# kubectl-check ![Example](./docs/example.png) A CLI tool to prompt users for confirmation before running potentially unsafe kubectl commands. > [!IMPORTANT] > The prompt will be disabled if the command is excuted in non-interactive terminal. ## Installation - **Download the binary from releases** Head over to the [releases page](https://github.com/beleap/kubectl-check/releases) to download the binary. - **Using homebrew** ```bash brew tap beleap/tap brew install beleap/tap/kubectl-check ``` ## Tips - **Set alias** ```bash alias k="kubectl check" ``` - **Configure unsafe commands** Can be configured with `KUBECTL_CHECK_UNSAFE` environment variable. Provide a comma-delimited string like `edit,scale`. - Default unsafe commands can be found [here](https://github.com/BeLeap/kubectl-check/blob/main/src/main.rs#L63-L66).