[package] name = "kubectl-view-allocations" version = "0.20.1" authors = ["David Bernard"] edition = "2021" description = "kubectl plugin to list allocations (cpu, memory, gpu,... X utilization, requested, limit, allocatable,...)" readme = "README.md" license = "CC0-1.0" keywords = ["kubectl", "k8s"] repository = "https://github.com/davidB/kubectl-view-allocations" homepage = "https://github.com/davidB/kubectl-view-allocations" exclude = ["/.github", ".gitignore"] [dependencies] chrono = "0.4" clap = { version = "4.5", features = ["derive"] } color-eyre = "0.6" itertools = "0.13" k8s-openapi = { version = "0.23", default-features = false } kube = { version = "0.96", features = [ "client", "oauth", "gzip", "rustls-tls", "socks5", ], default-features = false } prettytable-rs = { version = "0.10", default-features = false, optional = true } serde = "1.0" serde_json = "1.0" thiserror = "1.0" tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"], optional = true } tracing = "0.1" tracing-bunyan-formatter = { version = "0.3", optional = true } tracing-error = "0.2.0" tracing-subscriber = { version = "0.3", optional = true, default-features = false, features = [ "env-filter", ] } [features] default = ["cli"] cli = [ "dep:tokio", "k8s-openapi/earliest", "dep:tracing-subscriber", "prettytable", ] prettytable = ["dep:prettytable-rs"] [[bin]] name = "kubectl-view-allocations" path = "src/main.rs" doc = false # HACK to define dependencies only for cli # see https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/issues/1982 required-features = ["cli"] [dev-dependencies] anyhow = "1" pretty_assertions = "1" [profile.release] lto = true panic = 'abort' opt-level = 'z' # Optimize for size. codegen-units = 1 strip = true [profile.dev.package.backtrace] opt-level = 3