function [x,f,info] = lbfgsb( fcn, l, u, opts ) % x = lbfgsb( fcn, l, u ) % uses the lbfgsb v.3.0 library (fortran files must be installed; % see compile_mex.m ) which is the L-BFGS-B algorithm. % The algorithm is similar to the L-BFGS quasi-Newton algorithm, % but also handles bound constraints via an active-set type iteration. % This version is based on the modified C code L-BFGS-B-C, and so has % a slightly different calling syntax than previous versions. % % The minimization problem that it solves is: % min_x f(x) subject to l <= x <= u % % 'fcn' is a function handle that accepts an input, 'x', % and returns two outputs, 'f' (function value), and 'g' (function gradient). % % 'l' and 'u' are column-vectors of constraints. Set their values to Inf % if you want to ignore them. (You can set some values to Inf, but keep % others enforced). % % The full format of the function is: % [x,f,info] = lbfgsb( fcn, l, u, opts ) % where the output 'f' has the value of the function f at the final iterate % and 'info' is a structure with useful information % (self-explanatory, except for info.err. The first column of info.err % is the history of the function values f, and the second column % is the history of norm( gradient, Inf ). ) % % The 'opts' structure allows you to pass further options. % Possible field name values: % % opts.x0 The starting value (default: all zeros) % opts.m Number of limited-memory vectors to use in the algorithm % Try 3 <= m <= 20. (default: 5 ) % opts.factr Tolerance setting (see this source code for more info) % (default: 1e7 ). This is later multiplied by machine epsilon % opts.pgtol Another tolerance setting, relating to norm(gradient,Inf) % (default: 1e-5) % opts.maxIts How many iterations to allow (default: 100) % opts.maxTotalIts How many iterations to allow, including linesearch iterations % (default: 5000) % opts.printEvery How often to display information (default: 1) % opts.errFcn A function handle (or cell array of several function handles) % that computes whatever you want. The output will be printed % to the screen every 'printEvery' iterations. (default: [] ) % Results saved in columns 3 and higher of info.err variable % % Stephen Becker, % Feb 14, 2012 % Updated Feb 21 2015, Stephen Becker, narginchk(3, 4) if nargin < 4, opts = struct([]); end % Matlab doesn't let you use the .name convention with structures % if they are empty, so in that case, make the structure non-empty: if isempty(opts), opts=struct('a',1) ; end function out = setOpts( field, default, mn, mx ) if ~isfield( opts, field ) opts.(field) = default; end out = opts.(field); if nargin >= 3 && ~isempty(mn) && any(out < mn), error('Value is too small'); end if nargin >= 4 && ~isempty(mx) && any(out > mx), error('Value is too large'); end opts = rmfield( opts, field ); % so we can do a check later end % [f,g] = callF( x ); if iscell(fcn) % the user has given us separate functions to compute % f (function) and g (gradient) callF = @(x) fminunc_wrapper(x,fcn{1},fcn{2} ); else callF = fcn; end n = length(l); if length(u) ~= length(l), error('l and u must be same length'); end x0 = setOpts( 'x0', zeros(n,1) ); x = x0 + 0; % important: we want Matlab to make a copy of this. % just in case 'x' will be modified in-place % (Feb 2015 version of code, it should not be modified, % but just-in-case, may as well leave this ) if size(x0,2) ~= 1, error('x0 must be a column vector'); end if size(l,2) ~= 1, error('l must be a column vector'); end if size(u,2) ~= 1, error('u must be a column vector'); end if size(x,1) ~= n, error('x0 and l have mismatchig sizes'); end if size(u,1) ~= n, error('u and l have mismatchig sizes'); end % Number of L-BFGS memory vectors % From the fortran driver file: % "Values of m < 3 are not recommended, and % large values of m can result in excessive computing time. % The range 3 <= m <= 20 is recommended. " m = setOpts( 'm', 5, 0 ); % 'nbd' is 0 if no bounds, 1 if lower bound only, % 2 if both upper and lower bounds, and 3 if upper bound only. % This .m file assumes l=-Inf and u=+Inf imply that there are no constraints. % So, convert this to the fortran convention: nbd = isfinite(l) + isfinite(u) + 2*isinf(l).