# Lamarck A CLI based audio/visual toolkit ## Installation ``` cargo install lamarck ``` ## Getting Started Currently the only available subcommand is `lamarck caption` which takes any audio file, detects the media type, and generates some output including transcript and .srt files. ``` lamarck-caption 0.1.0 Generate captions using deepgram USAGE: lamarck caption [OPTIONS] --deepgram-api-key --input OPTIONS: --deepgram-api-key captions require a deepgram API key -h, --help Print help information -i, --input A path to an audio file or a URL -o, --output-path a filepath to use for the output -V, --version Print version information OUTPUT_TYPE: -m, --markdown output a markdown file with links to video timestamps [default: false] -s, --srt output an srt file [default: false] -t, --transcript output a transcript [default: false] ``` ##### Naming Lamarck is short for [Lamarckdromia Beagle](https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamarckdromia_beagle) and is also French for "the mark", like the marks you'd make on a live stream to pull out clips.