tmp: file format elf64-x86-64 Disassembly of section .init: 0000000000001000 <_init>: 1000: f3 0f 1e fa endbr64 1004: 48 83 ec 08 sub $0x8,%rsp 1008: 48 8b 05 d9 2f 00 00 mov 0x2fd9(%rip),%rax # 3fe8 <__gmon_start__> 100f: 48 85 c0 test %rax,%rax 1012: 74 02 je 1016 <_init+0x16> 1014: ff d0 callq *%rax 1016: 48 83 c4 08 add $0x8,%rsp 101a: c3 retq Disassembly of section .plt: 0000000000001020 <.plt>: 1020: ff 35 9a 2f 00 00 pushq 0x2f9a(%rip) # 3fc0 <_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_+0x8> 1026: f2 ff 25 9b 2f 00 00 bnd jmpq *0x2f9b(%rip) # 3fc8 <_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_+0x10> 102d: 0f 1f 00 nopl (%rax) 1030: f3 0f 1e fa endbr64 1034: 68 00 00 00 00 pushq $0x0 1039: f2 e9 e1 ff ff ff bnd jmpq 1020 <.plt> 103f: 90 nop Disassembly of section 0000000000001040 <__cxa_finalize@plt>: 1040: f3 0f 1e fa endbr64 1044: f2 ff 25 ad 2f 00 00 bnd jmpq *0x2fad(%rip) # 3ff8 <__cxa_finalize@GLIBC_2.2.5> 104b: 0f 1f 44 00 00 nopl 0x0(%rax,%rax,1) Disassembly of section .plt.sec: 0000000000001050 : 1050: f3 0f 1e fa endbr64 1054: f2 ff 25 75 2f 00 00 bnd jmpq *0x2f75(%rip) # 3fd0 105b: 0f 1f 44 00 00 nopl 0x0(%rax,%rax,1) Disassembly of section .text: 0000000000001060
: 1060: f3 0f 1e fa endbr64 1064: 48 83 ec 08 sub $0x8,%rsp 1068: 48 8b 7e 08 mov 0x8(%rsi),%rdi 106c: ba 0a 00 00 00 mov $0xa,%edx 1071: 31 f6 xor %esi,%esi 1073: e8 d8 ff ff ff callq 1050 1078: 83 f8 02 cmp $0x2,%eax 107b: 7e 17 jle 1094 107d: 8d 48 fd lea -0x3(%rax),%ecx 1080: 8d 50 ff lea -0x1(%rax),%edx 1083: 83 e1 01 and $0x1,%ecx 1086: 89 d7 mov %edx,%edi 1088: e8 03 01 00 00 callq 1190 108d: 83 ea 02 sub $0x2,%edx 1090: 39 ca cmp %ecx,%edx 1092: 75 f2 jne 1086 1094: 31 c0 xor %eax,%eax 1096: 48 83 c4 08 add $0x8,%rsp 109a: c3 retq 109b: 0f 1f 44 00 00 nopl 0x0(%rax,%rax,1) 00000000000010a0 <_start>: 10a0: f3 0f 1e fa endbr64 10a4: 31 ed xor %ebp,%ebp 10a6: 49 89 d1 mov %rdx,%r9 10a9: 5e pop %rsi 10aa: 48 89 e2 mov %rsp,%rdx 10ad: 48 83 e4 f0 and $0xfffffffffffffff0,%rsp 10b1: 50 push %rax 10b2: 54 push %rsp 10b3: 4c 8d 05 86 01 00 00 lea 0x186(%rip),%r8 # 1240 <__libc_csu_fini> 10ba: 48 8d 0d 0f 01 00 00 lea 0x10f(%rip),%rcx # 11d0 <__libc_csu_init> 10c1: 48 8d 3d 98 ff ff ff lea -0x68(%rip),%rdi # 1060
10c8: ff 15 12 2f 00 00 callq *0x2f12(%rip) # 3fe0 <__libc_start_main@GLIBC_2.2.5> 10ce: f4 hlt 10cf: 90 nop 00000000000010d0 : 10d0: 48 8d 3d 39 2f 00 00 lea 0x2f39(%rip),%rdi # 4010 <__TMC_END__> 10d7: 48 8d 05 32 2f 00 00 lea 0x2f32(%rip),%rax # 4010 <__TMC_END__> 10de: 48 39 f8 cmp %rdi,%rax 10e1: 74 15 je 10f8 10e3: 48 8b 05 ee 2e 00 00 mov 0x2eee(%rip),%rax # 3fd8 <_ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable> 10ea: 48 85 c0 test %rax,%rax 10ed: 74 09 je 10f8 10ef: ff e0 jmpq *%rax 10f1: 0f 1f 80 00 00 00 00 nopl 0x0(%rax) 10f8: c3 retq 10f9: 0f 1f 80 00 00 00 00 nopl 0x0(%rax) 0000000000001100 : 1100: 48 8d 3d 09 2f 00 00 lea 0x2f09(%rip),%rdi # 4010 <__TMC_END__> 1107: 48 8d 35 02 2f 00 00 lea 0x2f02(%rip),%rsi # 4010 <__TMC_END__> 110e: 48 29 fe sub %rdi,%rsi 1111: 48 89 f0 mov %rsi,%rax 1114: 48 c1 ee 3f shr $0x3f,%rsi 1118: 48 c1 f8 03 sar $0x3,%rax 111c: 48 01 c6 add %rax,%rsi 111f: 48 d1 fe sar %rsi 1122: 74 14 je 1138 1124: 48 8b 05 c5 2e 