{ "KRPC": { "id": 1, "documentation": "\n\nMain kRPC service, used by clients to interact with basic server functionality.\n\n", "procedures": { "GetClientID": { "id": 1, "parameters": [], "return_type": { "code": "BYTES" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nReturns the identifier for the current client.\n\n" }, "GetClientName": { "id": 2, "parameters": [], "return_type": { "code": "STRING" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nReturns the name of the current client.\nThis is an empty string if the client has no name.\n\n" }, "GetStatus": { "id": 3, "parameters": [], "return_type": { "code": "STATUS" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nReturns some information about the server, such as the version.\n\n" }, "GetServices": { "id": 4, "parameters": [], "return_type": { "code": "SERVICES" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nReturns information on all services, procedures, classes, properties etc. provided by the server.\nCan be used by client libraries to automatically create functionality such as stubs.\n\n" }, "AddStream": { "id": 5, "parameters": [ { "name": "call", "type": { "code": "PROCEDURE_CALL" } }, { "name": "start", "type": { "code": "BOOL" }, "default_value": "AQ==" } ], "return_type": { "code": "STREAM" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nAdd a streaming request and return its identifier.\n\n" }, "StartStream": { "id": 6, "parameters": [ { "name": "id", "type": { "code": "UINT64" } } ], "documentation": "\n\nStart a previously added streaming request.\n\n" }, "SetStreamRate": { "id": 7, "parameters": [ { "name": "id", "type": { "code": "UINT64" } }, { "name": "rate", "type": { "code": "FLOAT" } } ], "documentation": "\n\nSet the update rate for a stream in Hz.\n\n" }, "RemoveStream": { "id": 8, "parameters": [ { "name": "id", "type": { "code": "UINT64" } } ], "documentation": "\n\nRemove a streaming request.\n\n" }, "AddEvent": { "id": 9, "parameters": [ { "name": "expression", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "EVENT" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nCreate an event from a server side expression.\n\n" }, "get_Clients": { "id": 10, "parameters": [], "return_type": { "code": "LIST", "types": [ { "code": "TUPLE", "types": [ { "code": "BYTES" }, { "code": "STRING" }, { "code": "STRING" } ] } ] }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nA list of RPC clients that are currently connected to the server.\nEach entry in the list is a clients identifier, name and address.\n\n" }, "get_CurrentGameScene": { "id": 11, "parameters": [], "return_type": { "code": "ENUMERATION", "service": "KRPC", "name": "GameScene" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nGet the current game scene.\n\n" }, "get_Paused": { "id": 12, "parameters": [], "return_type": { "code": "BOOL" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nWhether the game is paused.\n\n" }, "set_Paused": { "id": 13, "parameters": [ { "name": "value", "type": { "code": "BOOL" } } ], "documentation": "\n\nWhether the game is paused.\n\n" }, "Expression_static_ConstantDouble": { "id": 14, "parameters": [ { "name": "value", "type": { "code": "DOUBLE" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nA constant value of double precision floating point type.\n\n\n" }, "Expression_static_ConstantFloat": { "id": 15, "parameters": [ { "name": "value", "type": { "code": "FLOAT" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nA constant value of single precision floating point type.\n\n\n" }, "Expression_static_ConstantInt": { "id": 16, "parameters": [ { "name": "value", "type": { "code": "SINT32" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nA constant value of integer type.\n\n\n" }, "Expression_static_ConstantBool": { "id": 17, "parameters": [ { "name": "value", "type": { "code": "BOOL" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nA constant value of boolean type.\n\n\n" }, "Expression_static_ConstantString": { "id": 18, "parameters": [ { "name": "value", "type": { "code": "STRING" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nA constant value of string type.\n\n\n" }, "Expression_static_Call": { "id": 19, "parameters": [ { "name": "call", "type": { "code": "PROCEDURE_CALL" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nAn RPC call.\n\n\n" }, "Expression_static_Equal": { "id": 20, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg0", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } }, { "name": "arg1", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nEquality comparison.\n\n\n\n" }, "Expression_static_NotEqual": { "id": 21, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg0", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } }, { "name": "arg1", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nInequality comparison.\n\n\n\n" }, "Expression_static_GreaterThan": { "id": 22, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg0", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } }, { "name": "arg1", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nGreater than numerical comparison.\n\n\n\n" }, "Expression_static_GreaterThanOrEqual": { "id": 23, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg0", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } }, { "name": "arg1", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nGreater than or equal numerical comparison.\n\n\n\n" }, "Expression_static_LessThan": { "id": 24, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg0", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } }, { "name": "arg1", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nLess than numerical comparison.\n\n\n\n" }, "Expression_static_LessThanOrEqual": { "id": 25, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg0", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } }, { "name": "arg1", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nLess than or equal numerical comparison.\n\n\n\n" }, "Expression_static_And": { "id": 26, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg0", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } }, { "name": "arg1", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nBoolean and operator.\n\n\n\n" }, "Expression_static_Or": { "id": 27, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg0", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } }, { "name": "arg1", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nBoolean or operator.