/* * mock http server for testing * * Copyright (C) 2014-2018 LastPass. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give * permission to link the code of portions of this program with the * OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each * individual source file, and distribute linked combinations * including the two. * * You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects * for all of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify * file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you * do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your * version. If you delete this exception statement from all source * files in the program, then also delete it here. * * See LICENSE.OpenSSL for more details regarding this exception. */ #include #include #include #include "../util.h" #include "../blob.h" #define TEST_USER "user@example.com" #define TEST_PASS "123456" #define TEST_UID "57747756" struct test_data { char *username; char *password; char *uid; int iterations; unsigned char key[KDF_HASH_LEN]; char login_hash[KDF_HEX_LEN]; struct blob blob; }; struct test_data test_data; static void init_test_data() { static bool is_initialized; struct account *account; unsigned char *key; if (is_initialized) return; test_data.username = xstrdup(TEST_USER); test_data.password = xstrdup(TEST_PASS); test_data.uid = xstrdup(TEST_UID); test_data.iterations = 1000; kdf_login_key(test_data.username, test_data.password, test_data.iterations, test_data.login_hash); kdf_decryption_key(test_data.username, test_data.password, test_data.iterations, test_data.key); test_data.blob.version = 1; test_data.blob.local_version = false; INIT_LIST_HEAD(&test_data.blob.account_head); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&test_data.blob.share_head); // existing server side accounts used by some tests key = test_data.key; account = new_account(); account->id = xstrdup("0001"); account_set_name(account, "test-account", key); account_set_group(account, "test-group", key); account_set_username(account, "xyz@example.com", key); account_set_password(account, "test-account-password", key); account_set_url(account, "https://test-url.example.com/", key); account_set_note(account, "", key); list_add_tail(&account->list, &test_data.blob.account_head); account = new_account(); account->id = xstrdup("0002"); account_set_name(account, "test-note", key); account_set_group(account, "test-group", key); account_set_username(account, xstrdup(""), key); account_set_password(account, xstrdup(""), key); account_set_url(account, "http://sn", key); account_set_note(account, "NoteType: Server\n" "Hostname: foo.example.com\n" "Username: test-note-user\n" "Password: test-note-password", key); list_add_tail(&account->list, &test_data.blob.account_head); account = new_account(); account->id = xstrdup("0003"); account_set_name(account, "test-reprompt-account", key); account_set_group(account, "test-group", key); account_set_username(account, "xyz@example.com", key); account_set_password(account, "test-account-password", key); account_set_url(account, "https://test-url.example.com/", key); account_set_note(account, "", key); account->pwprotect = true; list_add_tail(&account->list, &test_data.blob.account_head); account = new_account(); account->id = xstrdup("0004"); account_set_name(account, "test-reprompt-note", key); account_set_group(account, "test-group", key); account_set_username(account, xstrdup(""), key); account_set_password(account, xstrdup(""), key); account_set_url(account, "http://sn", key); account_set_note(account, "NoteType: Server\n" "Hostname: foo.example.com\n" "Username: test-note-user\n" "Password: test-note-password", key); account->pwprotect = true; list_add_tail(&account->list, &test_data.blob.account_head); is_initialized = true; } static char *get_param(char **argv, char *name) { int i; for (i=0; argv[i]; i += 2) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], name)) return argv[i + 1]; } return NULL; } static char *getaccts(char **argv, size_t *len) { UNUSED(argv); char *data = NULL; if (len) *len = blob_write(&test_data.blob, NULL, &data); return data; } static char *iterations(char **argv, size_t *len) { UNUSED(argv); char *response = NULL; response = xultostr(test_data.iterations); if (len) *len = strlen(response); return response; } static char *show_website(char **argv, size_t *len) { UNUSED(argv); if (len) *len = 0; return xstrdup(""); } static char *login(char **argv, size_t *len) { char *username = get_param(argv, "username"); char *hash = get_param(argv, "hash"); char *response; if (strcmp(username, test_data.username) || strcmp(hash, test_data.login_hash)) { response = xstrdup("" "" ""); } else { response = xstrdup("" "" ""); } if (len) *len = strlen(response); return response; } static char *login_check(char **argv, size_t *len) { UNUSED(argv); char *response = xstrdup("" "" ""); if (len) *len = strlen(response); return response; } struct page_entry { char *name; char *(*fn)(char **, size_t *); }; #define PAGE(x) { .name = #x ".php", .fn = x } struct page_entry page_table[] = { PAGE(getaccts), PAGE(iterations), PAGE(login), PAGE(login_check), PAGE(show_website), }; struct session; /* * This implements a mock server for lpass for unit testing the client, * overriding the function of the same name from http.c. */ char *http_post_lastpass_v_noexit(const char *server, const char *page, const struct session *session, size_t *final_len, char **argv, int *curl_ret, long *http_code) { unsigned int i; UNUSED(server); UNUSED(session); init_test_data(); *curl_ret = 0; *http_code = 200; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(page_table); i++) { if (!strcmp(page, page_table[i].name)) { return page_table[i].fn(argv, final_len); } } fprintf(stderr, "unhandled page: %s\n", page); char *response = xstrdup(""); if (final_len) *final_len = strlen(response); return response; }