use lambda_calculus::{ parse, parser::ParseError, term::Notation::{Classic, DeBruijn}, }; #[test] fn parse_debruijn_and_classic() -> Result<(), ParseError> { for (dbr, cla) in [ ("12", "a b"), ("λλ21", "λs. λz. s z"), ( "λ2134(λ3215(λ4321)3215)2134", "λx. w x y z (λy. w x y z (λz. w x y z) w x y z) w x y z", ), ( // See: "λ2(λ421(5(λ4127)λ8))67", // the free variable list is ..ywzfba "λx. a (λt. b x t (f (λu. a u t z) λs. w)) w y", ), ( // apply `plus zero one` to `s` and `z` "(λλλλ42(321))(λλ1)(λλ21)12", "(λm.λn.λs.λz. m s (n s z)) (λs.λz. z) (λs.λz. s z) s z", ), ] { let term_dbr = parse(dbr, DeBruijn)?; let term_cla = parse(cla, Classic)?; assert_eq!(term_dbr, term_cla); } Ok(()) }