## [0.2.0] - 2021-08-21 ### Added * Added `SIGINT` signal graceful shutdown handler * Updated `lc-proto` to `v0.4.0` and protobuf usage * Removed unused args from `Dockerfile`, added empty `CMD`, Rust version is set to `:1` ## [0.1.0] - 2021-05-27 ### Added * Added `lc-proto` with scripts to download and build protobufs * Added `RendererError` enum that contains all application errors * Added helpers to convert scales, colors, view values, points, bar label positions from protobuf enums * Added helpers to create chart views from protobuf * Added `RendererServer` that implements `ChartRenderer` lc-proto service * Added workflows to lint and test code * Added `Dockerfile` and workflows to build and push images ## [0.0.1] - 2021-05-18 Initial release of the app that provides gRPC API to render chart images via `lc-render` library