# improper_style amoeba command ## Syntax ``` LAMMPS improper_style amoeba ``` ## Examples ``` LAMMPS improper_style amoeba improper_coeff 1 49.6 ``` ## Description The *amoeba* improper style uses the potential $$E = K (\chi)^2$$ where $\chi$ is the improper angle and $K$ is a prefactor. Note that the usual 1/2 factor is included in $K$. This formula seems like a simplified version of the formula for the [improper_style harmonic](improper_harmonic) command with $\chi_0$ = 0.0. However the computation of the angle $\chi$ is done differently to match how the Tinker MD code computes its out-of-plane improper for the AMOEBA and HIPPO force fields. See the [Howto amoeba](Howto_amoeba) doc page for more information about the implementation of AMOEBA and HIPPO in LAMMPS. If the 4 atoms in an improper quadruplet (listed in the data file read by the [read_data](read_data) command are ordered I,J,K,L then atoms I,K,L are considered to lie in a plane and atom J is out-of-place. The angle $\chi_0$ is computed as the Allinger angle which is defined as the angle between the plane of I,K,L, and the vector from atom I to atom J. The following coefficient must be defined for each improper type via the [improper_coeff](improper_coeff) command as in the example above, or in the data file or restart files read by the [read_data](read_data) or [read_restart](read_restart) commands: - $K$ (energy) Note that the angle $\chi$ is computed in radians; hence $K$ is effectively energy per radian\^2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## Restrictions This improper style can only be used if LAMMPS was built with the AMOEBA package. See the [Build package](Build_package) doc page for more info. ## Related commands [improper_coeff](improper_coeff), [improper_harmonic](improper_harmonic) ## Default none