# Build the LAMMPS documentation
Depending on how you obtained LAMMPS and whether you have built the
manual yourself, this directory has a number of subdirectories and
files. Here is a list with descriptions:
``` bash
README # brief info about the documentation
src # content files for LAMMPS documentation
html # HTML version of the LAMMPS manual (see html/Manual.html)
utils # tools and settings for building the documentation
lammps.1 # man page for the lammps command
msi2lmp.1 # man page for the msi2lmp command
Manual.pdf # large PDF version of entire manual
LAMMPS.epub # Manual in ePUB e-book format
LAMMPS.mobi # Manual in MOBI e-book format
docenv # virtualenv folder for processing the manual sources
doctrees # temporary data from processing the manual
doxygen # doxygen configuration and output
.gitignore # list of files and folders to be ignored by git
doxygen-warn.log # logfile with warnings from running doxygen
github-development-workflow.md # notes on the LAMMPS development workflow
If you downloaded LAMMPS as a tarball from [the LAMMPS
website](https://www.lammps.org)\_, the html folder and the PDF files
should be included.
If you downloaded LAMMPS from the public git repository, then the HTML
and PDF files are not included. You can build the HTML or PDF files
yourself, by typing `make html` or `make pdf` in the `doc` folder. This
requires various tools and files. Some of them have to be installed (see
below). For the rest the build process will attempt to download and
install them into a python virtual environment and local folders.
A current version of the manual (latest feature release, that is the
state of the *release* branch) is is available online at:
\_. A version of the manual corresponding to
the ongoing development (that is the state of the *develop* branch) is
available online at: \_ A version of
the manual corresponding to the latest stable LAMMPS release (that is
the state of the *stable* branch) is available online at:
## Build using GNU make
The LAMMPS manual is written in
format which can be translated to different output format using the
[Sphinx](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/)\_ document generator tool. It also
incorporates programmer documentation extracted from the LAMMPS C++
sources through the [Doxygen](https://doxygen.nl/)\_ program. Currently
the translation to HTML, PDF (via LaTeX), ePUB (for many e-book readers)
and MOBI (for Amazon Kindle readers) are supported. For that to work a
Python interpreter version 3.8 or later, the `doxygen` tools and
internet access to download additional files and tools are required.
This download is usually only required once or after the documentation
folder is returned to a pristine state with `make clean-all`.
For the documentation build a python virtual environment is set up in
the folder `doc/docenv` and various python packages are installed into
that virtual environment via the `pip` tool. For rendering embedded
LaTeX code also the [MathJax](https://www.mathjax.org/)\_ JavaScript
engine needs to be downloaded. If you need to pass additional options to
the pip commands to work (e.g. to use a web proxy or to point to
additional SSL certificates) you can set them via the `PIP_OPTIONS`
environment variable or uncomment and edit the `PIP_OPTIONS` setting at
beginning of the makefile.
The actual translation is then done via `make` commands in the doc
folder. The following `make` commands are available:
``` bash
make html # generate HTML in html dir using Sphinx
make pdf # generate PDF as Manual.pdf using Sphinx and PDFLaTeX
make epub # generate LAMMPS.epub in ePUB format using Sphinx
make mobi # generate LAMMPS.mobi in MOBI format using ebook-convert
make fasthtml # generate approximate HTML in fasthtml dir using Sphinx
# some Sphinx extensions do not work correctly with this
make clean # remove intermediate RST files created by HTML build
make clean-all # remove entire build folder and any cached data
make anchor_check # check for duplicate anchor labels
make style_check # check for complete and consistent style lists
make package_check # check for complete and consistent package lists
make link_check # check for broken or outdated URLs
make spelling # spell-check the manual
## Build using CMake
It is also possible to create the HTML version (and **only** the HTML
version) of the manual within the [CMake build directory](Build_cmake).
The reason for this option is to include the installation of the HTML
manual pages into the \"install\" step when installing LAMMPS after the
CMake build via `cmake --build . --target install`. The documentation
build is included in the default build target, but can also be requested
independently with `cmake --build . --target doc`. If you need to pass
additional options to the pip commands to work (e.g. to use a web proxy
or to point to additional SSL certificates) you can set them via the
`PIP_OPTIONS` environment variable.
``` bash
-D BUILD_DOC=value # yes or no (default)
## Prerequisites for HTML
To run the HTML documentation build toolchain, python 3, git, doxygen,
and virtualenv have to be installed locally. Here are instructions for
common setups:
::::::: tabs
::: tab
``` bash
sudo apt-get install git doxygen
::: tab
RHEL or CentOS (Version 7.x)
``` bash
sudo yum install git doxygen
::: tab
Fedora or RHEL/CentOS (8.x or later)
``` bash
sudo dnf install git doxygen
::: tab
*Python 3*
If Python 3 is not available on your macOS system, you can download the
latest Python 3 macOS package from \_ and
install it. This will install both Python 3 and pip3.
