use std::path::PathBuf; use clap::Parser; use plotly::common::Mode; use plotly::layout::Layout; use plotly::{Plot, Scatter}; use rand::SeedableRng; use rand_xoshiro::Xoshiro256Plus; use lace_cc::alg::{ColAssignAlg, RowAssignAlg}; use lace_cc::feature::FType; use lace_cc::state::{State, StateGewekeSettings}; use lace_cc::transition::StateTransition; use lace_geweke::GewekeTester; use lace_stats::prior_process::PriorProcessType; #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[clap(rename_all = "kebab")] struct Opt { #[clap(long, default_value = "gibbs")] pub row_alg: RowAssignAlg, #[clap(long, default_value = "gibbs")] pub col_alg: ColAssignAlg, #[clap(long, default_value = "50")] pub nrows: usize, #[clap(long, default_value = "5")] pub ncols: usize, #[clap(long)] pub no_row_reassign: bool, #[clap(long)] pub no_col_reassign: bool, #[clap(long)] pub no_view_alpha: bool, #[clap(long)] pub no_state_alpha: bool, #[clap(long)] pub no_priors: bool, #[clap(long)] pub plot_var: Option, #[clap(long, short, default_value = "10000")] pub niters: usize, #[clap(long)] dst: Option, } fn main() { let opt = Opt::parse(); let mut rng = Xoshiro256Plus::from_entropy(); // Some of each column type that is supported by Geweke (Labeler cannot be // used in Geweke tests) let ftypes: Vec = (0..opt.ncols) .map(|i| match i % 3 { 0 => FType::Continuous, 1 => FType::Categorical, 2 => FType::Count, _ => unreachable!(), }) .collect(); // The state's Geweke test settings require the number of rows in the // state (50), and the types of each column. Everything else is filled out // automatically. let mut settings = StateGewekeSettings::new( opt.nrows, ftypes, PriorProcessType::Dirichlet, PriorProcessType::Dirichlet, ); let mut transitions: Vec = Vec::new(); if !opt.no_col_reassign { transitions.push(StateTransition::ColumnAssignment(opt.col_alg)); } if !opt.no_state_alpha { transitions.push(StateTransition::StatePriorProcessParams); } if !opt.no_row_reassign { transitions.push(StateTransition::RowAssignment(opt.row_alg)); } if !opt.no_view_alpha { transitions.push(StateTransition::ViewPriorProcessParams); } if !opt.no_priors { transitions.push(StateTransition::FeaturePriors); } transitions.push(StateTransition::ComponentParams); settings.transitions = transitions; // Initialize a tester given the settings and run. let mut geweke: GewekeTester = GewekeTester::new(settings);, Some(5), &mut rng); // Reports the deviation from a perfect correspondence between the // forward and posterior CDFs. The best score is zero, the worst possible // score is 0.5. let res = geweke.result();; if let Some(ref key) = opt.plot_var { use lace_stats::EmpiricalCdf; use lace_utils::minmax; let (min_f, max_f) = minmax(res.forward.get(key).unwrap()); let (min_p, max_p) = minmax(res.posterior.get(key).unwrap()); let x_min = min_f.min(min_p); let x_max = max_f.max(max_p); let step = (x_max - x_min) / 200.0; let xs: Vec = (0..200).map(|i| x_min + (i as f64) * step).collect(); let cdf_f = EmpiricalCdf::new(res.forward.get(key).unwrap()); let cdf_p = EmpiricalCdf::new(res.posterior.get(key).unwrap()); let x_f: Vec = cdf_f.f(&xs); let x_p: Vec = cdf_p.f(&xs); let trace = Scatter::new(x_f, x_p).name("P-P").mode(Mode::Lines); let ideal = Scatter::new(vec![0_f64, 1_f64], vec![0_f64, 1_f64]) .name("Reference") .mode(Mode::Lines); let mut plot = Plot::new(); plot.add_trace(ideal); plot.add_trace(trace); plot.set_layout(Layout::new());; } if let Some(dst) = opt.dst { let f = std::fs::OpenOptions::new() .create(true) .write(true) .truncate(true) .open(dst) .unwrap(); serde_json::to_writer(f, &res).unwrap(); } }