const { getHandle, getStruct } = require('./parse'); const PRIMITIVE_TYPES = { bool: 'bool', uint64_t: 'u64', uint32_t: 'u32', uint16_t: 'u16', uint8_t: 'u8', int64_t: 'i64', int32_t: 'i32', int16_t: 'i16', int8_t: 'i8', int: 'i32', char: 'c_char', float: 'f32', double: 'f64', size_t: 'usize', ssize_t: 'isize', void: 'c_void', VkAllocationCallbacks: 'c_void', VkDeviceSize: 'u64', VkDeviceAddress: 'u64', VkSampleMask: 'u32' }; const INDENT = ' '; const OUTPUT_HANDLE_STRUCTS = [ 'VkDisplayProperties', 'VkDisplayPlaneProperties', 'VkDisplayModeProperties' ]; Array.prototype.first = function() { return this[0]; }; Array.prototype.last = function() { return this[this.length - 1]; }; Array.prototype.beforeLast = function() { return this[this.length - 2]; }; String.prototype.toSnakeCase = function() { return toSnakeCase(this); } String.prototype.capitalize = function() { return capitalize(this); }; function capitalize(str) { if (!str.length) { return ''; } return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.substring(1); } function isStructOrHandle(field) { return !!(getHandle(field) || getStruct(field)); } function isStruct(field) { return !!getStruct(field); } function toSnakeCase(str) { return str .replace(/([A-Z]+)|([0-9]+)/g, str => `_${str}`) .toLowerCase() .replace(/(^|_)(1|2|3)_d(_|$)/g, '$1$2d$3') .replace(/^_/, '') .replace(/_+/g, '_'); } function toPascalCase(str) { return str.split('_') .map(word => word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.substring(1).toLowerCase()).join('') .replace(/\d[a-z](?=\d)/g, str => str[0] + str[1].toUpperCase()); } function toUpperCase(str) { return str .replace(/[a-z][A-Z]/g, str => `${str[0]}_${str[1]}`) .toUpperCase(); } function findEnumPrefix(typeName) { if (typeName === 'VkResult') { return 'VK_'; } return typeName .replace(/[A-Z]+$/, '') .replace(/[A-Z]+/g, `_$&`) .toUpperCase() .substring(1); } function blockToString(block) { if (typeof block === 'string') { return block; } else { return _blocksToString(block).replace(/\n {/g, '\n{'); } } function _blocksToString(blocks) { blocks = blocks.filter(b => b !== null); let result = ''; let isFirst = true; for (let block of blocks) { if (typeof block === 'string') { if (!isFirst) { result += '\n'; } result += block; } else if (isFirst) { result += _blocksToString(block); } else { result += ' {\n'; result += _blocksToString(block).split('\n').map(str => INDENT + str).join('\n'); result += '\n}'; } isFirst = false; } return result.replace(/\n;/g, ';\n'); } function isPlural(arg) { return arg && !arg.typeName.endsWith('s') &&'s'); } function cToRustVarName(name) { name = name.replace(/^(p{1,2})[A-Z]/, str => str[str.length - 1]); name = toSnakeCase(name); if (name === 'type') { name = 'type_'; } return name; } function argToString(arg) { return ? `${}: ${arg.type}` : arg.type; } function doesFieldRepresentVersion(field) { return field.typeName === 'uint32_t' && /(p?)apiversion$/i.test(; } function createStaticArray(typeName, arraySize, varName, functionName) { return `unsafe { let mut dst_array : [${typeName}; ${arraySize}] = mem::MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init(); ${functionName}(&${varName}, &mut dst_array); dst_array }`; } function fillStaticArray(typeName, arraySize) { return `unsafe { let mut dst_array : [${typeName}; ${arraySize}] = mem::MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init(); fill_vk_array(&mut dst_array); dst_array }`; } function getRawVkTypeName(cTypeName) { return `Raw${cTypeName}`; } function getWrappedVkTypeName(cTypeName) { return