\n\n\n\n" }, "Expression_static_ExclusiveOr": { "id": 28, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg0", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } }, { "name": "arg1", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nBoolean exclusive-or operator.\n\n\n\n" }, "Expression_static_Not": { "id": 29, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nBoolean negation operator.\n\n\n" }, "Expression_static_Add": { "id": 30, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg0", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } }, { "name": "arg1", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nNumerical addition.\n\n\n\n" }, "Expression_static_Subtract": { "id": 31, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg0", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } }, { "name": "arg1", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nNumerical subtraction.\n\n\n\n" }, "Expression_static_Multiply": { "id": 32, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg0", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } }, { "name": "arg1", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nNumerical multiplication.\n\n\n\n" }, "Expression_static_Divide": { "id": 33, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg0", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } }, { "name": "arg1", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nNumerical division.\n\n\n\n" }, "Expression_static_Modulo": { "id": 34, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg0", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } }, { "name": "arg1", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nNumerical modulo operator.\n\n\n\nThe remainder of arg0 divided by arg1\n" }, "Expression_static_Power": { "id": 35, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg0", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } }, { "name": "arg1", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nNumerical power operator.\n\n\n\narg0 raised to the power of arg1, with type of arg0\n" }, "Expression_static_LeftShift": { "id": 36, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg0", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } }, { "name": "arg1", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nBitwise left shift.\n\n\n\n" }, "Expression_static_RightShift": { "id": 37, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg0", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } }, { "name": "arg1", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nBitwise right shift.\n\n\n\n" }, "Expression_static_Cast": { "id": 38, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } }, { "name": "type", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Type" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nPerform a cast to the given type.\n\n\nType to cast the argument to.\n" }, "Expression_static_Parameter": { "id": 39, "parameters": [ { "name": "name", "type": { "code": "STRING" } }, { "name": "type", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Type" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nA named parameter of type double.\n\nA named parameter.\nThe name of the parameter.\nThe type of the parameter.\n" }, "Expression_static_Function": { "id": 40, "parameters": [ { "name": "parameters", "type": { "code": "LIST", "types": [ { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } ] } }, { "name": "body", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nA function.\n\nA function.\nThe parameters of the function.\nThe body of the function.\n" }, "Expression_static_Invoke": { "id": 41, "parameters": [ { "name": "function", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } }, { "name": "args", "type": { "code": "DICTIONARY", "types": [ { "code": "STRING" }, { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } ] } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nA function call.\n\nA function call.\nThe function to call.\nThe arguments to call the function with.\n" }, "Expression_static_CreateTuple": { "id": 42, "parameters": [ { "name": "elements", "type": { "code": "LIST", "types": [ { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } ] } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nConstruct a tuple.\n\nThe tuple.\nThe elements.\n" }, "Expression_static_CreateList": { "id": 43, "parameters": [ { "name": "values", "type": { "code": "LIST", "types": [ { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } ] } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nConstruct a list.\n\nThe list.\nThe value. Should all be of the same type.\n" }, "Expression_static_CreateSet": { "id": 44, "parameters": [ { "name": "values", "type": { "code": "SET", "types": [ { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } ] } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nConstruct a set.\n\nThe set.\nThe values. Should all be of the same type.\n" }, "Expression_static_CreateDictionary": { "id": 45, "parameters": [ { "name": "keys", "type": { "code": "LIST", "types": [ { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } ] } }, { "name": "values", "type": { "code": "LIST", "types": [ { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } ] } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nConstruct a dictionary, from a list of corresponding keys and values.\n\nThe dictionary.\nThe keys. Should all be of the same type.\nThe values. Should all be of the same type.\n" }, "Expression_static_ToList": { "id": 46, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nConvert a collection to a list.\n\nThe collection as a list.\nThe collection.\n" }, "Expression_static_ToSet": { "id": 47, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nConvert a collection to a set.\n\nThe collection as a set.\nThe collection.\n" }, "Expression_static_Get": { "id": 48, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } }, { "name": "index", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nAccess an element in a tuple, list or dictionary.\n\nThe element.\nThe tuple, list or dictionary.\nThe index of the element to access.\nA zero indexed integer for a tuple or list, or a key for a dictionary.