# Authors of LAMMPS The primary LAMMPS developers are at Sandia National Labs and Temple University: - [Steve Plimpton](https://sjplimp.github.io)\_, sjplimp at gmail.com - Aidan Thompson, athomps at sandia.gov - Stan Moore, stamoor at sandia.gov - [Axel Kohlmeyer](https://sites.google.com/site/akohlmey/)\_, akohlmey at gmail.com - Richard Berger, richard.berger at outlook.com Past developers include Paul Crozier and Mark Stevens, both at Sandia, and Ray Shan, now at Materials Design. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The [Authors page](https://www.lammps.org/authors.html)\_ of the [LAMMPS website](https://www.lammps.org)\_ has a comprehensive list of all the individuals who have contributed code for a new feature or command or tool to LAMMPS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following folks deserve special recognition. Many of the packages they have written are unique for an MD code and LAMMPS would not be as general-purpose as it is without their expertise and efforts. - Metin Aktulga (MSU), REAXFF package for C/C++ version of ReaxFF - Mike Brown (Intel), GPU and INTEL packages - Colin Denniston (U Western Ontario), LATBOLTZ package - Georg Ganzenmuller (EMI), MACHDYN and SPH packages - Andres Jaramillo-Botero (Caltech), EFF package for electron force field - Reese Jones (Sandia) and colleagues, ATC package for atom/continuum coupling - Christoph Kloss (DCS Computing), LIGGGHTS code for granular materials, built on top of LAMMPS - Rudra Mukherjee (JPL), POEMS package for articulated rigid body motion - Trung Ngyuen (U Chicago), GPU, RIGID, BODY, and DIELECTRIC packages - Mike Parks (Sandia), PERI package for Peridynamics - Roy Pollock (LLNL), Ewald and PPPM solvers - Julien Tranchida (CEA Cadarache), SPIN package - Christian Trott (Sandia), CUDA and KOKKOS packages - Ilya Valuev (JIHT), AWPMD package for wave packet MD - Greg Wagner (Northwestern U), MEAM package for MEAM potential ------------------------------------------------------------------------ As discussed on the [History page](https://www.lammps.org/history.html)\_ of the website, LAMMPS originated as a cooperative project between DOE labs and industrial partners. Folks involved in the design and testing of the original version of LAMMPS were the following: - John Carpenter (Mayo Clinic, formerly at Cray Research) - Terry Stouch (Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, formerly at Bristol Myers Squibb) - Steve Lustig (Dupont) - Jim Belak and Roy Pollock (LLNL)