cTypeName; } function getFieldRawTypeName(field) { if ( === 'pCode') { return 'u8'; } else if (field.typeName === 'VkBool32') { return 'u32'; } return PRIMITIVE_TYPES[field.typeName] || getRawVkTypeName(field.typeName); } const INT_TYPES = ['uint32_t', 'uint64_t', 'int32_t', 'int64_t', 'VkDeviceSize'] // const INT_FIELD_NAMES = ['x', 'y', 'z', 'width', 'height', 'layers', 'timeout']; const INT_FIELD_NAMES = ['layers', 'timeout', 'data']; function fieldNameIsInt(field) { return INT_FIELD_NAMES.includes( || /(mask|version|(bits$))/i.test(; } function getFieldWrappedTypeName(field) { if ( === 'pCode') { return `u8`; } else if (doesFieldRepresentVersion(field)) { return `VkVersion`; } else if (INT_TYPES.includes(field.typeName) && !fieldNameIsInt(field)) { return field.typeName.startsWith('int') ? `isize` : `usize`; } else if (field.typeName === 'VkBool32') { return 'bool'; } return PRIMITIVE_TYPES[field.typeName] || getWrappedVkTypeName(field.typeName); } function getStaticVkValueName(wrappedTypeName) { return `STATIC_${toUpperCase(wrappedTypeName)}`; } function getConstVkValueName(wrappedTypeName) { return `CONST_${toUpperCase(wrappedTypeName)}`; } function getPrimitiveDefaultValue(typeName) { if (!Object.values(PRIMITIVE_TYPES).includes(typeName)) { return null; } if (typeName === 'bool') { return 'false'; } else if (typeName === 'f32' || typeName === 'f64') { return '0.0'; } else { return '0'; } } function isOutputHandleStruct(typeName) { return OUTPUT_HANDLE_STRUCTS.includes(typeName); } function getCountVarNameValue(countFieldName, getVarName) { const isNested = countFieldName.includes('::'); if (isNested) { const path = countFieldName.split('::'); return `(&*${getVarName(cToRustVarName(path[0]))}).${path.slice(1).map(cToRustVarName).join('.')}`; } else { return getVarName(cToRustVarName(countFieldName)); } } function getFieldsInformation(fields, structName) { const infos = []; for (const field of fields) { const rawTypeName = getFieldRawTypeName(field); const wrappedTypeName = getFieldWrappedTypeName(field); const arraySize = field.arraySize; const isCount = !!(field.countFor && field.countFor.length); const isDoublePointer = field.isDoublePointer; const isPointerArray = field.isPointer && (field.countField || === 'pSampleMask'); const isPointerValue = field.isPointer && !isPointerArray; const isStaticArray = !field.isPointer && !!arraySize; const isPrimitiveType = rawTypeName === wrappedTypeName; const isOptional = field.isOptional && !!(structName || !field.isPointer || field.isConst || field !== fields.last()); const varName = '[VarName]'; const countVarName = '[CountVarName]'; const arrayVarName = '[ArrayVarName]'; const varNameValue = cToRustVarName(; const countVarNameValue = field.countField ? field.countField : null; const arrayVarNameValue = isCount ? cToRustVarName(field.countFor[0]) : null; const countField = (field.countField && fields.find(f => === field.countField)) || {}; const countVarIsPointer = countField.isPointer; let rawType = null; let wrappedType = null; let toRaw = null; let toWrapped = null; let defValue = null; let freeRaw = null; if ( === 'pResults' && structName === 'VkPresentInfo') { rawType = '*mut RawVkResult'; wrappedType = 'bool'; toRaw = getVarName => `if ${getVarName(varNameValue)} { unsafe { calloc(${getVarName(`swapchains`)}.len(), mem::size_of::()) as *mut RawVkResult } } else { ptr::null_mut() }`; toWrapped = `!