# Latex Clean This command line application is useful in cleaning the auxiliary files generated by LaTeX tools like [latexmk](https://personal.psu.edu/~jcc8/software/latexmk/), [TexStudio](https://www.texstudio.org/). This program recursively traverses the given folder and deletes the files with extensions in the following blocked list. ## List of Extensions removed - aux - lof - log - lot - fls - out - toc - fmt - fot - cb - cb3 - lb - bbl - bcf - blg - xml - fdb_latexmk - synctex - synctex(busy) - pdfsync - alg - loa - nav - pre - snm - vrb - acn - acr - glg - glo - gls - glsdefs - lzo - lzs - slg - slo - sls - nlg - nlo - nls ## Installation ### Installation from Crates.io The program is written completely in [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/), and can be installed using [cargo](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/). To install this program, first install cargo by following the [installation steps](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/getting-started/installation.html) for your operating system. Subsequently run the following command to install this crate - ```shell cargo install latexclean ``` ### Installation from source Optionally, you could also install this application directly from source by running the following command ```shell cargo install --git https://github.com/SoutrikBandyopadhyay/latexclean ``` ## Usage ### Basic Usage ```shell $ cd \path\to\your\latex\workspace $ latexclean ``` To enable verbose output, ```shell latexclean --verbose ``` ```shell latexclean -v ``` ### List all the extensions that are purged ```shell latexclean --list ``` Alternatively, ```shell latexclean -l ```