import bot from lavalink_voice import LavalinkVoice from utils import Context, Plugin import random import lightbulb plugin = Plugin("Music (advanced) commands") plugin.add_checks(lightbulb.guild_only) @plugin.command() @lightbulb.command("pause", "Pause the currently playing song") @lightbulb.implements(lightbulb.PrefixCommand, lightbulb.SlashCommand) async def pause(ctx: Context) -> None: """Pause the currently playing song""" if not ctx.guild_id: return None voice = if not voice: await ctx.respond("Not connected to a voice channel") return None assert isinstance(voice, LavalinkVoice) player = await voice.player.get_player() if player.track: if await ctx.respond( f"Paused: [`{} - {}`](<{}>)" ) else: await ctx.respond( f"Paused: `{} - {}`" ) await voice.player.set_pause(True) else: await ctx.respond("Nothing to pause") @plugin.command() @lightbulb.command("resume", "Resume the currently playing song") @lightbulb.implements(lightbulb.PrefixCommand, lightbulb.SlashCommand) async def resume(ctx: Context) -> None: """Resume the currently playing song""" if not ctx.guild_id: return None voice = if not voice: await ctx.respond("Not connected to a voice channel") return None assert isinstance(voice, LavalinkVoice) player = await voice.player.get_player() if player.track: if await ctx.respond( f"Resumed: [`{} - {}`](<{}>)" ) else: await ctx.respond( f"Resumed: `{} - {}`" ) await voice.player.set_pause(False) else: await ctx.respond("Nothing to resume") @plugin.command() @lightbulb.option( "seconds", "The position to jump to", int, ) @lightbulb.command("seek", "Seek the currently playing song") @lightbulb.implements(lightbulb.PrefixCommand, lightbulb.SlashCommand) async def seek(ctx: Context) -> None: """Seek the currently playing song to a specific second""" if not ctx.guild_id: return None voice = if not voice: await ctx.respond("Not connected to a voice channel") return None assert isinstance(voice, LavalinkVoice) player = await voice.player.get_player() if player.track: if await ctx.respond( f"Seeked: [`{} - {}`](<{}>)" ) else: await ctx.respond( f"Seeked: `{} - {}`" ) await voice.player.set_position_ms(ctx.options.seconds * 1000) else: await ctx.respond("Nothing to seek") @plugin.command() @lightbulb.command("queue", "List the current queue") @lightbulb.implements(lightbulb.PrefixCommand, lightbulb.SlashCommand) async def queue(ctx: Context) -> None: """List the current queue""" if not ctx.guild_id: return None voice = if not voice: await ctx.respond("Not connected to a voice channel") return None assert isinstance(voice, LavalinkVoice) player = await voice.player.get_player() now_playing = "Nothing" if player.track: time_s = int(player.state.position / 1000 % 60) time_m = int(player.state.position / 1000 / 60) time_true_s = int(player.state.position / 1000) time = f"{time_m:02}:{time_s:02}" assert player.track.user_data and isinstance(player.track.user_data, dict) if now_playing = f"[`{} - {}`](<{}>) | {time} (Second {time_true_s}), Requested by <@!{player.track.user_data['requester_id']}>" else: now_playing = f"`{} - {}` | {time} (Second {time_true_s}), Requested by <@!{player.track.user_data['requester_id']}>" queue = await voice.player.get_queue().get_queue() queue_text = "" for idx, i in enumerate(queue): if idx == 9: break assert i.track.user_data and isinstance(i.track.user_data, dict) if queue_text += f"{idx+1} -> [`{} - {}`](<{}>) | Requested by <@!{i.track.user_data['requester_id']}>\n" else: queue_text += f"{idx+1} -> `{} - {}` | Requested by <@!{i.track.user_data['requester_id']}>\n" if not queue_text: queue_text = "Empty queue" await ctx.respond(f"Now playing: {now_playing}\n\n{queue_text}") @plugin.command() @lightbulb.option( "index", "The index of the song to remove", int, ) @lightbulb.command("remove", "Remove the song at the specified index from the queue") @lightbulb.implements(lightbulb.PrefixCommand, lightbulb.SlashCommand) async def remove(ctx: Context) -> None: """Remove the song at the specified index from the queue""" if not ctx.guild_id: return None voice = if not voice: await ctx.respond("Not connected to a voice channel") return None assert isinstance(voice, LavalinkVoice) queue = voice.player.get_queue() if ctx.options.index > await queue.get_count(): await ctx.respond("Index out of range") return None assert isinstance(ctx.options.index, int) track_in_queue = await queue.get_track(ctx.options.index - 1) assert track_in_queue track = track_in_queue.track if await ctx.respond( f"Removed: [`{} - {}`](<{}>)" ) else: await ctx.respond(f"Removed: `{} - {}`") queue.remove(ctx.options.index - 1) @plugin.command() @lightbulb.command("clear", "Clear the entire queue") @lightbulb.implements(lightbulb.PrefixCommand, lightbulb.SlashCommand) async def clear(ctx: Context) -> None: """Clear the entire queue""" if not ctx.guild_id: return None voice = if not voice: await ctx.respond("Not connected to a voice channel") return None assert isinstance(voice, LavalinkVoice) queue = voice.player.get_queue() if not await queue.get_count(): await ctx.respond("The queue is already empty") return None queue.clear() await ctx.respond("The queue has been cleared") @plugin.command() @lightbulb.option( "index1", "The index of the one of the songs to swap", int, ) @lightbulb.option( "index2", "The index of the other song to swap", int, ) @lightbulb.command("swap", "Swap the places of two songs in the queue") @lightbulb.implements(lightbulb.PrefixCommand, lightbulb.SlashCommand) async def swap(ctx: Context) -> None: """Swap the places of two songs in the queue""" if not ctx.guild_id: return None voice = if not voice: await ctx.respond("Not connected to a voice channel") return None assert isinstance(voice, LavalinkVoice) queue = voice.player.get_queue() queue_len = await queue.get_count() if ctx.options.index1 > queue_len: await ctx.respond("Index 1 out of range") return None if ctx.options.index2 > queue_len: await ctx.respond("Index 2 out of range") return None if ctx.options.index1 == ctx.options.index2: await ctx.respond("Can't swap between the same indexes") return None assert isinstance(ctx.options.index1, int) assert isinstance(ctx.options.index2, int) track1 = await queue.get_track(ctx.options.index1 - 1) track2 = await queue.get_track(ctx.options.index2 - 1) assert track1 assert track2 queue.swap(ctx.options.index1 - 1, track2) queue.swap(ctx.options.index2 - 1, track1) if track1_text = f"[`{} - {}`](<{}>)" else: track1_text = f"`{} - {}`" if track2_text = f"[`{} - {}`](<{}>)" else: track2_text = f"`{} - {}`" await ctx.respond(f"Swapped {track2_text} with {track1_text}") @plugin.command() @lightbulb.command("shuffle", "Shuffle the queue") @lightbulb.implements(lightbulb.PrefixCommand, lightbulb.SlashCommand) async def shuffle(ctx: Context) -> None: """Shuffle the queue""" if not ctx.guild_id: return None voice = if not voice: await ctx.respond("Not connected to a voice channel") return None assert isinstance(voice, LavalinkVoice) queue_ref = voice.player.get_queue() queue = await queue_ref.get_queue() random.shuffle(queue) queue_ref.replace(queue) await ctx.respond("Shuffled the queue") def load(bot: bot.Bot) -> None: bot.add_plugin(plugin)