${varName}.is_null()`; defValue = `false`; freeRaw = `free_ptr(${varName})`; } else if ( === 'pAllocator') { rawType = '*const c_void'; wrappedType = '*const c_void'; toRaw = varName; toWrapped = varName; defValue = 'ptr::null()'; } else if ( === 'sType' && field.values) { rawType = 'RawVkStructureType'; toRaw = () => `vk_to_raw_value(&VkStructureType::${toPascalCase(field.values.substring('VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_'.length))})`; } else if ( === 'pNext') { rawType = `*mut c_void`; toRaw = `ptr::null_mut()`; } else if ( === 'pCode') { rawType = '*mut u8'; wrappedType = '&[u8]'; toRaw = `get_vec_ptr(${varName})`; toWrapped = `&[]`; defValue = '&[]'; } else if (field.fullType === 'void**') { rawType = `*mut *mut c_void`; wrappedType = `*mut *mut c_void`; toRaw = varName; toWrapped = varName; defValue = 'ptr::null_mut()' } else if (/(const )?void\*$/.test(field.fullType)) { if (field.countField) { rawType = `*mut c_void`; toRaw = `get_vec_ptr(${varName})`; if (countVarIsPointer) { wrappedType = `Vec`; toWrapped = `Vec::from_raw_parts(${varName}, *${countVarName}, *${countVarName})`; defValue = 'Vec::new()'; } else { wrappedType = `&[c_void]`; toWrapped = `slice_from_ptr(${countVarName} as usize, ${varName})`; defValue = '&[]'; } } else { rawType = `*mut c_void`; wrappedType = `*mut c_void`; toRaw = varName; toWrapped = varName; defValue = 'ptr::null_mut()'; } } else if (isCount) { rawType = isPointerValue ? `*mut ${rawTypeName}` : rawTypeName; let lenValue = ''; for (let i = 0; i < field.countFor.length; ++i) { const arrayFieldName = field.countFor[i]; const arrayField = fields.find(f => === arrayFieldName); if (i === 0 || arrayField.isConst || !arrayField.isPointer) { // Don't use created array into account const arrayName =`makeVarName(${cToRustVarName(arrayFieldName)})`; const otherLen = arrayField.isOptional ? `get_array_option_len(&${arrayName})` : `${arrayName}.len()`; lenValue = !lenValue ? otherLen : `cmp::max(${lenValue}, ${otherLen})`; } } // if ( === 'codeSize') { // lenValue = `${lenValue} * 4` // } if (rawTypeName !== 'usize') { lenValue += ` as ${rawTypeName}`; } toRaw = new Function('makeVarName', [ `return '${lenValue}'.replace(/makeVarName\\((\\w+)\\)/g, function(_, name) { return makeVarName(name); });`, ].join('\n')); } else if (field.fullType === 'const char* const*') { rawType = `*mut *mut c_char`; freeRaw = `free_ptr(${varName})`; wrappedType = `Vec<&str>`; toRaw = `new_ptr_string_array(&${varName})`; toWrapped = `new_string_ref_vec(${countVarName}, ${varName} as *const *const c_char)`; defValue = `Vec::new()`; } else if (field.fullType === 'const char*') { rawType = `*mut c_char`; freeRaw = `free_ptr(${varName})`; if (isOptional) { wrappedType =`Option<&str>`; toRaw = `new_ptr_string_checked(&${varName})`; toWrapped = `new_string_ref_checked(${varName})`; defValue = `None`; } else { wrappedType =`&str`; toRaw = `new_ptr_string(${varName})`; toWrapped = `new_string_ref(${varName})`; defValue = `""`; } } else if (field.fullType === 'char' && field.arraySize) { rawType = `[c_char; ${arraySize}]`; wrappedType = `String`; toRaw = createStaticArray(rawTypeName, arraySize, varName, 'string_to_byte_array'); toWrapped = `new_string(&${varName}[0] as *const c_char)`; defValue = `String::new()`; } else if (isPrimitiveType) { const primitiveDefaultValue = getPrimitiveDefaultValue(wrappedTypeName); if (isPointerArray) { let vecLength = `${countVarIsPointer ? '*' : ''}${countVarName}`; if (countField.typeName !