# angle_style amoeba command ## Syntax ``` LAMMPS angle_style amoeba ``` ## Examples ``` LAMMPS angle_style amoeba angle_coeff * 75.0 -25.0 1.0 0.3 0.02 0.003 angle_coeff * ba 3.6551 24.895 1.0119 1.5228 angle_coeff * ub -7.6 1.5537 ``` ## Description The *amoeba* angle style uses the potential $$\begin{aligned} E & = E_a + E_{ba} + E_{ub} \\ E_a & = K_2\left(\theta - \theta_0\right)^2 + K_3\left(\theta - \theta_0\right)^3 + K_4\left(\theta - \theta_0\right)^4 + K_5\left(\theta - \theta_0\right)^5 + K_6\left(\theta - \theta_0\right)^6 \\ E_{ba} & = N_1 (r_{ij} - r_1) (\theta - \theta_0) + N_2(r_{jk} - r_2)(\theta - \theta_0) \\ E_{UB} & = K_{ub} (r_{ik} - r_{ub})^2 \end{aligned}$$ where $E_a$ is the angle term, $E_{ba}$ is a bond-angle term, $E_{UB}$ is a Urey-Bradley bond term, $\theta_0$ is the equilibrium angle, $r_1$ and $r_2$ are the equilibrium bond lengths, and $r_{ub}$ is the equilibrium Urey-Bradley bond length. These formulas match how the Tinker MD code performs its angle calculations for the AMOEBA and HIPPO force fields. See the [Howto amoeba](Howto_amoeba) page for more information about the implementation of AMOEBA and HIPPO in LAMMPS. Note that the $E_a$ and $E_{ba}$ formulas are identical to those used for the [angle_style class2/p6](angle_class2) command, however there is no bond-bond cross term formula for $E_{bb}$. Additionally, there is a $E_{UB}$ term for a Urey-Bradley bond. It is effectively a harmonic bond between the I and K atoms of angle IJK, even though that bond is not enumerated in the \"Bonds\" section of the data file. There are also two ways that Tinker computes the angle $\theta$ in the $E_a$ formula. The first is the standard way of treating IJK as an \"in-plane\" angle. The second is an \"out-of-plane\" method which Tinker may use if the center atom J in the angle is bonded to one additional atom in addition to I and K. In this case, all 4 atoms are used to compute the $E_a$ formula, resulting in forces on all 4 atoms. In the Tinker PRM file, these 2 options are denoted by *angle* versus *anglep* entries in the \"Angle Bending Parameters\" section of the PRM force field file. The *pflag* coefficient described below selects between the 2 options. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Coefficients for the $E_a$, $E_{bb}$, and $E_{ub}$ formulas must be defined for each angle type via the [angle_coeff](angle_coeff) command as in the example above, or in the data file or restart files read by the [read_data](read_data) or [read_restart](read_restart) commands. These are the 8 coefficients for the $E_a$ formula: - pflag = 0 or 1 - ubflag = 0 or 1 - $\theta_0$ (degrees) - $K_2$ (energy) - $K_3$ (energy) - $K_4$ (energy) - $K_5$ (energy) - $K_6$ (energy) A pflag value of 0 vs 1 selects between the \"in-plane\" and \"out-of-plane\" options described above. Ubflag is 1 if there is a Urey-Bradley term associated with this angle type, else it is 0. $\theta_0$ is specified in degrees, but LAMMPS converts it to radians internally; hence the various $K$ values are effectively energy per radian\^2 or radian\^3 or radian\^4 or radian\^5 or radian\^6. For the $E_{ba}$ formula, each line in a [angle_coeff](angle_coeff) command in the input script lists 5 coefficients, the first of which is \"ba\" to indicate they are BondAngle coefficients. In a data file, these coefficients should be listed under a \"BondAngle Coeffs\" heading and you must leave out the \"ba\", i.e. only list 4 coefficients after the angle type. - ba - $N_1$ (energy/distance\^2) - $N_2$ (energy/distance\^2) - $r_1$ (distance) - $r_2$ (distance) The $\theta_0$ value in the $E_{ba}$ formula is not specified, since it is the same value from the $E_a$ formula. For the $E_{ub}$ formula, each line in a [angle_coeff](angle_coeff) command in the input script lists 3 coefficients, the first of which is \"ub\" to indicate they are UreyBradley coefficients. In a data file, these coefficients should be listed under a \"UreyBradley Coeffs\" heading and you must leave out the \"ub\", i.e. only list 2 coefficients after the angle type. - ub - $K_{ub}$ (energy/distance\^2) - $r_{ub}$ (distance) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## Restrictions This angle style can only be used if LAMMPS was built with the AMOEBA package. See the [Build package](Build_package) doc page for more info. ## Related commands [angle_coeff](angle_coeff) ## Default none