# Visualize LAMMPS snapshots Snapshots from LAMMPS simulations can be viewed, visualized, and analyzed in a variety of ways. LAMMPS snapshots are created by the [dump](dump) command, which can create files in several formats. The native LAMMPS dump format is a text file (see \"dump atom\" or \"dump custom\") which can be visualized by [several visualization tools](https://www.lammps.org/viz.html)\_ for MD simulation trajectories. [OVITO](https://www.ovito.org)\_ and [VMD](https://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd)\_ seem to be the most popular choices among them. The [dump image](dump_image) and [dump movie](dump_image) styles can output internally rendered images or convert them to a movie during the MD run. Programs included with LAMMPS as auxiliary tools can convert between LAMMPS format files and other formats. See the [Tools](Tools) page for details. These are rarely needed these days.