== 'size_t') { vecLength += ' as usize'; } rawType = `*mut ${rawTypeName}`; // freeRaw = `free_ptr(${varName})`; if (isOptional) { wrappedType = `Option>`; toRaw = `get_vec_ptr_checked(&${varName})`; toWrapped = `vec_from_ptr_checked(${vecLength}, ${varName})`; defValue = `None`; } else { wrappedType = `Vec<${wrappedTypeName}>`; toRaw = `get_vec_ptr(&${varName})`; toWrapped = `vec_from_ptr(${vecLength}, ${varName})`; defValue = `Vec::new()`; } if (!field.countField) { // This line is specifically for the field `pSampleMask` of `VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo` // Might need to change it toWrapped = isOptional ? `None` : `vec![]`; } } else if (isPointerValue) { rawType = `*mut ${rawTypeName}`; freeRaw = `free_ptr(${varName})`; wrappedType = wrappedTypeName; toRaw = `&${varName} as *const ${rawTypeName}`; toWrapped = `*${varName}`; defValue = primitiveDefaultValue; } else if (isStaticArray) { rawType = `[${rawTypeName}; ${arraySize}]`; if (field.countField) { wrappedType = `Vec<${wrappedTypeName}>`; toWrapped = `new_array(${countVarName}, ${varName}.as_ptr())`; } else { wrappedType = `[${wrappedTypeName}; ${arraySize}]`; toRaw = createStaticArray(rawTypeName, arraySize, varName, 'to_array'); toWrapped = createStaticArray(rawTypeName, arraySize, varName, 'to_array'); defValue = `[${primitiveDefaultValue}; ${arraySize}]`; } } else { rawType = rawTypeName; wrappedType = wrappedTypeName; toRaw = varName; toWrapped = varName; defValue = primitiveDefaultValue; } } else { const fieldIsStruct = isStruct(field); if (isDoublePointer) { const countPrefix = countField.isPointer ? '*' : ''; const countSuffix = countField.typeName === 'size_t' ? '' : ' as usize'; rawType = `*mut *mut ${rawTypeName}`; if (fieldIsStruct) { freeRaw = `free_vk_ptr_array_array(${countPrefix}${countVarName}${countSuffix}, ${varName})`; } else { freeRaw = `free_ptr(${varName})`; } wrappedType = `Vec<${wrappedTypeName}>`; toRaw = `new_ptr_vk_array_array(&${varName})`; defValue = `Vec::new()`; } else if (isPointerArray) { const countPrefix = countField.isPointer ? '*' : ''; const countSuffix = countField.typeName === 'size_t' ? '' : ' as usize'; rawType = `*mut ${rawTypeName}`; if (fieldIsStruct) { freeRaw = `free_vk_ptr_array(${countPrefix}${countVarName}${countSuffix}, ${varName})`; } else { freeRaw = `free_ptr(${varName})`; } if (isOptional) { wrappedType = `Option>`; toWrapped = `new_vk_array_checked(${countVarIsPointer ? '*' : ''}${countVarName}, ${varName})`; toRaw = `new_ptr_vk_array_checked(&${varName})`; defValue = `None`; } else { wrappedType = `Vec<${wrappedTypeName}>`; toWrapped = `new_vk_array(${countVarIsPointer ? '*' : ''}${countVarName}, ${varName})`; toRaw = `new_ptr_vk_array(&${varName})`; defValue = `Vec::new()`; } } else if (isPointerValue) { rawType = `*mut ${rawTypeName}`; if (fieldIsStruct) { freeRaw = `free_vk_ptr(${varName})`; } else { freeRaw = `free_ptr(${varName})`; } if (isOptional) { wrappedType = `Option<${wrappedTypeName}>`; toWrapped = `new_vk_value_checked(${varName})`; toRaw = `new_ptr_vk_value_checked(&${varName})`; defValue = `None`; } else { wrappedType = `${wrappedTypeName}`; toWrapped = `new_vk_value(${varName})`; toRaw = `new_ptr_vk_value(&${varName})`; defValue = `Default::default()`; } } else if (isStaticArray) { rawType = `[${rawTypeName}; ${arraySize}]`; if (fieldIsStruct) { freeRaw = `for elt in ${varName}.iter() { ${rawTypeName}::vk_free(elt); }`; } if (field.countField) { wrappedType = `Vec<${wrappedTypeName}>`; toRaw = createStaticArray(rawTypeName, arraySize, varName, 'vk_to_raw_array'); toWrapped = `new_vk_array(${countVarName}, ${varName}.as_ptr())`; defValue = `Vec::new()`; } else { wrappedType = `[${wrappedTypeName}; ${arraySize}]`; toRaw = createStaticArray(rawTypeName, arraySize, varName, 'vk_to_raw_array'); toWrapped = createStaticArray(wrappedTypeName, arraySize, varName, 'vk_to_wrapped_array'); defValue = fillStaticArray(wrappedTypeName, arraySize); } } else { rawType = rawTypeName; if (isOptional && !wrappedTypeName.endsWith('Flags') && wrappedTypeName.startsWith('Vk')) { wrappedType = `Option<${wrappedTypeName}>`; toRaw = `vk_to_raw_value_checked(&${varName})`; toWrapped = `Some(${rawTypeName}::vk_to_wrapped(&${varName}))`; defValue = `None`; } else { wrappedType = wrappedTypeName; toRaw = `vk_to_raw_value(&${varName})`; toWrapped = `${rawTypeName}::vk_to_wrapped(&${varName})`; defValue = getPrimitiveDefaultValue(wrappedTypeName) || `Default::default()`; } } } const info = { typeName: field.typeName, extension: field.extension, rawType: rawType, wrappedType: wrappedType, rawTypeName: rawTypeName, wrappedTypeName: wrappedTypeName, toRaw: stringToFunction(toRaw, varName, countVarName, arrayVarName, varNameValue, countVarNameValue, arrayVarNameValue), toWrapped: stringToFunction(toWrapped, varName, countVarName, arrayVarName, varNameValue, countVarNameValue, arrayVarNameValue), freeRaw: stringToFunction(freeRaw, varName, countVarName, arrayVarName, varNameValue, countVarNameValue, arrayVarNameValue), defaultValue: defValue, varName: varNameValue }; infos.push(info); } return infos; } function addUsesToSet(set, rootType, fields) { for (let field of fields) { const typeName = field.wrappedTypeName; if (typeName.startsWith('Vk') && typeName !== rootType.wrappedTypeName) { // let use = `vk::`; // if (field.extension) { use += `${field.extension}::`; } // use += toSnakeCase(typeName); // use += `::*`; let types = [field.wrappedTypeName]; if (field.rawTypeName.startsWith('Raw')) { types.push(field.rawTypeName); } set.add(`vulkan::${field.extension || 'vk'}::{${types.join(',')}}`); } } } function stringToFunction(statement, varName, countVarName, arrayVarName, varNameValue, countVarNameValue, arrayVarNameValue) { if (!statement) { return null; } if (typeof statement === 'function') { return statement; } let body = [ `var str = '${statement}';`, `str = str.replace('${varName}', makeVarName("${varNameValue}"));`, `str = str.replace('${varName}', makeVarName("${varNameValue}"));` ]; if (countVarNameValue) { body.push(`str = str.replace('${countVarName}', makeCountVar("${countVarNameValue}", makeVarName));`); body.push(`str = str.replace('${countVarName}', makeCountVar("${countVarNameValue}", makeVarName));`); } if (arrayVarNameValue) { body.push(`str = str.replace('${arrayVarName}', makeVarName("${arrayVarNameValue}"));`); } body.push( `if (removeUnsafe) str = str.replace('unsafe {', '{');`, `return str;` ); const baseFunc = new Function('makeCountVar', 'makeVarName', 'removeUnsafe', body.join('\n')); return function(makeVarName, removeUnsafe) { return baseFunc(getCountVarNameValue, makeVarName, removeUnsafe); }; } function documentType(def, precision) { const typeName = (def.typeName || + (def.extension || '').toUpperCase(); let str = `/// Wrapper for [${typeName}](${typeName}.html).`; if (precision) { str += `\n///\n${precision}`; } return str; } module.exports = { toSnakeCase, toPascalCase, toUpperCase, getRawVkTypeName, getWrappedVkTypeName, blockToString, isPlural, cToRustVarName, argToString, getFieldsInformation, findEnumPrefix, getStaticVkValueName, getConstVkValueName, addUsesToSet, isStructOrHandle, isStruct, isOutputHandleStruct, getCountVarNameValue, documentType };