import bot from utils import Context, Plugin from lavalink_voice import LavalinkVoice import logging import typing as t import hikari import lightbulb from import SearchEngines from lavalink_rs.model.track import TrackData, PlaylistData, TrackLoadType plugin = Plugin("Music (basic) commands") plugin.add_checks(lightbulb.guild_only) async def _join(ctx: Context) -> t.Optional[hikari.Snowflake]: if not ctx.guild_id: return None channel_id = None for i in ctx.options.items(): if i[0] == "channel" and i[1]: channel_id = i[1].id break if not channel_id: voice_state =, if not voice_state or not voice_state.channel_id: return None channel_id = voice_state.channel_id await LavalinkVoice.connect( ctx.guild_id, channel_id,,, (ctx.channel_id,, ) return channel_id @plugin.command() @lightbulb.option( "channel", "The channel you want me to join", hikari.GuildVoiceChannel, required=False, channel_types=[hikari.ChannelType.GUILD_VOICE], ) @lightbulb.command( "join", "Enters the voice channel you are connected to, or the one specified" ) @lightbulb.implements(lightbulb.PrefixCommand, lightbulb.SlashCommand) async def join(ctx: Context) -> None: """Joins the voice channel you are in""" channel_id = await _join(ctx) if channel_id: await ctx.respond(f"Joined <#{channel_id}>") else: await ctx.respond( "Please, join a voice channel, or specify a specific channel to join in" ) @plugin.command() @lightbulb.command("leave", "Leaves the voice channel") @lightbulb.implements(lightbulb.PrefixCommand, lightbulb.SlashCommand) async def leave(ctx: Context) -> None: """Leaves the voice channel""" if not ctx.guild_id: return None voice = if not voice: await ctx.respond("Not in a voice channel") return None await await ctx.respond("Left the voice channel") @plugin.command() @lightbulb.option( "query", "The spotify search query, or any URL", modifier=lightbulb.OptionModifier.CONSUME_REST, required=False, ) @lightbulb.command( "play", "Searches the query on spotify and adds the first result to the queue, or adds the URL to the queue", auto_defer=True, ) @lightbulb.implements( lightbulb.PrefixCommand, lightbulb.SlashCommand, ) async def play(ctx: Context) -> None: if not ctx.guild_id: return None voice = has_joined = False if not voice: if not await _join(ctx): await ctx.respond("Please, join a voice channel first.") return None voice = has_joined = True assert isinstance(voice, LavalinkVoice) player_ctx = voice.player query = ctx.options.query.replace(">", "").replace("<", "") if not query: player = await player_ctx.get_player() queue = player_ctx.get_queue() if not player.track and await queue.get_count() > 0: player_ctx.skip() else: if player.track: await ctx.respond("A song is already playing") else: await ctx.respond("The queue is empty") return None if not query.startswith("http"): query = SearchEngines.spotify(query) try: tracks = await, query) loaded_tracks = except Exception as e: logging.error(e) await ctx.respond("Error") return None if tracks.load_type == TrackLoadType.Track: assert isinstance(loaded_tracks, TrackData) loaded_tracks.user_data = {"requester_id": int(} player_ctx.queue(loaded_tracks) if await ctx.respond( f"Added to queue: [`{} - {}`](<{}>)" ) else: await ctx.respond( f"Added to queue: `{} - {}`" ) elif tracks.load_type == TrackLoadType.Search: assert isinstance(loaded_tracks, list) loaded_tracks[0].user_data = {"requester_id": int(} player_ctx.queue(loaded_tracks[0]) if loaded_tracks[0].info.uri: await ctx.respond( f"Added to queue: [`{loaded_tracks[0]} - {loaded_tracks[0].info.title}`](<{loaded_tracks[0].info.uri}>)" ) else: await ctx.respond( f"Added to queue: `{loaded_tracks[0]} - {loaded_tracks[0].info.title}`" ) elif tracks.load_type == TrackLoadType.Playlist: assert isinstance(loaded_tracks, PlaylistData) if track = loaded_tracks.tracks[] track.user_data = {"requester_id": int(} player_ctx.queue(track) if await ctx.respond( f"Added to queue: [`{} - {}`](<{}>)" ) else: await ctx.respond( f"Added to queue: `{} - {}`" ) else: tracks = loaded_tracks.tracks for i in tracks: i.user_data = {"requester_id": int(} queue = player_ctx.get_queue() queue.append(tracks) await ctx.respond(f"Added playlist to queue: `{}`") # Error or no search results else: await ctx.respond("No songs found") return None if has_joined: return None player_data = await player_ctx.get_player() queue = player_ctx.get_queue() if player_data: if not player_data.track and await queue.get_track(0): player_ctx.skip() @plugin.command() @lightbulb.command("skip", "Skip the currently playing song") @lightbulb.implements(lightbulb.PrefixCommand, lightbulb.SlashCommand) async def skip(ctx: Context) -> None: """Skip the currently playing song""" if not ctx.guild_id: return None voice = if not voice: await ctx.respond("Not connected to a voice channel") return None assert isinstance(voice, LavalinkVoice) player = await voice.player.get_player() if player.track: if await ctx.respond( f"Skipped: [`{} - {}`](<{}>)" ) else: await ctx.respond( f"Skipped: `{} - {}`" ) voice.player.skip() else: await ctx.respond("Nothing to skip") @plugin.command() @lightbulb.command("stop", "Stop the currently playing song") @lightbulb.implements(lightbulb.PrefixCommand, lightbulb.SlashCommand) async def stop(ctx: Context) -> None: """Stop the currently playing song""" if not ctx.guild_id: return None voice = if not voice: await ctx.respond("Not connected to a voice channel") return None assert isinstance(voice, LavalinkVoice) player = await voice.player.get_player() if player.track: if await ctx.respond( f"Stopped: [`{} - {}`](<{}>)" ) else: await ctx.respond( f"Stopped: `{} - {}`" ) await voice.player.stop_now() else: await ctx.respond("Nothing to stop") def load(bot: bot.Bot) -> None: bot.add_plugin(plugin)