const { getRawVkTypeName, getWrappedVkTypeName, argToString, getFieldsInformation, isStructOrHandle, isStruct, getCountVarNameValue, documentType } = require('./utils'); const VK_SUCCESS = 0; const VK_NULL_HANDLE = 0; function generateVkHandleDefinition(def) { def.rawTypeName = getRawVkTypeName(; def.wrappedTypeName = getWrappedVkTypeName(; for (let func of def.functions) { if (!func.argsInfo) { func.argsInfo = getFieldsInformation(func.args); } } makeMethodNames(def, def.functions); return [ genUses(def), genRawType(def), genWrappedType(def), genVkRawTypeTrait(def), genVkWrappedTypeTrait(def), genDefaultTrait(def), genPartialEqTrait(def), genVkSetupTrait(def), genSpecialMethods(def), genMethods(def), // genDropTrait(def) ]; } function genUses() { const uses = new Set([ `utils::c_bindings::*`, `utils::vk_traits::*`, `utils::vk_ptr::*`, `utils::vk_convert::*`, 'std::os::raw::c_char', 'std::ops::Drop', 'std::ptr', 'std::mem', 'std::cmp', 'std::slice', `vulkan::*`, `vulkan::vk::*`, ]); return Array.from(uses.values()).map(str => `use ${str};`); } function makeMethodNames(handle, functions) { const assigned = new Set(); for (const func of functions) { const singularToReplace = handle ?'Vk', '') : ''; const pluralToReplace = handle ? singularToReplace + 's' : ''; let extension = ''; let methodName = .replace(/^vk/g, '') .replace(pluralToReplace, '') .replace(singularToReplace, '') .replace(/[A-Z]+$/, ext => { extension = ext.toLowerCase(); return ''; }) .toSnakeCase(); if (handle && === 'VkDeviceMemory') { methodName = methodName.replace('_memory', ''); } if (!handle) { methodName = `vk_${methodName}`; } if (assigned.has(methodName)) { methodName += `_${extension}`; } assigned.add(methodName); func.methodName = methodName; } } function genRawType(def) { return [ `#[doc(hidden)]`, `pub type ${def.rawTypeName} = u64;` ]; } function genWrappedType(def) { return [ documentType(def), `#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]`, `pub struct ${def.wrappedTypeName}`, [ `_handle: ${def.rawTypeName},`, `_fn_table: *mut VkFunctionTable` ] ]; } function genVkRawTypeTrait(def) { return [ `impl VkRawType<${def.wrappedTypeName}> for ${def.rawTypeName}`, [ `fn vk_to_wrapped(src: &${def.rawTypeName}) -> ${def.wrappedTypeName}`, [ def.wrappedTypeName, [ `_handle: *src,`, `_fn_table: ptr::null_mut()` ] ], ] ]; } function genVkWrappedTypeTrait(def) { return [ `impl VkWrappedType<${def.rawTypeName}> for ${def.wrappedTypeName}`, [ `fn vk_to_raw(src: &${def.wrappedTypeName}, dst: &mut ${def.rawTypeName})`, [ `*dst = src._handle` ] ] ]; } function genDefaultTrait(def) { return [ `impl Default for ${def.wrappedTypeName}`, [ `fn default() -> ${def.wrappedTypeName}`, [ def.wrappedTypeName, [ `_handle: ${VK_NULL_HANDLE},`, `_fn_table: ptr::null_mut()` ] ] ] ]; } function genPartialEqTrait(def) { return [ `impl PartialEq for ${def.wrappedTypeName}`, [ `fn eq(&self, other: &${def.wrappedTypeName}) -> bool`, [ `self._handle == other._handle` ] ] ]; } function genVkSetupTrait(def) { return [ `impl VkSetup for ${def.wrappedTypeName}`, [ `fn vk_setup(&mut self, fn_table: *mut VkFunctionTable)`, [ `self._fn_table = fn_table;` ] ] ] } function genSpecialMethods(def) { if ( === 'VkInstance') { return [ `impl ${def.wrappedTypeName}`, [ `pub fn create_surface i32>(&self, create_fn: F) -> LavaResult`, [ `unsafe`, [ `let raw_surface = &mut mem::zeroed() as *mut khr::RawVkSurface;`, `let vk_result = create_fn(self._handle, ptr::null(), raw_surface);`, `let mut surface = new_vk_value(raw_surface);`, `VkSetup::vk_setup(&mut surface, self._fn_table);`, `if vk_result != 0 { return Err((RawVkResult::vk_to_wrapped(&vk_result), surface)) }`, `Ok(surface)` ] ] ] ] } } const VK_HANDLE_DOC = '/// Returns the internal Vulkan handle for the object.'; const IS_NULL_DOC = '/// Indicates if the Vulkan internal handle for this object is 0.'; const NULL_DOC = '/// Creates an object with a null Vulkan internal handle.