\n" }, "Expression_static_Count": { "id": 49, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nNumber of elements in a collection.\n\nThe number of elements in the collection.\nThe list, set or dictionary.\n" }, "Expression_static_Sum": { "id": 50, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nSum all elements of a collection.\n\nThe sum of the elements in the collection.\nThe list or set.\n" }, "Expression_static_Max": { "id": 51, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nMaximum of all elements in a collection.\n\nThe maximum elements in the collection.\nThe list or set.\n" }, "Expression_static_Min": { "id": 52, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nMinimum of all elements in a collection.\n\nThe minimum elements in the collection.\nThe list or set.\n" }, "Expression_static_Average": { "id": 53, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nMinimum of all elements in a collection.\n\nThe minimum elements in the collection.\nThe list or set.\n" }, "Expression_static_Select": { "id": 54, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } }, { "name": "func", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nRun a function on every element in the collection.\n\nThe modified collection.\nThe list or set.\nThe function.\n" }, "Expression_static_Where": { "id": 55, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } }, { "name": "func", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nRun a function on every element in the collection.\n\nThe modified collection.\nThe list or set.\nThe function.\n" }, "Expression_static_Contains": { "id": 56, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } }, { "name": "value", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nDetermine if a collection contains a value.\n\nWhether the collection contains a value.\nThe collection.\nThe value to look for.\n" }, "Expression_static_Aggregate": { "id": 57, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } }, { "name": "func", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nApplies an accumulator function over a sequence.\n\nThe accumulated value.\nThe collection.\nThe accumulator function.\n" }, "Expression_static_AggregateWithSeed": { "id": 58, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } }, { "name": "seed", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } }, { "name": "func", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nApplies an accumulator function over a sequence, with a given seed.\n\nThe accumulated value.\nThe collection.\nThe seed value.\nThe accumulator function.\n" }, "Expression_static_Concat": { "id": 59, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg1", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } }, { "name": "arg2", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nConcatenate two sequences.\n\nThe first sequence followed by the second sequence.\nThe first sequence.\nThe second sequence.\n" }, "Expression_static_OrderBy": { "id": 60, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } }, { "name": "key", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nOrder a collection using a key function.\n\nThe ordered collection.\nThe collection to order.\nA function that takes a value from the collection and generates a key to sort on.\n" }, "Expression_static_All": { "id": 61, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } }, { "name": "predicate", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nDetermine whether all items in a collection satisfy a boolean predicate.\n\nWhether all items satisfy the predicate.\nThe collection.\nThe predicate function.\n" }, "Expression_static_Any": { "id": 62, "parameters": [ { "name": "arg", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } }, { "name": "predicate", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Expression" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nDetermine whether any item in a collection satisfies a boolean predicate.\n\nWhether any item satisfies the predicate.\nThe collection.\nThe predicate function.\n" }, "Type_static_Double": { "id": 63, "parameters": [], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Type" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nDouble type.\n\n" }, "Type_static_Float": { "id": 64, "parameters": [], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Type" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nFloat type.\n\n" }, "Type_static_Int": { "id": 65, "parameters": [], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Type" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nInt type.\n\n" }, "Type_static_Bool": { "id": 66, "parameters": [], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Type" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nBool type.\n\n" }, "Type_static_String": { "id": 67, "parameters": [], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KRPC", "name": "Type" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nString type.\n\n" } }, "classes": { "Expression": { "documentation": "\n\nA server side expression.\n\n" }, "Type": { "documentation": "\n\nA server side expression.\n\n" } }, "enumerations": { "GameScene": { "documentation": "\n\nThe game scene. See .\n\n", "values": [ { "name": "SpaceCenter", "value": 0, "documentation": "\n\nThe game scene showing the Kerbal Space Center buildings.\n\n" }, { "name": "Flight", "value": 1, "documentation": "\n\nThe game scene showing a vessel in flight (or on the launchpad/runway).\n\n" }, { "name": "TrackingStation", "value": 2, "documentation": "\n\nThe tracking station.\n\n" }, { "name": "EditorVAB", "value": 3, "documentation": "\n\nThe Vehicle Assembly Building.\n\n" }, { "name": "EditorSPH", "value": 4, "documentation": "\n\nThe Space Plane Hangar.\n\n" } ] } }, "exceptions": { "ArgumentException": { "documentation": "\n\nA method was invoked where at least one of the passed arguments does not\nmeet the parameter specification of the method.\n\n" }, "ArgumentNullException": { "documentation": "\n\nA null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument.\n\n" }, "ArgumentOutOfRangeException": { "documentation": "\n\nThe value of an argument is outside the allowable range of values as defined by the invoked method.\n\n" }, "InvalidOperationException": { "documentation": "\n\nA method call was made to a method that is invalid\ngiven the current state of the object.\n\n" } } } }