set xlabel "exec/s" set ylabel "% cpu" # set logscale xy unset logscale plot \ "auditd-raw.dat" using (1/$1):($2) lw 2 title "auditd 2.8.1 (RAW)" with linespoints, \ "auditd-enriched.dat" using (1/$1):($2) lw 2 title "auditd 2.8.1 (ENRICHED)" with linespoints, \ "laurel-0.1.3.dat" using (1/$1):($2) lw 2 title "LAUREL 0.1.3" with linespoints, \ "go-audit-1.0.0.dat" using (1/$1):($2) lw 2 title "go-audit 1.0.0" with linespoints, \ "auditbeat-7.12.dat" using (1/$1):($2) lw 2 title "auditbeat 7.12.0" with linespoints, \ "sysmon-1.0.0.dat" using (1/$1):($2) lw 2 title "Sysmon/Linux 1.0.0" with linespoints, \ "sysmon-3f3e9820.dat" using (1/$1):($2) lw 2 title "Sysmon/Linux commit 3f3e9820" with linespoints, \