use common::{connect_with_config, create_config};
use lair_keystore_api::dependencies::{sodoken, tokio};

mod common;

#[cfg(not(windows))] // No encryption on Windows, ignore this test
#[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")]
async fn migrate_unencrypted() {
    use rusqlite::Connection;

    let tmpdir = tempdir::TempDir::new("lair keystore test").unwrap();

    let passphrase = sodoken::BufRead::from(&b"passphrase"[..]);

    let config = create_config(&tmpdir, passphrase.clone()).await;

    // Set up an unencrypted database, by not setting a key on the connection
        let conn = Connection::open(&config.store_file).unwrap();

        // Needs to contain data otherwise encryption will just succeed!
        conn.execute("CREATE TABLE migrate_me (name TEXT NOT NULL)", ())
            "INSERT INTO migrate_me (name) VALUES ('hello_migrated')",


    match connect_with_config(config.clone(), passphrase.clone()).await {
        Ok(_) => {
            panic!("Shouldn't have been able to spawn lair-keystore");
        Err(_) => {
            // That's good, we shouldn't have been able to connect because the database won't auto-migrate without `LAIR_MIGRATE_UNENCRYPTED`

    std::env::set_var("LAIR_MIGRATE_UNENCRYPTED", "true");

    connect_with_config(config.clone(), passphrase.clone())