# A Kubernetes API client library for Rust [crates.io]: https://crates.io/crates/kubernetes ## Status *Experimental.* - Get, put, list, and watch are implemented, using tokio futures/streams. - Client obeys `~/.kube/config` (or `$KUBECONFIG`) by default, as per golang client. TLS is supported. Client certificates are the only currently supported method of client authentication. - API objects are currently manually defined and incomplete. Additional 3rd-party object types can be defined via traits. - API resources do not yet have a representation in Rust. - API error handling is very naive. --- Example of listing all the pods in `kube-system` namespace. Results are streamed, limited to 20 results per page. ```rust extern crate kubernetes; extern crate tokio_core; use std::default::Default; use tokio_core::reactor::Core; use kubernetes::api; use kubernetes::client::{Client,ListOptions}; use kubernetes::api::core::v1::{Pod,PodList}; fn main() { let mut core = Core::new().unwrap(); let client = Client::new(2, &core.handle()).unwrap(); let pods = api::core::v1::GROUP_VERSION.with_resource("pods"); let namespace = Some("kube-system"); let opts = ListOptions{ limit: 20, ..Default::default() }; let work = client.iter::(&pods, namespace, opts) .for_each(|pod| { println!("pod is {}", pod.metadata.name.unwrap_or_default()); Ok(()) }); core.run(work).unwrap() } ```