use flate2::read; use scanner_rust::Scanner; use std::fs::File; use kyber_rs::{ cipher::{stream, StreamError}, encoding::BinaryMarshaler, group::edwards25519::SuiteEd25519, sign::eddsa::{verify, EdDSA}, util::random, Random, }; use anyhow::Result; /// Test the property of a EdDSA signature #[test] pub fn test_eddsa_signing_random() { let suite = SuiteEd25519::new_blake3_sha256_ed25519(); for _ in 0..10000 { let ed = EdDSA::new(&mut suite.random_stream()).unwrap(); let mut msg = [0u8; 32]; random::bytes(&mut msg, &mut suite.random_stream()).unwrap(); let sig = ed.sign(&msg).unwrap(); // see (item 6.) assert_eq!(0u8, sig[63] & 0xe0); verify(&ed.public, &msg, &sig).unwrap(); } } /// Adapted from #[test] fn test_golden() { // sign.input.gz is a selection of test cases from // let test_data_z = File::open("src/sign/eddsa/testdata/sign.input.gz").unwrap(); let mut gz_decoder = read::GzDecoder::new(test_data_z); let mut scanner = Scanner::new(&mut gz_decoder); let mut line_no = 0; const SIGNATURE_SIZE: usize = 64; const PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE: usize = 32; const PRIVATE_KEY_SIZE: usize = 32; while let Some(line) = { line_no += 1; let parts: Vec<&str> = line.split(':').collect(); if parts.len() != 5 { panic!("bad number of parts on line {line_no}") } let priv_bytes = hex::decode(parts[0]).unwrap(); let pub_key = hex::decode(parts[1]).unwrap(); let msg = hex::decode(parts[2]).unwrap(); let mut sig = hex::decode(parts[3]).unwrap(); // The signatures in the test vectors also include the message // at the end, but we just want R and S. sig = sig[..SIGNATURE_SIZE].to_vec(); if pub_key.len() != PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE { panic!( "bad public key length on line {}: got {} bytes", line_no, pub_key.len() ); } let mut priv_long = [0u8; PRIVATE_KEY_SIZE + PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE]; priv_long.copy_from_slice(&priv_bytes); priv_long[32..].copy_from_slice(&pub_key); let mut stream = constant_stream(priv_bytes); let ed = EdDSA::new(&mut stream).unwrap(); let data = ed.public.marshal_binary().unwrap(); if data != pub_key { panic!("Public not equal on line {line_no}: {pub_key:?} vs {data:?}") } let sig2 = ed.sign(&msg).unwrap(); if sig != sig2 { panic!("different signature result on line {line_no}: {sig:?} vs {sig2:?}") } verify(&ed.public, &msg, &sig2).unwrap(); } } pub struct ConstantStream { pub seed: Vec, } impl stream::Stream for ConstantStream { fn xor_key_stream(&mut self, dst: &mut [u8], _: &[u8]) -> Result<(), StreamError> { dst.copy_from_slice(&self.seed); Ok(()) } } /// [`constant_stream()`] is a [`cipher::Stream`] which always returns /// the same value. pub fn constant_stream(buff: Vec) -> Box { Box::new(ConstantStream { seed: buff[..32].to_vec(), }) }