use color_eyre::Result; use dirs::home_dir; use fs2::FileExt; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use notify::{watcher, RecursiveMode, Watcher}; use regex::Regex; use serde_derive::Deserialize; use std::fs::File; use std::io::{self, Write}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::process::{exit, Command}; use std::sync::mpsc::channel; use std::time::Duration; mod kya_service; fn open_gyazo_link(s: &str) { lazy_static! { static ref RE: Regex = Regex::new("\"permalink_url\":\"(.+?)\"").unwrap(); } println!("{}", s); let caps = RE.captures(s); let caps = match caps { Some(v) => v, None => { eprintln!("Gyazo didn't provide a URL! Please check your access token."); return; } }; let result = caps.get(1); match result { Some(v) => { let vs = v.as_str(); println!("{}", vs); Command::new("xdg-open").arg(vs).spawn().ok(); } None => eprintln!("Error: Gyazo did not provide url!"), }; } fn upload_file(path: PathBuf, cfg: &KyaConfig) -> color_eyre::Result<()> { let path_s = path.to_str(); match path_s { Some(v) => { println!("{}", v); let image_data = format!("imagedata=@{}", v); println!("{}", image_data); let access_token_str = format!("access_token={}", cfg.access_token); let output = Command::new("curl") .arg("-i") .arg("") .arg("-F") .arg(access_token_str) .arg("-F") .arg(image_data) .output() .expect("Failed to execute curl"); println!("curl: {}", output.status); let ret = output.stdout; let retout = std::str::from_utf8(&ret.as_slice())?; if cfg.open_in_browser { open_gyazo_link(retout) } let err = output.stderr; match std::str::from_utf8(&err.as_slice()) { Ok(errout) => println!("{}", errout), Err(e) => panic!("{}", e), }; } None => (), } Ok(()) } fn kya_cfg_path() -> io::Result { let home_dir = home_dir(); match home_dir { Some(home_dir) => { let mut cfg_dir = home_dir.clone(); cfg_dir.push(".config"); std::fs::create_dir_all(cfg_dir.clone())?; cfg_dir.push("kya"); Ok(cfg_dir) } None => panic!("No home directory found!"), } } fn first_run() -> io::Result<()> { let cfg_file = kya_cfg_path()?; let cfg_file_s = cfg_file .to_str() .expect("Can't convert cfg file name to string"); std::fs::remove_file(&cfg_file).ok(); let mut f = File::create(&cfg_file)?; f.write(b"access_token = \"\"\n")?; f.write(b"directory = \"\"\n")?; f.write(b"open_in_browser = true\n")?; println!("Created kya configuration file: {}", cfg_file_s); Ok(()) } fn run_kya(cfg: &KyaConfig) -> Result<()> { let (tx, rx) = channel(); let mut watcher = watcher(tx, Duration::from_secs(1)).unwrap();, RecursiveMode::Recursive)?; println!("Kya started."); println!("Listening for new screenshots..."); loop { match rx.recv() { Ok(event) => { println!("{:?}", event); match event { notify::DebouncedEvent::Create(v) => upload_file(v, cfg)?, _ => (), } } Err(e) => println!("Watch error: {:?}", e), } } } #[derive(Deserialize)] struct KyaConfig { pub access_token: String, pub directory: String, pub open_in_browser: bool, } fn exe_absolute_path() -> io::Result { let result = std::env::current_exe()?.to_str().unwrap().to_owned(); Ok(result) } fn create_user_unit() -> io::Result<()> { let home_dir = home_dir(); match home_dir { Some(home_dir) => { let mut user_dir = home_dir.clone(); user_dir.push(Path::new(".config/systemd/user")); std::fs::create_dir_all(user_dir.clone()).unwrap(); let mut service_file_path = user_dir.clone(); service_file_path.push("kya.service"); std::fs::remove_file(service_file_path.clone()).unwrap(); let mut service_file = File::create(service_file_path).unwrap(); service_file .write(kya_service::KYA_SERVICE_FIRST_HALF.as_bytes()) .unwrap(); service_file.write(exe_absolute_path()?.as_bytes()).unwrap(); service_file .write(kya_service::KYA_SERVICE_SECOND_HALF.as_bytes()) .unwrap(); println!("User Unit created successfully!"); println!("Use the following commands to enable and start the service:\n"); println!("systemctl --user enable kya"); println!("systemctl --user start kya\n"); } None => panic!("No home directory found!"), } Ok(()) } fn try_lockfile() -> Option { let lockfile_name = format!("/tmp/kya-for-gyazo-{}", whoami::username()); let lockfile = File::create(lockfile_name); match lockfile { Ok(_) => (), Err(_error) => { std::process::exit(0); } } let mut lockfile = lockfile.unwrap(); let lock = lockfile.try_lock_exclusive(); let pid_text = format!("{}", std::process::id()); lockfile.write(pid_text.as_bytes()).unwrap(); match lock { Ok(_) => Some(lockfile), Err(_) => None, } } fn main() -> color_eyre::Result<()> { for arg in std::env::args() { if arg == "--create-user-unit" { create_user_unit()?; exit(0); } else if arg == "--first-run" { // create_user_unit(); first_run()?; exit(0); } else if arg == "--help" { println!("Kya for Gyazo.\n"); println!("--first-run"); println!("\tWrites a configuration file in the .config directory."); // println!("\tsystemd user service in the .config/systemd directory.\n"); // println!("Use the following commands to enable and start the service:\n"); // println!("systemctl --user enable kya"); // println!("systemctl --user start kya\n"); exit(0); } } let lockfile = try_lockfile(); if lockfile.is_none() { eprintln!("An instance of kya is already running!"); eprintln!("Check `ps aux | grep kya-for-gyazo` for any running PIDs."); exit(0); }; let mut lockfile = lockfile.expect("Unable to find lockfile. Check permissions for /tmp/ directory."); let cfg_file_location = kya_cfg_path()?; let cfg_file = std::fs::read_to_string(cfg_file_location); match cfg_file { Ok(cf) => { let cfg: KyaConfig = toml::from_str(&cf)?; if cfg.access_token == "" { panic!("Error! Gyazo access token not set!"); } if == "" { panic!("Error! Screenshot directory not set!") } run_kya(&cfg)?; lockfile.write(b"rub a dub dub thanks for the grub")?; } Err(_) => { first_run()?; } }; Ok(()) }