From Coq Require Import ZArith String List. Require Import Coq.Program.Tactics. From MMaps Require Import MMaps. Open Scope string. Open Scope Z. Variable K V : Type. Module ZM := MMaps.RBT.Make(BinInt.Z). Fixpoint list_assoc (kv: list (K * V)) (beq: K -> K -> bool) (k: K) (default: V): V := match kv with | cons (lk , lv) kvs => if beq k lk then lv else (list_assoc kvs beq k default) | nil => default end. Fixpoint list_contains (known: list string) (expect: string): bool := match known with | cons kk kvs => if String.eqb expect kk then true else (list_contains kvs expect) | nil => false end. Fixpoint list_implies (known: list string) (expect: list string): bool := match expect with | cons kk kvs => if list_contains known kk then (list_implies known kvs) else false | nil => true end. (* Memory Is Denominated in Bytes *) Record RegionByte := mkRegionByte { tt : list string; (* The types of this region *) byte_no : nat; (* What byte is this *) }. Definition unknown_region_byte := mkRegionByte nil 0. Definition rb_implies (known: RegionByte) (expect: RegionByte): bool := (Nat.eqb known.(byte_no) expect.(byte_no)) && (list_implies known.(tt) expect.(tt)). Definition rbo_implies (known: option RegionByte) (expect: RegionByte): bool := match known with | Some rb => rb_implies rb expect | None => false end. (* Knowledge of a Memory Region is a Partial Function *) Record Region := mkRegion { known : ZM.t RegionByte; }. Definition empty_region := mkRegion ZM.empty. (* Simplified Memory State assumes that 1. stack space is sufficient (effectively infinite) 2. sys_brk always succeeds at acquiring more memory (effectively infinite) *) Record MemoryState := mkMemoryState { register_state : Region; stack_state : Region; frame_state : Region; heap_state : Region; }. Definition empty_memory_state := mkMemoryState empty_region empty_region empty_region empty_region. (* An Instruction argument can be part of an opcode *) Inductive InstructionArgument : Type := | Address : string -> InstructionArgument | RawValue : string -> InstructionArgument | Register : string -> InstructionArgument. Definition print_arg (arg: InstructionArgument): string := match arg with | Address r => "$" ++ r | RawValue r => r | Register r => "%" ++ r end. (* An Instruction is defined by its mnemonic and effect *) Record Instruction := mkInstruction { mnemonic : string; effect : MemoryState -> MemoryState; }. Definition unknown_effect (st: MemoryState): MemoryState := empty_memory_state. (* A Jmp Instruction *) Record JmpInstruction := mkJmp { dst : string; condition : MemoryState; }. (* A Data Block is a list of bytes *) Record BasicData := mkData { bytes : list nat; }. Definition empty_data := mkData nil. (* A Basic Block is a list of instructions with no branches *) Record BasicBlock := mkBasicBlock { instructions : list Instruction; tail : list JmpInstruction; }. Definition empty_block := mkBasicBlock nil nil. Inductive ProgramSection : Type := | TextSection | DataSection. (* A Control Flow Graph is a set of labelled blocks *) Record ControlFlowGraph := mkCFG { section : ProgramSection; current_label : string; blocks : list (string * BasicBlock); data : list (string * BasicData); globals : list string; }. Definition empty_control_flow_graph := mkCFG TextSection "_start" nil nil nil. (* The Type of an unknown RegionByte is Ordinal 0 *) Definition region_lookup (r: Region)(i: BinInt.Z): RegionByte := match ZM.find i r.(known) with | Some x => x | None => unknown_region_byte end. (* This is for internal use, it does not directly correspond to the actual instruction *) Definition push_stack (st: MemoryState)(rb: RegionByte): MemoryState := let new_stack := (ZM.fold (fun k e m => ZM.add (BinInt.Z.add k e m) st.(stack_state).