# Configuration information The following methods can be used to query the LAMMPS library about compile time settings and included packages and styles. ``` {.python caption="Example for using configuration settings functions"} from lammps import lammps lmp = lammps() try: lmp.file("in.missing") except Exception as e: print("LAMMPS failed with error:", e) # write compressed dump file depending on available of options if lmp.has_style("dump", "atom/zstd"): lmp.command("dump d1 all atom/zstd 100 dump.zst") elif lmp.has_style("dump", "atom/gz"): lmp.command("dump d1 all atom/gz 100 dump.gz") elif lmp.has_gzip_support(): lmp.command("dump d1 all atom 100 dump.gz") else: lmp.command("dump d1 all atom 100 dump") ``` ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Methods:** - `lammps.has_mpi_support `{.interpreted-text role="py:attr"}\_\_ - `lammps.has_exceptions `{.interpreted-text role="py:attr"}\_\_ - `lammps.has_gzip_support `{.interpreted-text role="py:attr"}\_\_ - `lammps.has_png_support `{.interpreted-text role="py:attr"}\_\_ - `lammps.has_jpeg_support `{.interpreted-text role="py:attr"}\_\_ - `lammps.has_ffmpeg_support `{.interpreted-text role="py:attr"}\_\_ - `lammps.installed_packages `{.interpreted-text role="py:attr"}\_\_ - `lammps.get_accelerator_config `{.interpreted-text role="py:meth"}\_\_ - `lammps.has_style() `{.interpreted-text role="py:meth"}\_\_ - `lammps.available_styles() `{.interpreted-text role="py:meth"}\_\_