default: just --list k8s_create_kind: # k3d cluster create "$CLUSTER_NAME" --agents 2 sudo systemctl start docker kind create cluster --name "$CLUSTER_NAME" kubectl cluster-info --context kind-"$CLUSTER_NAME" kubectl apply -f tests/metrics-server-components.yaml sleep 5 kubectl top node cargo run k8s_delete_kind: # k3d cluster delete "$CLUSTER_NAME" kind delete cluster --name "$CLUSTER_NAME" # k8s_create_kwok_in_container: # cp tests/kube_config-kwokcontainer.yaml $HOME/.kube/config-kwokcontainer.yaml # kubectl config --kubeconfig=config-kwokcontainer use-context kwok # podman run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 k8s_create_kwok: # echo "require docker, with podman I got timeout on my machine" kwokctl create cluster --name="$CLUSTER_NAME" kwokctl get clusters kubectl cluster-info --context kwok-"$CLUSTER_NAME" kwokctl scale node --replicas 2 --name="$CLUSTER_NAME" kubectl get node kubectl create deployment pod --image=pod --replicas=5 kubectl get pods -o wide echo "use '--accept-invalid-certs' with kube view-allocations" cargo run -- --accept-invalid-certs k8s_delete_kwok: kwokctl delete cluster --name="$CLUSTER_NAME"