use std::{ io::prelude::*, os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, RawFd}, }; use libc; use tempfile::NamedTempFile; use tokio_uring::buf::fixed::FixedBufRegistry; use tokio_uring::buf::{BoundedBuf, BoundedBufMut}; use tokio_uring::fs::File; #[path = "../src/"] #[allow(warnings)] mod future; const HELLO: &[u8] = b"hello world..."; async fn read_hello(file: &File) { let buf = Vec::with_capacity(1024); let (res, buf) = file.read_at(buf, 0).await; let n = res.unwrap(); assert_eq!(n, HELLO.len()); assert_eq!(&buf[..n], HELLO); } #[test] fn basic_read() { tokio_uring::start(async { let mut tempfile = tempfile(); tempfile.write_all(HELLO).unwrap(); let file = File::open(tempfile.path()).await.unwrap(); read_hello(&file).await; }); } #[test] fn basic_read_exact() { tokio_uring::start(async { let data = HELLO.repeat(1000); let buf = Vec::with_capacity(data.len()); let mut tempfile = tempfile(); tempfile.write_all(&data).unwrap(); let file = File::open(tempfile.path()).await.unwrap(); let (res, buf) = file.read_exact_at(buf, 0).await; res.unwrap(); assert_eq!(buf, data); }); } #[test] fn basic_write() { tokio_uring::start(async { let tempfile = tempfile(); let file = File::create(tempfile.path()).await.unwrap(); file.write_at(HELLO, 0).submit().await.0.unwrap(); let file = std::fs::read(tempfile.path()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(file, HELLO); }); } #[test] fn vectored_read() { tokio_uring::start(async { let mut tempfile = tempfile(); tempfile.write_all(HELLO).unwrap(); let file = File::open(tempfile.path()).await.unwrap(); let bufs = vec![Vec::::with_capacity(5), Vec::::with_capacity(9)]; let (res, bufs) = file.readv_at(bufs, 0).await; let n = res.unwrap(); assert_eq!(n, HELLO.len()); assert_eq!(bufs[1][0], b' '); }); } #[test] fn vectored_write() { tokio_uring::start(async { let tempfile = tempfile(); let file = File::create(tempfile.path()).await.unwrap(); let buf1 = "hello".to_owned().into_bytes(); let buf2 = " world...".to_owned().into_bytes(); let bufs = vec![buf1, buf2]; file.writev_at(bufs, 0).await.0.unwrap(); let file = std::fs::read(tempfile.path()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(file, HELLO); }); } #[test] fn basic_write_all() { tokio_uring::start(async { let data = HELLO.repeat(1000); let tempfile = tempfile(); let file = File::create(tempfile.path()).await.unwrap(); let (ret, data) = file.write_all_at(data, 0).await; ret.unwrap(); let file = std::fs::read(tempfile.path()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(file, data); }); } #[test] fn cancel_read() { tokio_uring::start(async { let mut tempfile = tempfile(); tempfile.write_all(HELLO).unwrap(); let file = File::open(tempfile.path()).await.unwrap(); // Poll the future once, then cancel it poll_once(async { read_hello(&file).await }).await; read_hello(&file).await; }); } #[test] fn explicit_close() { let mut tempfile = tempfile(); tempfile.write_all(HELLO).unwrap(); tokio_uring::start(async { let file = File::open(tempfile.path()).await.unwrap(); let fd = file.as_raw_fd(); file.close().await.unwrap(); assert_invalid_fd(fd); }) } #[test] fn drop_open() { tokio_uring::start(async { let tempfile = tempfile(); let _ = File::create(tempfile.path()); // Do something else let file = File::create(tempfile.path()).await.unwrap(); file.write_at(HELLO, 0).submit().await.0.unwrap(); let file = std::fs::read(tempfile.path()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(file, HELLO); }); } #[test] fn drop_off_runtime() { let file = tokio_uring::start(async { let tempfile = tempfile(); File::open(tempfile.path()).await.unwrap() }); let fd = file.as_raw_fd(); drop(file); assert_invalid_fd(fd); } #[test] fn sync_doesnt_kill_anything() { let tempfile = tempfile(); tokio_uring::start(async { let file = File::create(tempfile.path()).await.unwrap(); file.sync_all().await.unwrap(); file.sync_data().await.unwrap(); file.write_at(&b"foo"[..], 