# preset that turns on all existing packages. using the combination # this preset followed by the nolib.cmake preset should configure a # LAMMPS binary, with as many packages included, that can be compiled # with just a working C++ compiler and an MPI library. set(ALL_PACKAGES ASPHERE BODY CLASS2 COLLOID COMPRESS CORESHELL DIPOLE GPU GRANULAR KIM KOKKOS KSPACE LATTE MANYBODY MC MISC MESSAGE MOLECULE MPIIO MSCG OPT PERI POEMS PYTHON QEQ REPLICA RIGID SHOCK SNAP SPIN SRD VORONOI USER-ADIOS USER-ATC USER-AWPMD USER-BOCS USER-CGDNA USER-CGSDK USER-COLVARS USER-DIFFRACTION USER-DPD USER-DRUDE USER-EFF USER-FEP USER-H5MD USER-INTEL USER-LB USER-MANIFOLD USER-MEAMC USER-MESO USER-MGPT USER-MISC USER-MOFFF USER-MOLFILE USER-NETCDF USER-OMP USER-PHONON USER-PLUMED USER-PTM USER-QMMM USER-QTB USER-QUIP USER-REAXC USER-SCAFACOS USER-SDPD USER-SMD USER-SMTBQ USER-SPH USER-TALLY USER-UEF USER-VTK USER-YAFF) foreach(PKG ${ALL_PACKAGES}) set(PKG_${PKG} ON CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) endforeach()