\n///\n/// Calling a method with a null handle will most likely result in a crash.'; function genMethods(def) { const handleMethod = [ `\n${VK_HANDLE_DOC}\npub fn vk_handle(&self) -> u64`, [ `self._handle` ], `\n${IS_NULL_DOC}\npub fn is_null(&self) -> bool`, [ `self._handle == 0` ], `\n${NULL_DOC}\npub fn null() -> Self`, [ `Self`, [ `_handle: 0,`, `_fn_table: ptr::null_mut()` ] ], ]; return [ `impl ${def.wrappedTypeName}`, => functionToMethod(def, func)).reduce((acc, block) => acc.concat(block), handleMethod) ]; } function getRawVarName(varName) { return `raw_${varName}`; } function idFunction(name) { return name; } const FORBIDDEN_FUNCTION_LIST = [ // This function returns two arrays. The current system cannot properly generate a wrapper for it. 'vkEnumeratePhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyPerformanceQueryCountersKHR' ]; function functionToMethod(handle, func) { if (FORBIDDEN_FUNCTION_LIST.includes( { return null; } // const DEBUG = === 'vkGetAccelerationStructureHandleNV'; // if (DEBUG) console.log(func.args); const isVkQueuePresentKHR = === 'vkQueuePresentKHR'; const lastArg = func.args.last(); const beforeLastArg = func.args.beforeLast(); const createSomething = lastArg.isPointer && !lastArg.isConst && ( !== 'pData' || !== 'dataSize'); const beforeLastArgIsCountPtr = createSomething && beforeLastArg && !!beforeLastArg.countFor.length && beforeLastArg.isPointer; const createList = createSomething && lastArg.countField; const returnVkResult = func.type === 'VkResult'; const methodName = func.methodName; const methodArgs = handle ? [{type: '&self'}] : []; const statements = []; const freeStataments = []; let returnStatement = null; const functionRustArgs =, index) => { const rawArg = func.args[index]; if (createList && rawArg.countFor.includes( && !beforeLastArgIsCountPtr) { const countVarName = getRawVarName(arg.varName); statements.push(`let ${countVarName} = ${arg.toRaw(idFunction)};`) return countVarName; } else if (index === func.args.length - 1 && createSomething) { return getRawVarName(arg.varName); } else if (index === func.args.length - 2 && createSomething && beforeLastArgIsCountPtr) { return getRawVarName(arg.varName); } else if (arg.varName === 'allocator') { return 'ptr::null()'; } else if (handle && index <= 1 && arg.typeName === { return `self._handle`; } else if (handle && handle.parent && index === 0 && arg.typeName === { return === 'VkInstance' ? `(*self._fn_table).instance` : `(*self._fn_table).device`; } else { const methodArgName = arg.varName; const functionArgName = getRawVarName(methodArgName); if (arg.wrappedType) { const methodArg = { name: methodArgName, type: arg.wrappedType }; if (arg.extension) { methodArg.type = arg.wrappedType.replace(arg.wrappedTypeName, `${arg.extension}::${arg.wrappedTypeName}`) } methodArgs.push(methodArg); } statements.push(`let ${functionArgName} = ${arg.toRaw(idFunction, true)};`); if (arg.freeRaw) { freeStataments.push(`${arg.freeRaw(getRawVarName)};`); } return functionArgName; } }); if (createList && !lastArg.countField) { throw new Error(`function ${} returns an array but does not take a count, need manual review`); } const isVkMapMemory = === 'vkMapMemory'; const funcNameValue = handle ? `((&*self._fn_table).${})` :; const functionCall = `${funcNameValue}(${functionRustArgs.join(', ')})`; let returnType = null; let generics = ''; if (createSomething) { if (returnVkResult) { statements.push(`let mut vk_result = ${VK_SUCCESS};`); } const wrappedFunctionCall = returnVkResult ? `vk_result = ${functionCall};` : `${functionCall};`; const createdType = func.argsInfo.last(); let createdRawTypeName = prefixWithExtension(createdType.extension, createdType.rawTypeName); let createdWrappedTypeName = prefixWithExtension(createdType.extension, createdType.wrappedTypeName); if (isVkMapMemory) { createdRawTypeName = '*mut c_void'; createdWrappedTypeName = `&'a mut [c_void]`; generics = `<'a>`; } const setupResult = createdType.typeName === 'VkInstance' || (handle && isStructOrHandle(createdType)); const resutlIsStruct = isStruct(createdType); const wrappedResultVarName = createdType.varName; const rawResultName = getRawVarName(createdType.varName); if (!createList) { statements.push( `let ${rawResultName} = &mut mem::zeroed() as *mut ${createdRawTypeName};`, ``, wrappedFunctionCall, ``, `let${setupResult ? ' mut' : ''} ${wrappedResultVarName} = ${createdType.toWrapped(getRawVarName)};`, ); if (isVkMapMemory) { statements[statements.length - 