use std::collections::HashMap; use anyhow::Result; use crate::parsers::*; pub struct Lcov { name: std::path::PathBuf, files: Vec, } pub struct LcovSummary { total_lines: usize, total_lines_hit: usize, total_functions: usize, total_functions_hit: usize, } impl LcovSummary { fn lines_percentage(&self) -> f64 { self.total_lines_hit as f64 / self.total_lines as f64 * 100. } fn functions_percentage(&self) -> f64 { self.total_functions_hit as f64 / self.total_functions as f64 * 100. } } impl Lcov { /// Parse an LCOV file. pub fn parse(name: std::path::PathBuf) -> Result { let source = std::fs::read_to_string(&name)?; let mut files = vec![]; for line in source.lines() { if line.starts_with("SF:") { let (_, source) = source_file_path(line).unwrap(); files.push(LcovFile::new(&source)); continue; } if line.starts_with("FN:") { let (_, (_, name)) = function_name(line).unwrap(); if let Some(file) = files.last_mut() { file.function_hits.insert(name.to_string(), 0); } continue; } if line.starts_with("FNDA:") { let (_, (hits, name)) = function_hit_count(line).unwrap(); if let Some(file) = files.last_mut() { *file.function_hits.get_mut(name).unwrap() = hits; } continue; } if line.starts_with("FNF:") { let (_, found) = functions_found(line).unwrap(); if let Some(file) = files.last_mut() { file.functions_found = found; } continue; } if line.starts_with("FNH:") { let (_, hit) = functions_hit(line).unwrap(); if let Some(file) = files.last_mut() { file.functions_hit = hit; } continue; } if line.starts_with("LF:") { let (_, found) = lines_found(line).unwrap(); if let Some(file) = files.last_mut() { file.lines_found = found; } continue; } if line.starts_with("LH:") { let (_, hit) = lines_hit(line).unwrap(); if let Some(file) = files.last_mut() { file.lines_hit = hit; } continue; } if line.starts_with("BF:") { let (_, found) = branches_found(line).unwrap(); if let Some(file) = files.last_mut() { file.branches_found = found; } continue; } if line.starts_with("BH:") { let (_, hit) = branches_hit(line).unwrap(); if let Some(file) = files.last_mut() { file.branches_hit = hit; } continue; } } Ok(Self { name, files }) } /// Return a reference to the parsed files. pub fn files(&self) -> &[LcovFile] { &self.files } /// Return a mutable reference to the parsed files. pub fn files_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [LcovFile] { &mut self.files } pub fn diffstd(&self, other: &Self) { todo!(); } /// Print a summary of the diff of two files to stdout. pub fn diffsummarystd(&self, other: &Self) { use prettytable::{format::consts::FORMAT_CLEAN, format::Alignment, Cell, Row, Table}; let summary = self.summary(); let summary_other = other.summary(); let lines_diff = summary_other.lines_percentage() - summary.lines_percentage(); let functions_diff = summary_other.functions_percentage() - summary.functions_percentage(); let mut table = Table::new(); table.set_format(*FORMAT_CLEAN); table.set_titles(Self::title_row()); table.add_row(Self::sub_title_row()); table.add_row(Row::new(vec![ Cell::new_align(&, Alignment::RIGHT), Cell::new("│"), Cell::new_align(&summary.total_lines_hit.to_string(), Alignment::RIGHT), Cell::new_align(&summary.total_lines.to_string(), Alignment::RIGHT), Cell::new_align( &Self::color_percentage(summary.lines_percentage(), 70., 80.), Alignment::RIGHT, ), Cell::new("│"), Cell::new_align(&summary.total_functions_hit.to_string(), Alignment::RIGHT), Cell::new_align(&summary.total_functions.to_string(), Alignment::RIGHT), Cell::new_align( &Self::color_percentage(summary.functions_percentage(), 