio::spawn(async move { let mut interval = time::interval(time::Duration::from_secs(1)); loop { publisher.push("sub", ("hello", 100)); interval.tick().await; } }); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_call_macro() -> Result<(), Error> { let task = tokio::spawn(async move { let _ = start_server("/tmp/local/unix").await; }); time::sleep(time::Duration::new(1, 0)).await; let _ = call!(unix, "/tmp/local/unix", test_notargs_and_notret()).await?; let _ = call!(unix, "/tmp/local/unix", test_notret("hello client")).await?; let ret = call!(unix, "/tmp/local/unix", test_notargs() -> String).await?; assert_eq!(&ret, "test_notargs called!"); let ret = call!(unix, "/tmp/local/unix", test_has_args_and_ret(10000, 1000, 10, true) -> String).await?; assert_eq!(&ret, "10000 1000 10 true"); task.abort(); Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn test_subcribe_macro() -> Result<(), Error> { let task = tokio::spawn(async move { let _ = start_server("/tmp/local/unix").await; }); time::sleep(time::Duration::new(1, 0)).await; let mut sub = MySub; //test subcribe with trait subcribe!(unix, "/tmp/local/unix", "sub", &mut sub).await?; let task2 = tokio::spawn(async move { //test subcribe with lambda subcribe!(unix, "/tmp/local/unix", "sub", |s: String, v: i32| { assert_eq!(&s, "hello"); assert_eq!(v, 100i32); }) .await }); time::sleep(time::Duration::new(2, 0)).await; task2.abort(); task.abort(); Ok(()) } define!(unix, RPC1, fn test_notargs_and_notret(), fn test_notret(s:&'static str), fn test_notargs()->String, fn test_has_args_and_ret(a:i32,b:i16,c:i8,d:bool)->String, sub sub(topic:&'static str, v:&mut MySub) ); define!(unix, RPC2, sub sub1(topic:&'static str, f:impl FnMut((String,i32))), sub sub2(topic:&'static str, v:&mut MySub) ); #[tokio::test] async fn test_client_server() -> Result<(), Error> { let task = tokio::spawn(async move { let _ = start_server("/tmp/local/unix").await; }); time::sleep(time::Duration::new(1, 0)).await; let rpc = RPC1::new("/tmp/local/unix").await?; let _ = rpc.test_notargs_and_notret().await?; let _ = rpc.test_notret("hello client").await?; let ret = rpc.test_notargs().await?; assert_eq!(&ret, "test_notargs called!"); let ret = rpc.test_has_args_and_ret(10000, 1000, 10, true).await?; assert_eq!(&ret, "10000 1000 10 true"); let mut v = MySub; rpc.sub("sub", &mut v).await?; task.abort(); Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn test_multi_subcribe() -> Result<(), Error> { let task = tokio::spawn(async move { let _ = start_server("/tmp/local/unix").await; }); time::sleep(time::Duration::new(1, 0)).await; let rpc = RPC2::new("/tmp/local/unix").await?; let mut v = MySub; let _ = rpc.sub2("sub", &mut v).await?; let task2 = tokio::spawn(async move { rpc.sub1("sub", |(s, id)| { assert_eq!(&s, "hello"); assert_eq!(id, 100i32); }) .await }); time::sleep(time::Duration::new(3, 0)).await; task2.abort(); task.abort(); Ok(()) }