00 00 mov 0x2ec5(%rip),%rax # 3ff0 <_ITM_registerTMCloneTable> 112b: 48 85 c0 test %rax,%rax 112e: 74 08 je 1138 1130: ff e0 jmpq *%rax 1132: 66 0f 1f 44 00 00 nopw 0x0(%rax,%rax,1) 1138: c3 retq 1139: 0f 1f 80 00 00 00 00 nopl 0x0(%rax) 0000000000001140 <__do_global_dtors_aux>: 1140: f3 0f 1e fa endbr64 1144: 80 3d c5 2e 00 00 00 cmpb $0x0,0x2ec5(%rip) # 4010 <__TMC_END__> 114b: 75 2b jne 1178 <__do_global_dtors_aux+0x38> 114d: 55 push %rbp 114e: 48 83 3d a2 2e 00 00 cmpq $0x0,0x2ea2(%rip) # 3ff8 <__cxa_finalize@GLIBC_2.2.5> 1155: 00 1156: 48 89 e5 mov %rsp,%rbp 1159: 74 0c je 1167 <__do_global_dtors_aux+0x27> 115b: 48 8b 3d a6 2e 00 00 mov 0x2ea6(%rip),%rdi # 4008 <__dso_handle> 1162: e8 d9 fe ff ff callq 1040 <__cxa_finalize@plt> 1167: e8 64 ff ff ff callq 10d0 116c: c6 05 9d 2e 00 00 01 movb $0x1,0x2e9d(%rip) # 4010 <__TMC_END__> 1173: 5d pop %rbp 1174: c3 retq 1175: 0f 1f 00 nopl (%rax) 1178: c3 retq 1179: 0f 1f 80 00 00 00 00 nopl 0x0(%rax) 0000000000001180 : 1180: f3 0f 1e fa endbr64 1184: e9 77 ff ff ff jmpq 1100 1189: 0f 1f 80 00 00 00 00 nopl 0x0(%rax) 0000000000001190 : 1190: f3 0f 1e fa endbr64 1194: 83 ff 02 cmp $0x2,%edi 1197: 7e 27 jle 11c0 1199: 55 push %rbp 119a: 31 ed xor %ebp,%ebp 119c: 53 push %rbx 119d: 89 fb mov %edi,%ebx 119f: 48 83 ec 08 sub $0x8,%rsp 11a3: 8d 7b ff lea -0x1(%rbx),%edi 11a6: 83 eb 02 sub $0x2,%ebx 11a9: e8 e2 ff ff ff callq 1190 11ae: 01 c5 add %eax,%ebp 11b0: 83 fb 02 cmp $0x2,%ebx 11b3: 7f ee jg 11a3 11b5: 48 83 c4 08 add $0x8,%rsp 11b9: 8d 45 01 lea 0x1(%rbp),%eax 11bc: 5b pop %rbx 11bd: 5d pop %rbp 11be: c3 retq 11bf: 90 nop 11c0: b8 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%eax 11c5: c3 retq 11c6: 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 nopw %cs:0x0(%rax,%rax,1) 11cd: 00 00 00 00000000000011d0 <__libc_csu_init>: 11d0: f3 0f 1e fa endbr64 11d4: 41 57 push %r15 11d6: 4c 8d 3d db 2b 00 00 lea 0x2bdb(%rip),%r15 # 3db8 <__frame_dummy_init_array_entry> 11dd: 41 56 push %r14 11df: 49 89 d6 mov %rdx,%r14 11e2: 41 55 push %r13 11e4: 49 89 f5 mov %rsi,%r13 11e7: 41 54 push %r12 11e9: 41 89 fc mov %edi,%r12d 11ec: 55 push %rbp 11ed: 48 8d 2d cc 2b 00 00 lea 0x2bcc(%rip),%rbp # 3dc0 <__do_global_dtors_aux_fini_array_entry> 11f4: 53 push %rbx 11f5: 4c 29 fd sub %r15,%rbp 11f8: 48 83 ec 08 sub $0x8,%rsp 11fc: e8 ff fd ff ff callq 1000 <_init> 1201: 48 c1 fd 03 sar $0x3,%rbp 1205: 74 1f je 1226 <__libc_csu_init+0x56> 1207: 31 db xor %ebx,%ebx 1209: 0f 1f 80 00 00 00 00 nopl 0x0(%rax) 1210: 4c 89 f2 mov %r14,%rdx 1213: 4c 89 ee mov %r13,%rsi 1216: 44 89 e7 mov %r12d,%edi 1219: 41 ff 14 df callq *(%r15,%rbx,8) 121d: 48 83 c3 01 add $0x1,%rbx 1221: 48 39 dd cmp %rbx,%rbp 1224: 75 ea jne 1210 <__libc_csu_init+0x40> 1226: 48 83 c4 08 add $0x8,%rsp 122a: 5b pop %rbx 122b: 5d pop %rbp 122c: 41 5c pop %r12 122e: 41 5d pop %r13 1230: 41 5e pop %r14 1232: 41 5f pop %r15 1234: c3 retq 1235: 66 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 data16 nopw %cs:0x0(%rax,%rax,1) 123c: 00 00 00 00 0000000000001240 <__libc_csu_fini>: 1240: f3 0f 1e fa endbr64 1244: c3 retq Disassembly of section .fini: 0000000000001248 <_fini>: 1248: f3 0f 1e fa endbr64 124c: 48 83 ec 08 sub $0x8,%rsp 1250: 48 83 c4 08 add $0x8,%rsp 1254: c3 retq