.TH LAMMPS "7 August 2019" "2019-08-07" .SH NAME .B LAMMPS \- Molecular Dynamics Simulator. .SH SYNOPSIS .B lmp \-in [OPTIONS] ... or mpirun \-np 2 .B lmp [OPTIONS] ... or .B lmp \-r2data file.restart file.data .SH DESCRIPTION .B LAMMPS is a classical molecular dynamics code, and an acronym for \fBL\fRarge-scale \fBA\fRtomic/\fBM\fRolecular \fBM\fRassively \fBP\fRarallel \fBS\fRimulator. .B LAMMPS has potentials for soft materials (bio-molecules, polymers) and solid-state materials (metals, semiconductors) and coarse-grained or mesoscopic systems. It can be used to model atoms or, more generically, as a parallel particle simulator at the atomic, meso, or continuum scale. See https://lammps.sandia.gov/ for more information and documentation. .SH EXECUTABLE NAME The .B LAMMPS executable can have different names depending on how it was configured, compiled and installed. It will be either .B lmp or .B lmp_. The suffix corresponds to the (machine specific) makefile used to compile .B LAMMPS when using the conventional build process. When building .B LAMMPS using .B CMake this parameter can be chosen arbitrarily at configuration time, but more common is to just use .B lmp without a suffix. In this manpage we will use .B lmp to represent any of those names. .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB\-h\fR or \fB\-help\fR Print a brief help summary and a list of settings and options compiled into this executable. It also explicitly lists all LAMMPS styles (atom_style, fix, compute, pair_style, bond_style, etc) available in the specific executable. This can tell you if the command you want to use was included via the appropriate package at compile time. LAMMPS will print the info and immediately exit if this switch is used. .TP \fB\-e\fR or \fB\-echo\fR Set the style of command echoing. The style can be .B none or .B screen or .B log or .B both. Depending on the style, each command read from the input script will be echoed to the screen and/or logfile. This can be useful to figure out which line of your script is causing an input error. The default value is .B log. .TP \fB\-i \fR or \fB\-in \fR Specify a file to use as an input script. If it is not specified, LAMMPS reads its script from standard input. This is a required switch when running LAMMPS in multi-partition mode. .TP \fB\-k on/off [keyword value]\fR or \fB\-kokkos on/off [keyword value]\fR Enable or disable general KOKKOS support, as provided by the KOKKOS package. Even if LAMMPS is built with this package, this switch must be set to \fBon\fR to enable running with KOKKOS-enabled styles. More details on this switch and its optional keyword value pairs are discussed at: https://lammps.sandia.gov/doc/Run_options.html .TP \fB\-l \fR or \fB\-log \fR Specify a log file for LAMMPS to write status information to. The default value is "log.lammps". If the file name "none" is used, \fBLAMMPS\fR will not write a log file. In multi-partition mode only some high-level all-partition information is written to the "" file, the remainder is written in a per-partition file ".N" with "N" being the respective partition number, unless overridden by the \-plog flag (see below). .TP \fB\-m \fR or \fB\-mpicolor \fR If used, this must be the first command-line argument after the .B LAMMPS executable name. It is only used when .B LAMMPS is launched by an mpirun command which also launches one or more other executable(s) at the same time. .B LAMMPS and the other executable(s) perform an MPI_Comm_split(), each with their own different colors, to split the MPI_COMM_WORLD communicator for each executable to the subset of processors they are supposed to be actually running on. Currently, this is only used in .B LAMMPS to perform client/server messaging with another application. .B LAMMPS can act as either a client or server (or both). .TP \fB\-nc\fR or \fB\-nocite\fR Disable writing the "log.cite" file which is normally written to list references for specific cite-able features used during a .B LAMMPS run. .TP \fB\-pk