1] = `let ${wrappedResultVarName} = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(*${rawResultName}, size);` } if (setupResult) { const isInstance = createdType.typeName === 'VkInstance'; const isDevice = createdType.typeName === 'VkDevice'; let functionTable = `self._fn_table`; if (isInstance) { functionTable = `Box::into_raw(Box::new(VkFunctionTable::from_instance(*${rawResultName})))`; } else if (isDevice) { functionTable = `Box::into_raw(Box::new(VkFunctionTable::from_device(*${rawResultName})))`; } const setupStatements = [ `let fn_table = ${functionTable};`, `VkSetup::vk_setup(&mut ${wrappedResultVarName}, fn_table);` ]; if (returnVkResult) { statements.push(`if vk_result == ${VK_SUCCESS}`, setupStatements); } else { for (const statement of setupStatements) { statements.push(statement); } } } if (resutlIsStruct) { freeStataments.push( // `${createdRawTypeName}::vk_free(${rawResultName}.as_ref().unwrap());` // `free_ptr(${rawResultName}));` ); } } else { const rawCountName = getCountVarNameValue(lastArg.countField, getRawVarName); if (beforeLastArgIsCountPtr) { statements.push( `let mut ${rawResultName} : *mut ${createdRawTypeName} = ptr::null_mut();`, `let ${rawCountName} = &mut mem::zeroed() as *mut ${func.argsInfo.beforeLast().rawTypeName};`, wrappedFunctionCall ); } statements.push( `${beforeLastArgIsCountPtr ? '' : 'let '}${rawResultName} = calloc(${beforeLastArgIsCountPtr ? '*' : ''}${rawCountName} as usize, mem::size_of::<${createdRawTypeName}>()) as *mut ${createdRawTypeName};`, ``, wrappedFunctionCall, ``, `let${setupResult ? ' mut' : ''} ${wrappedResultVarName} = ${createdType.toWrapped(getRawVarName)};` ); if (setupResult) { const setupStatement = `for elt in &mut ${wrappedResultVarName} { VkSetup::vk_setup(elt, self._fn_table); }`; if (returnVkResult) { statements.push(`if vk_result == ${VK_SUCCESS}`, [ setupStatement ]); } else { statements.push(setupStatement); } } if (createdType.typeName.startsWith('Vk')) { freeStataments.push(`free(${rawResultName} as *mut u8);`); // freeStataments.push(`${createdType.freeRaw(getRawVarName)};`); } } returnType = createdWrappedTypeName; if (createList) { returnType = `Vec<${returnType}>`; } if (returnVkResult) { returnType = `LavaResult<${returnType}>`; returnStatement = `if vk_result == ${VK_SUCCESS} { Ok(${wrappedResultVarName}) } else { Err((RawVkResult::vk_to_wrapped(&vk_result), ${wrappedResultVarName})) }` } else { returnStatement = wrappedResultVarName; } } else if (returnVkResult) { statements.push(`let vk_result = ${functionCall};`); if (isVkQueuePresentKHR) { returnType = `LavaResult>`; statements.push(`let vk_results : Vec = if (*raw_present_info).results.is_null() { Vec::new() } else { new_vk_array((*raw_present_info).swapchain_count, (*raw_present_info).results) };`); returnStatement = `if vk_result == ${VK_SUCCESS} { Ok(vk_results) } else { Err((RawVkResult::vk_to_wrapped(&vk_result), vk_results)) }`; } else if (methodName === 'get_status') { returnType = `VkResult`; returnStatement = `RawVkResult::vk_to_wrapped(&vk_result)`; } else { returnType = 'LavaResult<()>'; returnStatement = `if vk_result == ${VK_SUCCESS} { Ok(()) } else { Err((RawVkResult::vk_to_wrapped(&vk_result), ())) }`; } } else { statements.push(`${functionCall};`); } if ( === 'vkDestroyInstance' || === 'vkDestroyDevice') { freeStataments.push(`if !self._fn_table.is_null() { Box::from_raw(self._fn_table); }`); } const argList =', '); const returnInfo = returnType ? ` -> ${returnType}` : ''; const allStatements = statements.concat(freeStataments); if (returnStatement) { allStatements.push(returnStatement); } const doc = [documentType(func)]; if (isVkQueuePresentKHR) { doc.push( '///', '/// If `present_info.results` is true, then the method returns a vector of `VkResult` with each value indicating the individual result for the swapchain with the corresponding index. If it is false, then the vector is always empty.' ); } return [ `\n${doc.join('\n')}\npub fn ${methodName}${generics}(${argList})${returnInfo}`, [`unsafe`, allStatements] ]; } function prefixWithExtension(ext, name) { return ext ? `${ext}::${name}` : name; } module.exports = { generateVkHandleDefinition, makeMethodNames, functionToMethod };