{ "KerbalAlarmClock": { "id": 5, "documentation": "\n\nThis service provides functionality to interact with\nKerbal Alarm Clock.\n\n", "procedures": { "AlarmWithName": { "id": 1, "parameters": [ { "name": "name", "type": { "code": "STRING" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KerbalAlarmClock", "name": "Alarm" }, "return_is_nullable": true, "documentation": "\n\nGet the alarm with the given , or null\nif no alarms have that name. If more than one alarm has the name,\nonly returns one of them.\n\nName of the alarm to search for.\n" }, "AlarmsWithType": { "id": 2, "parameters": [ { "name": "type", "type": { "code": "ENUMERATION", "service": "KerbalAlarmClock", "name": "AlarmType" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "LIST", "types": [ { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KerbalAlarmClock", "name": "Alarm" } ] }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nGet a list of alarms of the specified .\n\nType of alarm to return.\n" }, "CreateAlarm": { "id": 3, "parameters": [ { "name": "type", "type": { "code": "ENUMERATION", "service": "KerbalAlarmClock", "name": "AlarmType" } }, { "name": "name", "type": { "code": "STRING" } }, { "name": "ut", "type": { "code": "DOUBLE" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KerbalAlarmClock", "name": "Alarm" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nCreate a new alarm and return it.\n\nType of the new alarm.\nName of the new alarm.\nTime at which the new alarm should trigger.\n" }, "get_Available": { "id": 4, "parameters": [], "return_type": { "code": "BOOL" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nWhether Kerbal Alarm Clock is available.\n\n" }, "get_Alarms": { "id": 5, "parameters": [], "return_type": { "code": "LIST", "types": [ { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KerbalAlarmClock", "name": "Alarm" } ] }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nA list of all the alarms.\n\n" }, "Alarm_Remove": { "id": 6, "parameters": [ { "name": "this", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KerbalAlarmClock", "name": "Alarm" } } ], "documentation": "\n\nRemoves the alarm.\n\n" }, "Alarm_get_Action": { "id": 7, "parameters": [ { "name": "this", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KerbalAlarmClock", "name": "Alarm" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "ENUMERATION", "service": "KerbalAlarmClock", "name": "AlarmAction" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nThe action that the alarm triggers.\n\n" }, "Alarm_set_Action": { "id": 8, "parameters": [ { "name": "this", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KerbalAlarmClock", "name": "Alarm" } }, { "name": "value", "type": { "code": "ENUMERATION", "service": "KerbalAlarmClock", "name": "AlarmAction" } } ], "documentation": "\n\nThe action that the alarm triggers.\n\n" }, "Alarm_get_Margin": { "id": 9, "parameters": [ { "name": "this", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KerbalAlarmClock", "name": "Alarm" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "DOUBLE" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nThe number of seconds before the event that the alarm will fire.\n\n" }, "Alarm_set_Margin": { "id": 10, "parameters": [ { "name": "this", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KerbalAlarmClock", "name": "Alarm" } }, { "name": "value", "type": { "code": "DOUBLE" } } ], "documentation": "\n\nThe number of seconds before the event that the alarm will fire.\n\n" }, "Alarm_get_Time": { "id": 11, "parameters": [ { "name": "this", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KerbalAlarmClock", "name": "Alarm" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "DOUBLE" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nThe time at which the alarm will fire.\n\n" }, "Alarm_set_Time": { "id": 12, "parameters": [ { "name": "this", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KerbalAlarmClock", "name": "Alarm" } }, { "name": "value", "type": { "code": "DOUBLE" } } ], "documentation": "\n\nThe time at which the alarm will fire.\n\n" }, "Alarm_get_Type": { "id": 13, "parameters": [ { "name": "this", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KerbalAlarmClock", "name": "Alarm" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "ENUMERATION", "service": "KerbalAlarmClock", "name": "AlarmType" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nThe type of the alarm.