# lazer-rs Console printer with a fluent API, written in Rust. # lazer Lazer is a utility for printing to the console using a fluent API. Ported to Rust from the original TypeScript package. ## Description Lazer helps you build, format and print complex messages to the console using an expressive fluent API. ## Usage ### Simple Example #### **`main.rs`** ```rust use lazer::{lazer}; fn main() { lazer() .print("Hello,") .print_space() .print_green("Green World") .print_ln("!"); } ``` ```bash $ cargo run Hello, Green World! ``` ### Complex Example ```typescript use lazer::{lazer}; fn main() { let remote_addr = ""; let method = "GET"; let path = "/a/really/really/really/long/path/here"; let status = 200; let time_ms = 20; let size_bytes_string = "1.10kB"; lazer() .print("[").print_utc_time().print("]") .print_space(1).print("-").print_space(1) .print_pad_right(remote_addr, 15, "_") .print_space(2) .print_pad_right(method, 4, "_") .print_space(2) .print_pad_right(path, 20, "_") .print_space(2) .iff(status >= 200 && status < 300) .print_green(&status.to_string()) .eliff(status >= 300 && status < 400) .print_yellow(&status.to_string()) .eliff(status >= 400) .print_red(&status.to_string()) .end() .print_space(2) .print_pad_right(&format!("{}ms", time_ms), 6, "_") .print_space(2) .print_ln(size_bytes_string); } ``` ```bash $ deno run example.ts [Tue, 11 May 2021 17:25:18 +0000] - GET__ /a/really/really/r+18 200 20ms___ 1.10kB ``` ### Buffering Example ```typescript import { lazer } from "https://deno.land/x/lazer/mod.ts" const getLinePrefix = () => { return lazer().buffer() .print_yellow('[').print_yellow("Line Prefix").print_yellow(']') .print_space().print("-").print_space() .print_yellow('[').set_color_yellow().print_utc_time().print_yellow(']') .print_space().print("-").print_space() .return(); } lazer() .print(getLinePrefix()) .print_yellow_ln("This is a prefixed line of text output"); lazer() .print(getLinePrefix()) .print_yellow_ln("This is another prefixed line of text output"); ``` ```bash $ deno run example.ts [Line Prefix] - [Mon, 10 May 2021 16:31:29 GMT] - This is a prefixed line of text output [Line Prefix] - [Mon, 10 May 2021 16:31:29 GMT] - This is another prefixed line of text output ``` ### Buffer Aliasing Example ```typescript import { lazer } from "https://deno.land/x/lazer/mod.ts" lazer().buffer() .set_color_red().print_ln("Some red output to buffer") .store('i am an alias'); lazer().buffer() .load('i am an alias') .print_b(); ``` ```bash $ deno run example.ts Some red output to buffer ``` ## Supported Platforms ### Deno ```typescript import { lazer } from "https://deno.land/x/lazer/mod.ts" ``` ### Node.js ```bash npm i --save lazer-js ``` ```javascript const { lazer } = require('lazer-js'); ```