*isfinite(u); if ispc nbd = int32(nbd); else nbd = int64(nbd); end % Some scalar settings, "factr" and "pgtol" % Their descriptions, from the fortran file: % factr is a DOUBLE PRECISION variable that must be set by the user. % It is a tolerance in the termination test for the algorithm. % The iteration will stop when % % (f^k - f^{k+1})/max{|f^k|,|f^{k+1}|,1} <= factr*epsmch % % where epsmch is the machine precision which is automatically % generated by the code. Typical values for factr on a computer % with 15 digits of accuracy in double precision are: % factr=1.d+12 for low accuracy; % 1.d+7 for moderate accuracy; % 1.d+1 for extremely high accuracy. % The user can suppress this termination test by setting factr=0. factr = setOpts( 'factr', 1e7, 0 ); % pgtol is a double precision variable. % On entry pgtol >= 0 is specified by the user. The iteration % will stop when % % max{|proj g_i | i = 1, ..., n} <= pgtol % % where pg_i is the ith component of the projected gradient. % The user can suppress this termination test by setting pgtol=0. pgtol = setOpts( 'pgtol', 1e-5, 0 ); % may crash if < 0 % Maximum number of outer iterations maxIts = setOpts( 'maxIts', 100, 1 ); % Maximum number of total iterations % (this includes the line search steps ) maxTotalIts = setOpts( 'maxTotalIts', 5e3 ); % Print out information this often (and set to Inf to suppress) printEvery = setOpts( 'printEvery', 1 ); errFcn = setOpts( 'errFcn', [] ); iprint = setOpts('verbose',-1); % <0 for no output, 0 for some, 1 for more, 99 for more, 100 for more % I recommend you set this -1 and use the Matlab print features % (e.g., set printEvery ) fcn_wrapper([], [], [], 0); % initialize persistent variables callF_wrapped = @(x,varargin) fcn_wrapper( callF, errFcn, maxIts, ... printEvery, x, varargin{:} ); % callF_wrapped = @(x,varargin)callF(x); % also valid, but simpler % Call the mex file [f,x,taskInteger,outer_count, k] = lbfgsb_wrapper( m, x, l, u, nbd, ... callF_wrapped, factr, pgtol, ... iprint, maxIts, maxTotalIts); info.iterations = outer_count; info.totalIterations = k; info.lbfgs_message1 = findTaskString( taskInteger ); errHist = fcn_wrapper([], [], [], printEvery); info.err = errHist; end % end of main function function [f,g] = fcn_wrapper( callF, errFcn, maxIts, printEvery, x, varargin ) persistent k history if isempty(k), k = 1; end if nargin==4 % reset persistent variables and return information if ~isempty(history) && ~isempty(k) if printEvery > 0 printFcn(k,history); end f = history(1:k,:); end history = []; k = []; return; end if isempty( history ) width = 0; if iscell( errFcn ), width = length(errFcn); elseif ~isempty(errFcn), width = 1; end width = width + 2; % include fcn and norm(grad) as well history = zeros( maxIts, width ); end % Find function value and gradient: [f,g] = callF(x); if nargin > 5 outerIter = varargin{1}+1; history(outerIter,1) = f; history(outerIter,2) = norm(g,Inf); % g is not projected if isa( errFcn, 'function_handle' ) history(outerIter,3) = errFcn(x); elseif iscell( errFcn ) for j = 1:length(errFcn) history(outer_count,j+2) = errFcn{j}(x); end end if outerIter > k % Display info from *previous* input % Since this may be called several times before outerIter % is actually updated % fprintf('At iterate %5d, f(x)= %.2e, ||grad||_infty = %.2e [MATLAB]\n',... % k,history(k,1),history(k,2) ); if (printEvery > 0) && ~isinf(printEvery) && ~mod(k,printEvery) printFcn(k,history); end k = outerIter; end end end function printFcn(k,history) fprintf('Iter %5d, f(x) = %2e, ||grad||_infty = %.2e', ... k, history(k,1), history(k,2) ); for col = 3:size(history,2) fprintf(', %.2e', history(k,col) ); end fprintf('\n'); end function [f,g] = fminunc_wrapper(x,F,G) % [f,g] = fminunc_wrapper( x, F, G ) % for use with Matlab's "fminunc" f = F(x); if nargin > 2 && nargout > 1 g = G(x); end end function str = findTaskString( taskInteger ) % See the #define statements in lbfgsb.h switch taskInteger case 209 str = 'ERROR: N .LE. 0'; case 210 str = 'ERROR: M .LE. 0'; case 211 str = 'ERROR: FACTR .LT. 0'; case 3 str = 'ABNORMAL_TERMINATION_IN_LNSRCH.'; case 4 str = 'RESTART_FROM_LNSRCH.'; case 21 str = 'CONVERGENCE: NORM_OF_PROJECTED_GRADIENT_<=_PGTOL.'; case 22 str = 'CONVERGENCE: REL_REDUCTION_OF_F_<=_FACTR*EPSMCH.'; case 31 str = 'STOP: CPU EXCEEDING THE TIME LIMIT.'; case 32 str = 'STOP: TOTAL NO. of f AND g EVALUATIONS EXCEEDS LIM.'; case 33 str = 'STOP: THE PROJECTED GRADIENT IS SUFFICIENTLY SMALL.'; case 101 str = 'WARNING: ROUNDING ERRORS PREVENT PROGRESS'; case 102 str = 'WARNING: XTOL TEST SATISIED'; case 103 str = 'WARNING: STP = STPMAX'; case 104 str = 'WARNING: STP = STPMIN'; case 201 str = 'ERROR: STP .LT. STPMIN'; case 202 str = 'ERROR: STP .GT. STPMAX'; case 203 str = 'ERROR: INITIAL G .GE. ZERO '; case 204 str = 'ERROR: FTOL .LT. ZERO'; case 205 str = 'ERROR: GTOL .LT. ZERO'; case 206 str = 'ERROR: XTOL .LT. ZERO'; case 207 str = 'ERROR: STPMIN .LT. ZERO'; case 208 str = 'ERROR: STPMAX .LT. STPMIN'; case 212 str = 'ERROR: INVALID NBD'; case 213 str = 'ERROR: NO FEASIBLE SOLUTION'; otherwise str = 'UNRECOGNIZED EXIT FLAG'; end end