## Prerequisites for PDF
In addition to the tools needed for building the HTML format manual, a
working LaTeX installation with support for PDFLaTeX and a selection of
LaTeX styles/packages are required. To run the PDFLaTeX translation the
`latexmk` script needs to be installed as well.
## Prerequisites for ePUB and MOBI
In addition to the tools needed for building the HTML format manual, a
working LaTeX installation with a few add-on LaTeX packages as well as
the `dvipng` tool are required to convert embedded math expressions
transparently into embedded images.
For converting the generated ePUB file to a MOBI format file (for e-book
readers, like Kindle, that cannot read ePUB), you also need to have the
`ebook-convert` tool from the \"calibre\" software installed.
\_ Typing `make mobi` will first create the
ePUB file and then convert it. On the Kindle readers in particular, you
also have support for PDF files, so you could download and view the PDF
version as an alternative.
## Instructions for Developers
When adding new styles or options to the LAMMPS code, corresponding
documentation is required and either existing files in the `src` folder
need to be updated or new files added. These files are written in
markup for translation with the Sphinx tool.
Before contributing any documentation, please check that both the HTML
and the PDF format documentation can translate without errors. During
testing the html translation, you may use the `make fasthtml` command
which does an approximate translation (i.e. not all Sphinx features and
extensions will work), but runs very fast because it will only translate
files that have been changed since the last `make fasthtml` command.
Please also check the output to the console for any warnings or
problems. There will be multiple tests run automatically:
- A test for correctness of all anchor labels and their references
- A test that all LAMMPS packages (= folders with sources in
`lammps/src`) are documented and listed. A typical warning shows the
name of the folder with the suspected new package code and the
documentation files where they need to be listed:
Found 88 packages
Package NEWPACKAGE missing in Packages_list.rst
Package NEWPACKAGE missing in Packages_details.rst
- A test that only standard, printable ASCII text characters are used.
This runs the command `env LC_ALL=C grep -n '[^ -~]' src/*.rst` and
thus prints all offending lines with filename and line number
prepended to the screen. Special characters like Greek letters
($\alpha~~\sigma~~\epsilon$), super- or subscripts
($x^2~~\mathrm{U}_{LJ}$), mathematical expressions
($\frac{1}{2}\mathrm{N}~~x\to\infty$), or the Angstrom symbol
($\AA$) should be typeset with embedded LaTeX (like this
`` :math:`\alpha \sigma \epsilon ``[, ]{.title-ref}[:math:\`x\^2
mathrm{E}\_{LJ}]{.title-ref}`,`$\frac{1}{2}\mathrm{N} x\to\infty$`, or`$\AA$\`\`).
- Embedded LaTeX is rendered in HTML output with
[MathJax](https://www.mathjax.org/)\_ and in PDF output by passing
the embedded text to LaTeX. Some care has to be taken, though, since
there are limitations which macros and features can be used in
either mode, so it is recommended to always check whether any new or
changed documentation does translate and render correctly with
either output.
- A test whether all styles are documented and listed in their
respective overview pages. A typical output with warnings looks like
Parsed style names w/o suffixes from C++ tree in ../src:
Angle styles: 21 Atom styles: 24
Body styles: 3 Bond styles: 17
Command styles: 41 Compute styles: 143
Dihedral styles: 16 Dump styles: 26
Fix styles: 223 Improper styles: 13
Integrate styles: 4 Kspace styles: 15
Minimize styles: 9 Pair styles: 234
Reader styles: 4 Region styles: 8
Compute style entry newcomp is missing or incomplete in Commands_compute.rst
Compute style entry newcomp is missing or incomplete in compute.rst
Fix style entry newfix is missing or incomplete in Commands_fix.rst
Fix style entry newfix is missing or incomplete in fix.rst
Pair style entry new is missing or incomplete in Commands_pair.rst
Pair style entry new is missing or incomplete in pair_style.rst
Found 6 issue(s) with style lists
In addition, there is the option to run a spellcheck on the entire
manual with `make spelling`. This requires [a library called
enchant](https://github.com/AbiWord/enchant)\_. To avoid printing out
*false positives* (e.g. keywords, names, abbreviations) those can be
added to the file `lammps/doc/utils/sphinx-config/false_positives.txt`.