(known) ZM.empty) in let new_stack := mkRegion (ZM.add rb new_stack) in mkMemoryState st.(register_state) new_stack st.(frame_state) st.(heap_state). (* This is for internal use, it does not directly correspond to the actual instruction *) Definition pop_stack (st: MemoryState): (MemoryState * RegionByte) := let rb := region_lookup st.(stack_state) ( in let new_stack := mkRegion (ZM.fold (fun k e m => ZM.add (BinInt.Z.sub k ( e m) st.(stack_state).(known) ZM.empty) in let st := mkMemoryState st.(register_state) new_stack st.(frame_state) st.(heap_state) in (st , rb). Check eq_refl : ((pop_stack empty_memory_state) = (_ , {| tt := nil; |})). Check eq_refl : (pop_stack (push_stack empty_memory_state (mkRegionByte (cons "A" nil) 3)) = (_ , {| tt := (cons "A" nil); byte_no := 3; |})). (* Check if one memory state is a subset of another memory state *) Definition mem_is_subset (lo: MemoryState)(hi: MemoryState): bool := let rt_register_state := ZM.fold (fun k e b => b && (rbo_implies (ZM.find k hi.(register_state).(known)) e)) lo.(register_state).(known) true in let rt_stack_state := ZM.fold (fun k e b => b && (rbo_implies (ZM.find k hi.(stack_state).(known)) e)) lo.(stack_state).(known) true in let rt_frame_state := ZM.fold (fun k e b => b && (rbo_implies (ZM.find k hi.(frame_state).(known)) e)) lo.(frame_state).(known) true in let rt_heap_state := ZM.fold (fun k e b => b && (rbo_implies (ZM.find k hi.(heap_state).(known)) e)) lo.(heap_state).(known) true in rt_register_state && rt_stack_state && rt_frame_state && rt_heap_state. Check eq_refl : (mem_is_subset empty_memory_state empty_memory_state) = true. Definition declare_global (cfg: ControlFlowGraph) (glb: string): ControlFlowGraph := mkCFG cfg.(section) cfg.(current_label) cfg.(blocks) cfg.(data) (cons glb cfg.(globals)). (* This changes the program section to text mode *) Definition declare_text (cfg: ControlFlowGraph) := mkCFG TextSection cfg.(current_label) cfg.(blocks) cfg.(data) cfg.(globals). (* This changes the program section to text mode *) Definition declare_data (cfg: ControlFlowGraph) := mkCFG DataSection cfg.(current_label) cfg.(blocks) cfg.(data) cfg.(globals). Definition declare_label (cfg: ControlFlowGraph) (glb: string): ControlFlowGraph := match cfg.(section) with | TextSection => mkCFG cfg.(section) glb (cons (glb , empty_block) cfg.(blocks)) cfg.(data) cfg.(globals) | DataSection => mkCFG cfg.(section) glb cfg.(blocks) (cons (glb , empty_data) cfg.(data)) cfg.(globals) end. Definition commit_ascii (cfg: ControlFlowGraph) (lit: string): ControlFlowGraph := cfg. Definition commit_zero (cfg: ControlFlowGraph) (len: nat): ControlFlowGraph := cfg. Definition register (register_name: string): InstructionArgument := Register register_name. Definition raw_value (value_name: string): InstructionArgument := RawValue value_name. Definition address (value_name: string): InstructionArgument := Address value_name. Definition append_instruction (cfg: ControlFlowGraph) (ins: Instruction): ControlFlowGraph := cfg. Definition zero_op (cfg: ControlFlowGraph) (ins: string): ControlFlowGraph := let i := match ins with | _ => mkInstruction "?" unknown_effect end in append_instruction cfg i. Definition unary_op (cfg: ControlFlowGraph) (ins: string) (arg1: InstructionArgument): ControlFlowGraph := let i := match (ins, arg1) with | _ => mkInstruction "?" unknown_effect end in append_instruction cfg i. Definition binary_op (cfg: ControlFlowGraph) (ins: string) (arg1: InstructionArgument) (arg2: InstructionArgument): ControlFlowGraph := let i := match (ins, arg1, arg2) with | _ => mkInstruction "?" unknown_effect end in append_instruction cfg i. Definition control_flow_graph_assertions_reachable (cfg: ControlFlowGraph): bool := true.