70., 80.), Alignment::RIGHT, ), ])); table.add_row(Row::new(vec![ Cell::new_align(&, Alignment::RIGHT), Cell::new("│"), Cell::new_align(&summary_other.total_lines_hit.to_string(), Alignment::RIGHT), Cell::new_align(&summary_other.total_lines.to_string(), Alignment::RIGHT), Cell::new_align( &Self::color_percentage(summary_other.lines_percentage(), 70., 80.), Alignment::RIGHT, ), Cell::new("│"), Cell::new_align( &summary_other.total_functions_hit.to_string(), Alignment::RIGHT, ), Cell::new_align(&summary_other.total_functions.to_string(), Alignment::RIGHT), Cell::new_align( &Self::color_percentage(summary_other.functions_percentage(), 70., 80.), Alignment::RIGHT, ), ])); table.add_row(Row::new(vec![ Cell::new_align("diff", Alignment::RIGHT), Cell::new("│"), Cell::new_align( { let diff = summary_other.total_lines_hit as isize - summary.total_lines_hit as isize; &match diff { diff if diff > 0 => format!("+ {diff}"), diff if diff < 0 => format!("- {}", diff.abs()), _ => String::new(), } }, Alignment::RIGHT, ), Cell::new_align( { let diff = summary_other.total_lines as isize - summary.total_lines as isize; &match diff { diff if diff > 0 => format!("+ {diff}"), diff if diff < 0 => format!("- {}", diff.abs()), _ => String::new(), } }, Alignment::RIGHT, ), Cell::new_align(&Self::color_percentage_diff(lines_diff), Alignment::RIGHT), Cell::new("│"), Cell::new_align( { let diff = summary_other.total_functions_hit as isize - summary.total_functions_hit as isize; &match diff { diff if diff > 0 => format!("+ {diff}"), diff if diff < 0 => format!("- {}", diff.abs()), _ => String::new(), } }, Alignment::RIGHT, ), Cell::new_align( { let diff = summary_other.total_functions as isize - summary.total_functions as isize; &match diff { diff if diff > 0 => format!("+ {diff}"), diff if diff < 0 => format!("- {}", diff.abs()), _ => String::new(), } }, Alignment::RIGHT, ), Cell::new_align( &Self::color_percentage_diff(functions_diff), Alignment::RIGHT, ), ])); table.printstd(); } /// Return the summary of a an LCOV file. pub fn summary(&self) -> LcovSummary { let mut total_lines = 0; let mut total_lines_hit = 0; let mut total_functions = 0; let mut total_functions_hit = 0; for file in &self.files { total_lines += file.lines_found; total_lines_hit += file.lines_hit; total_functions += file.functions_found; total_functions_hit += file.functions_hit; } LcovSummary { total_lines, total_lines_hit, total_functions, total_functions_hit, } } /// Print the summary of an LCOV file to stdout. pub fn summarystd(&self) { use prettytable::{format::consts::FORMAT_CLEAN, format::Alignment, Cell, Row, Table}; let summary = self.summary(); let total_lines_p = summary.lines_percentage(); let total_functions_p = summary.functions_percentage(); let mut table = Table::new(); table.set_format(*FORMAT_CLEAN); table.set_titles(Self::title_row()); table.add_row(Self::sub_title_row()); table.add_row(Row::new(vec![ Cell::new_align(&, Alignment::RIGHT), Cell::new("│"), Cell::new_align(&summary.total_lines_hit.to_string(), Alignment::RIGHT), Cell::new_align(&summary.total_lines.to_string(), Alignment::RIGHT), Cell::new_align( &Self::color_percentage(total_lines_p, 70., 80.), Alignment::RIGHT, ), Cell::new("│"), Cell::new_align(&summary.total_functions_hit.to_string(), Alignment::RIGHT), Cell::new_align(&summary.total_functions.to_string(), Alignment::RIGHT), Cell::new_align( &Self::color_percentage(total_functions_p, 