0).submit().await.0.unwrap(); file.sync_all().await.unwrap(); file.sync_data().await.unwrap(); }); } #[test] fn rename() { use std::ffi::OsStr; tokio_uring::start(async { let mut tempfile = tempfile(); tempfile.write_all(HELLO).unwrap(); let old_path = tempfile.path(); let old_file = File::open(old_path).await.unwrap(); read_hello(&old_file).await; old_file.close().await.unwrap(); let mut new_file_name = old_path .file_name() .unwrap_or_else(|| OsStr::new("")) .to_os_string(); new_file_name.push("_renamed"); let new_path = old_path.with_file_name(new_file_name); tokio_uring::fs::rename(&old_path, &new_path).await.unwrap(); let new_file = File::open(&new_path).await.unwrap(); read_hello(&new_file).await; let old_file = File::open(old_path).await; assert!(old_file.is_err()); // Since the file has been renamed, it won't be deleted // in the TempPath destructor. We have to manually delete it. std::fs::remove_file(&new_path).unwrap(); }) } #[test] fn read_fixed() { tokio_uring::start(async { let mut tempfile = tempfile(); tempfile.write_all(HELLO).unwrap(); let buffers = FixedBufRegistry::new([Vec::with_capacity(6), Vec::with_capacity(1024)]); buffers.register().unwrap(); let file = File::open(tempfile.path()).await.unwrap(); let fixed_buf = buffers.check_out(0).unwrap(); assert_eq!(fixed_buf.bytes_total(), 6); let (res, buf) = file.read_fixed_at(fixed_buf.slice(..), 0).await; let n = res.unwrap(); assert_eq!(n, 6); assert_eq!(&buf[..], &HELLO[..6]); let fixed_buf = buffers.check_out(1).unwrap(); assert_eq!(fixed_buf.bytes_total(), 1024); let (res, buf) = file.read_fixed_at(fixed_buf.slice(..), 6).await; let n = res.unwrap(); assert_eq!(n, HELLO.len() - 6); assert_eq!(&buf[..], &HELLO[6..]); }); } #[test] fn write_fixed() { tokio_uring::start(async { let tempfile = tempfile(); let file = File::create(tempfile.path()).await.unwrap(); let buffers = FixedBufRegistry::new([Vec::with_capacity(6), Vec::with_capacity(1024)]); buffers.register().unwrap(); let fixed_buf = buffers.check_out(0).unwrap(); let mut buf = fixed_buf; buf.put_slice(&HELLO[..6]); let (res, _) = file.write_fixed_at(buf, 0).await; let n = res.unwrap(); assert_eq!(n, 6); let fixed_buf = buffers.check_out(1).unwrap(); let mut buf = fixed_buf; buf.put_slice(&HELLO[6..]); let (res, _) = file.write_fixed_at(buf, 6).await; let n = res.unwrap(); assert_eq!(n, HELLO.len() - 6); let file = std::fs::read(tempfile.path()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(file, HELLO); }); } #[test] fn basic_fallocate() { tokio_uring::start(async { let tempfile = tempfile(); let file = File::create(tempfile.path()).await.unwrap(); file.fallocate(0, 1024, libc::FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE) .await .unwrap(); file.sync_all().await.unwrap(); let statx = file.statx().await.unwrap(); let size = statx.stx_size; assert_eq!(size, 1024); // using the FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE flag causes the file metadata to reflect the previous size file.fallocate( 0, 2048, libc::FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE | libc::FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE, ) .await .unwrap(); file.sync_all().await.unwrap(); let statx = file.statx().await.unwrap(); let size = statx.stx_size; assert_eq!(size, 1024); }); } fn tempfile() -> NamedTempFile { NamedTempFile::new().unwrap() } async fn poll_once(future: impl std::future::Future) { use std::future::poll_fn; // use std::future::Future; use std::task::Poll; use tokio::pin; pin!(future); poll_fn(|cx| { assert!(future.as_mut().poll(cx).is_pending()); Poll::Ready(()) }) .await; } fn assert_invalid_fd(fd: RawFd) { use std::fs::File; let mut f = unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(fd) }; let mut buf = vec![]; match f.read_to_end(&mut buf) { Err(ref e) if e.raw_os_error() == Some(libc::EBADF) => {} res => panic!("assert_invalid_fd finds for fd {:?}, res = {:?}", fd, res), } }