Imagine this but with pretty colors: $ latexdef def @newcommand author box parskip thanks begin bedgin \def is primitive. \@newcommand = #1[#2] -> \kernel@ifnextchar [{\@xargdef #1[#2]}{\@argdef #1[#2]} \author = #1 -> \gdef \@author {#1} \box is primitive. \parskip is primitive. \thanks = #1 -> \footnotemark \protected@xdef \@thanks {\@thanks \protect \footnotetext [\the \c@footnote ]{#1}} \begin = #1 -> \@ifundefined {#1}{\def \reserved@a {\@latex@error {Environment #1 undefined}\@eha }}{\def \reserved@a {\def \@currenvir {#1}\edef \@currenvline {\on@line }\csname #1\endcsname }}\@ignorefalse \begingroup \@endpefalse \reserved@a Further: $ latexdef --help latexdef 0.1.0 Rebecca Turner Prints definitions of LaTeX macros. USAGE: latexdef [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] ... --documentclass --engine FLAGS: -e, --expl3 Enable LaTeX3e features with the expl3 package --math Load common math packages (amsmath, amssymb, amsthm, mathtools) -h, --help Prints help information -V, --version Prints version information OPTIONS: --documentclass Document class to use [default: article] --engine TeX engine to run. [default: latex] -p, --packages ... Packages to load ARGS: ... Commands to show definitions of Install with: cargo install latexdef