const TRUSTED_SETUP_FILE: &str = include_str!("src/trusted_setup.txt"); include!("src/"); include!("src/"); include!("src/"); #[cfg(not(any(target_arch = "riscv32", doc)))] fn main() { use std::{env, fs, io::Write, path::Path}; #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct KzgSettingsOwned { pub roots_of_unity: [Scalar; NUM_ROOTS_OF_UNITY], pub g1_points: [G1Affine; NUM_G1_POINTS], pub g2_points: [G2Affine; NUM_G2_POINTS], } fn hex_to_bytes(hex_str: &str) -> Result, KzgError> { let trimmed_str = hex_str.strip_prefix("0x").unwrap_or(hex_str); hex::decode(trimmed_str) .map_err(|e| KzgError::InvalidHexFormat(format!("Failed to decode hex: {}", e))) } pub fn load_trusted_setup_file_brute() -> Result { let trusted_setup_file: Vec = TRUSTED_SETUP_FILE .split('\n') .map(|x| x.to_string()) .collect(); let num_g1_points = trusted_setup_file[0].parse::().unwrap(); let num_g2_points = trusted_setup_file[1].parse::().unwrap(); let g1_points_idx = num_g1_points + 2; let g2_points_idx = g1_points_idx + num_g2_points; let _g1_points: Vec<[u8; BYTES_PER_G1_POINT]> = hex_to_bytes(&trusted_setup_file[2..g1_points_idx].join("")) .unwrap() .chunks_exact(BYTES_PER_G1_POINT) .map(|chunk| { let mut array = [0u8; BYTES_PER_G1_POINT]; array.copy_from_slice(chunk); array }) .collect(); let _g2_points: Vec<[u8; BYTES_PER_G2_POINT]> = hex_to_bytes(&trusted_setup_file[g1_points_idx..g2_points_idx].join("")) .unwrap() .chunks_exact(BYTES_PER_G2_POINT) .map(|chunk| { let mut array = [0u8; BYTES_PER_G2_POINT]; array.copy_from_slice(chunk); array }) .collect(); assert_eq!(_g1_points.len(), num_g1_points); assert_eq!(_g2_points.len(), num_g2_points); let mut max_scale = 0; while (1 << max_scale) < _g1_points.len() { max_scale += 1; } let roots_of_unity = compute_roots_of_unity(max_scale)?; let mut g1_points: [G1Affine; NUM_G1_POINTS] = [G1Affine::identity(); NUM_G1_POINTS]; let mut g2_points: [G2Affine; NUM_G2_POINTS] = [G2Affine::identity(); NUM_G2_POINTS]; _g1_points.iter().enumerate().for_each(|(i, bytes)| { g1_points[i] = G1Affine::from_compressed_unchecked(bytes) .expect("load_trusted_setup Invalid g1 bytes"); }); _g2_points.iter().enumerate().for_each(|(i, bytes)| { g2_points[i] = G2Affine::from_compressed_unchecked(bytes) .expect("load_trusted_setup Invalid g2 bytes"); }); let _ = is_trusted_setup_in_lagrange_form(&g1_points, &g2_points); let bit_reversed_permutation = bit_reversal_permutation(&g1_points)?; let g1_points = bit_reversed_permutation; Ok(KzgSettingsOwned { roots_of_unity, g1_points, g2_points, }) } fn bit_reversal_permutation(array: &[T]) -> Result<[T; N], KzgError> where T: Default + Copy, { let n = array.len(); assert!(n.is_power_of_two(), "n must be a power of 2"); let mut bit_reversed_permutation = [T::default(); N]; let unused_bit_len = array.len().leading_zeros(); for (i, item) in array.iter().enumerate().take(n) { let r = i.reverse_bits() >> (unused_bit_len + 1); bit_reversed_permutation[r] = *item; } Ok(bit_reversed_permutation) } fn is_trusted_setup_in_lagrange_form( g1_points: &[G1Affine], g2_points: &[G2Affine], ) -> Result<(), KzgError> { let n1 = g1_points.len(); let n2 = g2_points.len(); if n1 < 2 || n2 < 2 { return Err(KzgError::BadArgs("invalid args".to_string())); } let a1 = g1_points[1]; let a2 = g2_points[0]; let b1 = g1_points[0]; let b2 = g2_points[1]; let is_monomial_form = pairings_verify(a1, a2, b1, b2); if !is_monomial_form { return Err(KzgError::BadArgs("not in monomial form".to_string())); } Ok(()) } fn compute_roots_of_unity(max_scale: usize) -> Result<[Scalar; N], KzgError> { if max_scale >= SCALE2_ROOT_OF_UNITY.len() { return Err(KzgError::BadArgs(format!( "The max scale should be lower than {}", SCALE2_ROOT_OF_UNITY.len() ))); } let root_of_unity = Scalar::from_raw(SCALE2_ROOT_OF_UNITY[max_scale]); let mut expanded_roots = expand_root_of_unity(root_of_unity, N)?; let _ = expanded_roots.pop(); bit_reversal_permutation(&expanded_roots) } fn expand_root_of_unity(root: Scalar, width: usize) -> Result, KzgError> { if width < 2 { return Err(KzgError::BadArgs( "The width must be greater or equal to 2".to_string(), )); } let mut expanded = vec![Scalar::one(), root]; for _ in 2..=width { let current = expanded.last().unwrap() * root; expanded.push(current); if current == Scalar::one() { break; } } if expanded.last().unwrap() != &Scalar::one() { return Err(KzgError::InvalidBytesLength( "The last element value should be equal to 1".to_string(), )); } Ok(expanded) } let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); let g1_path = Path::new(&out_dir).join("g1.bin"); let g2_path = Path::new(&out_dir).join("g2.bin"); let roots_of_unity_path = Path::new(&out_dir).join("roots_of_unity.bin"); let g1_exists = g1_path.exists(); let g2_exists = g2_path.exists(); let roots_of_unity_exists = roots_of_unity_path.exists(); if g1_exists && g2_exists && roots_of_unity_exists { println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=src/"); // Re-run this build script if the `g1.bin`,`g2.bin`, or `roots_of_unity.bin` files are changed } let KzgSettingsOwned { roots_of_unity, g1_points, g2_points, } = load_trusted_setup_file_brute().unwrap(); let mut roots_of_unity_bytes: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut g1_bytes: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut g2_bytes: Vec = Vec::new(); roots_of_unity.iter().for_each(|&v| { roots_of_unity_bytes .extend_from_slice(unsafe { &std::mem::transmute::(v) }); }); g1_points.iter().for_each(|&v| { g1_bytes.extend_from_slice(unsafe { &std::mem::transmute::(v) }); }); g2_points.iter().for_each(|&v| { g2_bytes.extend_from_slice(unsafe { &std::mem::transmute::(v) }); }); let mut roots_of_unity_file = fs::OpenOptions::new() .create(true) .truncate(true) .write(true) .open(&roots_of_unity_path) .unwrap(); roots_of_unity_file .write_all(&roots_of_unity_bytes) .unwrap(); let mut g1_file = fs::OpenOptions::new() .create(true) .truncate(true) .write(true) .open(&g1_path) .unwrap(); g1_file.write_all(&g1_bytes).unwrap(); let mut g2_file = fs::OpenOptions::new() .create(true) .truncate(true) .write(true) .open(&g2_path) .unwrap(); g2_file.write_all(&g2_bytes).unwrap(); } #[cfg(any(target_arch = "riscv32", doc))] fn main() { // Binaries cannot be built in a RISC-V environment or when building docs }