\n\n" }, "Alarm_get_ID": { "id": 14, "parameters": [ { "name": "this", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KerbalAlarmClock", "name": "Alarm" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "STRING" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nThe unique identifier for the alarm.\n\n" }, "Alarm_get_Name": { "id": 15, "parameters": [ { "name": "this", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KerbalAlarmClock", "name": "Alarm" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "STRING" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nThe short name of the alarm.\n\n" }, "Alarm_set_Name": { "id": 16, "parameters": [ { "name": "this", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KerbalAlarmClock", "name": "Alarm" } }, { "name": "value", "type": { "code": "STRING" } } ], "documentation": "\n\nThe short name of the alarm.\n\n" }, "Alarm_get_Notes": { "id": 17, "parameters": [ { "name": "this", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KerbalAlarmClock", "name": "Alarm" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "STRING" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nThe long description of the alarm.\n\n" }, "Alarm_set_Notes": { "id": 18, "parameters": [ { "name": "this", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KerbalAlarmClock", "name": "Alarm" } }, { "name": "value", "type": { "code": "STRING" } } ], "documentation": "\n\nThe long description of the alarm.\n\n" }, "Alarm_get_Remaining": { "id": 19, "parameters": [ { "name": "this", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KerbalAlarmClock", "name": "Alarm" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "DOUBLE" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nThe number of seconds until the alarm will fire.\n\n" }, "Alarm_get_Repeat": { "id": 20, "parameters": [ { "name": "this", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KerbalAlarmClock", "name": "Alarm" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "BOOL" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nWhether the alarm will be repeated after it has fired.\n\n" }, "Alarm_set_Repeat": { "id": 21, "parameters": [ { "name": "this", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KerbalAlarmClock", "name": "Alarm" } }, { "name": "value", "type": { "code": "BOOL" } } ], "documentation": "\n\nWhether the alarm will be repeated after it has fired.\n\n" }, "Alarm_get_RepeatPeriod": { "id": 22, "parameters": [ { "name": "this", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KerbalAlarmClock", "name": "Alarm" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "DOUBLE" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nThe time delay to automatically create an alarm after it has fired.\n\n" }, "Alarm_set_RepeatPeriod": { "id": 23, "parameters": [ { "name": "this", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KerbalAlarmClock", "name": "Alarm" } }, { "name": "value", "type": { "code": "DOUBLE" } } ], "documentation": "\n\nThe time delay to automatically create an alarm after it has fired.\n\n" }, "Alarm_get_Vessel": { "id": 24, "parameters": [ { "name": "this", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KerbalAlarmClock", "name": "Alarm" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "SpaceCenter", "name": "Vessel" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nThe vessel that the alarm is attached to.\n\n" }, "Alarm_set_Vessel": { "id": 25, "parameters": [ { "name": "this", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KerbalAlarmClock", "name": "Alarm" } }, { "name": "value", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "SpaceCenter", "name": "Vessel" } } ], "documentation": "\n\nThe vessel that the alarm is attached to.\n\n" }, "Alarm_get_XferOriginBody": { "id": 26, "parameters": [ { "name": "this", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KerbalAlarmClock", "name": "Alarm" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "SpaceCenter", "name": "CelestialBody" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nThe celestial body the vessel is departing from.