70., 80.), Alignment::RIGHT, ), ])); table.printstd(); } /// Print the LCOV file to stdout. pub fn printstd(&self) { use prettytable::{format::consts::FORMAT_CLEAN, format::Alignment, Cell, Row, Table}; let mut table = Table::new(); table.set_format(*FORMAT_CLEAN); table.set_titles(Self::title_row()); table.add_row(Self::sub_title_row()); let summary = self.summary(); let total_lines_p = summary.lines_percentage(); let total_functions_p = summary.functions_percentage(); for file in &self.files { let lines_percentage = (file.lines_hit as f64 / file.lines_found as f64) * 100.; let functions_percentage = (file.functions_hit as f64 / file.functions_found as f64) * 100.; let file_name = if let Some(i) ="/src") { + 1).1 } else { & }; table.add_row(Row::new(vec![ Cell::new(file_name), Cell::new("│"), Cell::new_align(&file.lines_hit.to_string(), Alignment::RIGHT), Cell::new_align(&file.lines_found.to_string(), Alignment::RIGHT), Cell::new_align( &Self::color_percentage(lines_percentage, 70., 80.), Alignment::RIGHT, ), Cell::new("│"), Cell::new_align(&file.functions_hit.to_string(), Alignment::RIGHT), Cell::new_align(&file.functions_found.to_string(), Alignment::RIGHT), Cell::new_align( &Self::color_percentage(functions_percentage, 70., 80.), Alignment::RIGHT, ), ])); } table.add_row(Row::new(vec![ Cell::new_align(&, Alignment::RIGHT), Cell::new("│"), Cell::new_align(&summary.total_lines_hit.to_string(), Alignment::RIGHT), Cell::new_align(&summary.total_lines.to_string(), Alignment::RIGHT), Cell::new_align( &Self::color_percentage(total_lines_p, 70., 80.), Alignment::RIGHT, ), Cell::new("│"), Cell::new_align(&summary.total_functions_hit.to_string(), Alignment::RIGHT), Cell::new_align(&summary.total_functions.to_string(), Alignment::RIGHT), Cell::new_align( &Self::color_percentage(total_functions_p, 70., 80.), Alignment::RIGHT, ), ])); table.printstd(); } fn color_percentage_diff(value: f64) -> String { use colored::*; if value == 0. { format!("= {value:.2}%").yellow().to_string() } else if value > 0. { format!("+ {value:.2}%").green().to_string() } else { let value = value.abs(); format!("- {value:.2}%").red().to_string() } } fn color_percentage(value: f64, low: f64, mid: f64) -> String { use colored::*; let p = format!("{value:.2}%"); format!( "{}", if value < low { } else if value < mid { p.yellow() } else { } ) } fn title_row() -> prettytable::Row { use prettytable::{format::Alignment, Cell, Row}; Row::new(vec![ Cell::new(""), Cell::new(""), { let mut line = Cell::new_align("Lines", Alignment::CENTER); line.set_hspan(3); line }, Cell::new(""), { let mut fs = Cell::new_align("Functions", Alignment::CENTER); fs.set_hspan(3); fs }, ]) } fn sub_title_row() -> prettytable::Row { use prettytable::{Cell, Row}; Row::new(vec![ Cell::new(""), Cell::new("│"), Cell::new("Hit"), Cell::new("Total"), Cell::new("H/T"), Cell::new("│"), Cell::new("Hit"), Cell::new("Total"), Cell::new("H/T"), ]) } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct LcovFile { name: String, function_hits: HashMap, functions_found: usize, functions_hit: usize, lines_found: usize, lines_hit: usize, branches_found: usize, branches_hit: usize, } impl LcovFile { pub fn new(source: &impl AsRef) -> Self { let source = source.as_ref(); Self { name: source.to_string(), function_hits: Default::default(), functions_found: 0, functions_hit: 0, lines_found: 0, lines_hit: 0, branches_found: 0, branches_hit: 0, } } }