![logo](img/logo.svg) # Lanquetta A GUI application for testing gRPC services. ## Getting started To get started, click "Add file" in the sidebar and select your `.proto` file. The file will be automatically compiled and all the services added to the sidebar. If you have a more complex protobuf file structure (for example, you need to specify additional include paths), you can instead import a file descriptor set. To generate one, run `protoc` with the `--descriptor_set_out` argument: ```sh protoc file.proto -I . -I /extra/include --include_imports --descriptor_set_out filedescriptorset.bin ``` ## Options The ![options](img/options_icon.svg) button for a service opens a tab which controls default configuration for a service. ![Sample](img/options.png) ## Calling your service The ![add](img/add_icon.svg) button for a service method opens a tab where you can call your gRPC service. The history of previous requests and responses is displayed in the bottom pane. ![Sample](img/method.png)