\n\n" }, "Alarm_set_XferOriginBody": { "id": 27, "parameters": [ { "name": "this", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KerbalAlarmClock", "name": "Alarm" } }, { "name": "value", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "SpaceCenter", "name": "CelestialBody" } } ], "documentation": "\n\nThe celestial body the vessel is departing from.\n\n" }, "Alarm_get_XferTargetBody": { "id": 28, "parameters": [ { "name": "this", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KerbalAlarmClock", "name": "Alarm" } } ], "return_type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "SpaceCenter", "name": "CelestialBody" }, "return_is_nullable": false, "documentation": "\n\nThe celestial body the vessel is arriving at.\n\n" }, "Alarm_set_XferTargetBody": { "id": 29, "parameters": [ { "name": "this", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "KerbalAlarmClock", "name": "Alarm" } }, { "name": "value", "type": { "code": "CLASS", "service": "SpaceCenter", "name": "CelestialBody" } } ], "documentation": "\n\nThe celestial body the vessel is arriving at.\n\n" } }, "classes": { "Alarm": { "documentation": "\n\nRepresents an alarm. Obtained by calling\n,\n or\n.\n\n" } }, "enumerations": { "AlarmAction": { "documentation": "\n\nThe action performed by an alarm when it fires.\n\n", "values": [ { "name": "DoNothing", "value": 0, "documentation": "\n\nDon't do anything at all...\n\n" }, { "name": "DoNothingDeleteWhenPassed", "value": 1, "documentation": "\n\nDon't do anything, and delete the alarm.\n\n" }, { "name": "KillWarp", "value": 2, "documentation": "\n\nDrop out of time warp.\n\n" }, { "name": "KillWarpOnly", "value": 3, "documentation": "\n\nDrop out of time warp.\n\n" }, { "name": "MessageOnly", "value": 4, "documentation": "\n\nDisplay a message.\n\n" }, { "name": "PauseGame", "value": 5, "documentation": "\n\nPause the game.\n\n" } ] }, "AlarmType": { "documentation": "\n\nThe type of an alarm.\n\n", "values": [ { "name": "Raw", "value": 0, "documentation": "\n\nAn alarm for a specific date/time or a specific period in the future.\n\n" }, { "name": "Maneuver", "value": 1, "documentation": "\n\nAn alarm based on the next maneuver node on the current ships flight path.\nThis node will be stored and can be restored when you come back to the ship.\n\n" }, { "name": "ManeuverAuto", "value": 2, "documentation": "\n\nSee .\n\n" }, { "name": "Apoapsis", "value": 3, "documentation": "\n\nAn alarm for furthest part of the orbit from the planet.\n\n" }, { "name": "Periapsis", "value": 4, "documentation": "\n\nAn alarm for nearest part of the orbit from the planet.\n\n" }, { "name": "AscendingNode", "value": 5, "documentation": "\n\nAscending node for the targeted object, or equatorial ascending node.\n\n" }, { "name": "DescendingNode", "value": 6, "documentation": "\n\nDescending node for the targeted object, or equatorial descending node.\n\n" }, { "name": "Closest", "value": 7, "documentation": "\n\nAn alarm based on the closest approach of this vessel to the targeted\nvessel, some number of orbits into the future.\n\n" }, { "name": "Contract", "value": 8, "documentation": "\n\nAn alarm based on the expiry or deadline of contracts in career modes.\n\n" }, { "name": "ContractAuto", "value": 9, "documentation": "\n\nSee .\n\n" }, { "name": "Crew", "value": 10, "documentation": "\n\nAn alarm that is attached to a crew member.\n\n" }, { "name": "Distance", "value": 11, "documentation": "\n\nAn alarm that is triggered when a selected target comes within a chosen distance.\n\n" }, { "name": "EarthTime", "value": 12, "documentation": "\n\nAn alarm based on the time in the \"Earth\" alternative Universe (aka the Real World).\n\n" }, { "name": "LaunchRendevous", "value": 13, "documentation": "\n\nAn alarm that fires as your landed craft passes under the orbit of your target.\n\n" }, { "name": "SOIChange", "value": 14, "documentation": "\n\nAn alarm manually based on when the next SOI point is on the flight path\nor set to continually monitor the active flight path and add alarms as it\ndetects SOI changes.\n\n" }, { "name": "SOIChangeAuto", "value": 15, "documentation": "\n\nSee .\n\n" }, { "name": "Transfer", "value": 16, "documentation": "\n\nAn alarm based on Interplanetary Transfer Phase Angles, i.e. when should\nI launch to planet X? Based on Kosmo Not's post and used in Olex's\nCalculator.\n\n" }, { "name": "TransferModelled", "value": 17, "documentation": "\n\nSee .\n\n" } ] } }, "exceptions": {} } }