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# lctree
Rust implementation of [Link-cut tree](https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/800076.802464): self-balancing data structure to maintain a dynamic forest of (un)rooted trees under the following operations that take `O(logn)` amortized time:
* `link(v, w)`: creates an edge between nodes `v` and `w`.
* `cut(v, w)`: removes the edge between nodes `v` and `w`.
* `connected(v, w)`: returns `true` if nodes `v` and `w` are in the same tree.
* `path(v, w)`: performs calculations on a path between nodes `v` and `w`.
## Usage
This example shows how to link and cut edges:
use lctree::LinkCutTree;
fn main() {
// We form a link-cut tree for the following forest:
// (the numbers in parentheses are the weights of the nodes):
// a(9)
// / \
// b(1) e(2)
// / \ \
// c(8) d(10) f(4)
let mut lctree = LinkCutTree::default();
let a = lctree.make_tree(9.);
let b = lctree.make_tree(1.);
let c = lctree.make_tree(8.);
let d = lctree.make_tree(10.);
let e = lctree.make_tree(2.);
let f = lctree.make_tree(4.);
lctree.link(b, a);
lctree.link(c, b);
lctree.link(d, b);
lctree.link(e, a);
lctree.link(f, e);
// Checking connectivity:
assert!(lctree.connected(c, f)); // connected
// Path aggregation:
// We find the node with max weight on the path between c to f,
// where a has the maximum weight of 9.0:
let heaviest_node = lctree.path(c, f);
assert_eq!(heaviest_node.idx, a);
assert_eq!(heaviest_node.weight, 9.0);
// We cut node e from its parent a:
lctree.cut(e, a);
// The forest should now look like this:
// a(9)
// /
// b(1) e(2)
// / \ \
// c(8) d(10) f(4)
// We check connectivity again:
assert!(!lctree.connected(c, f)); // not connected anymore
Advanced usage include operations on paths:
Common path aggregates
Various kinds of calculations can be performed on a path between two nodes, such as `findmax`, `findmin`, or `findsum`:
use lctree::{LinkCutTree, FindMax, FindMin, FindSum};
fn main() {
// We form a link-cut tree from the following rooted tree
// (the numbers in parentheses are the weights of the nodes):
// a(9)
// / \
// b(1) e(2)
// / \ \
// c(8) d(10) f(4)
// Use FindMax, FindMin or FindSum, depending on your usage:
let mut lctree: LinkCutTree = lctree::LinkCutTree::new();
let a = lctree.make_tree(9.);
let b = lctree.make_tree(1.);
let c = lctree.make_tree(8.);
let d = lctree.make_tree(10.);
let e = lctree.make_tree(2.);
let f = lctree.make_tree(4.);
lctree.link(b, a);
lctree.link(c, b);
lctree.link(d, b);
lctree.link(e, a);
lctree.link(f, e);
// We find the sum of the weights on the path between c to f,
let result = lctree.path(c, f);
assert_eq!(result.sum, 8. + 1. + 9. + 2. + 4.);
Custom path aggregate function
A custom path aggregate function can be defined by using the `Path` trait:
use lctree::{LinkCutTree, Path};
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct FindXor {
pub xor: u64,
impl Path for FindXor {
fn default(weight: f64, _: usize) -> Self {
FindXor {
xor: weight as u64,
fn aggregate(&mut self, other: Self) {
self.xor ^= other.xor;
fn main() {
// We form a link-cut tree from the following rooted tree
// (the numbers in parentheses are the weights of the nodes):
// a(9)
// / \
// b(1) e(2)
// / \ \
// c(8) d(10) f(4)
let mut lctree: LinkCutTree = LinkCutTree::new();
let a = lctree.make_tree(9.);
let b = lctree.make_tree(1.);
let c = lctree.make_tree(8.);
let d = lctree.make_tree(10.);
let e = lctree.make_tree(2.);
let f = lctree.make_tree(4.);
lctree.link(b, a);
lctree.link(c, b);
lctree.link(d, b);
lctree.link(e, a);
lctree.link(f, e);
// We find the xor of the weights on the path between c to f,
let result = lctree.path(c, f);
assert_eq!(result.xor, 8 ^ 1 ^ 9 ^ 2 ^ 4);
## Benchmark
The overall running time for performing a number of random operations (`link(v, w)`, `cut(v, w)`, `connected(v, w)` or `findmax(v, w)`) on forests of varying sizes (check benchmark details [here](https://github.com/azizkayumov/lctree/blob/main/benches/README.md)).
| # Nodes | # Operations | [lctree](https://github.com/azizkayumov/lctree/blob/main/src/lctree.rs) | [brute-force](https://github.com/azizkayumov/lctree/blob/main/benches/benchmark.rs) |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| 100 | 10K | 4.8161 ms | 18.013 ms |
| 200 | 20K | 11.091 ms | 69.855 ms |
| 500 | 50K | 31.623 ms | 429.53 ms |
| 1000 | 100K | 68.649 ms | 1.8746 s |
| 5000 | 500K | 445.83 ms | 46.854 s |
| 10K | 1M | 964.64 ms | 183.24 s |
## Credits
This crate applies the core concepts and ideas presented in the following sources:
- "A data structure for dynamic trees" by D. Sleator and R. E. TarJan ([published](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/800076.802464) in STOC '81).
- Link-cut tree [source code](https://codeforces.com/contest/117/submission/860934) by the author D. Sleator.
- MIT's lecture on dynamic graphs: [lecture](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZLN6NxEQWo), [notes](https://courses.csail.mit.edu/6.851/spring12/scribe/L19.pdf), and [source code](https://github.com/6851-2021/rust-link-cut-tree).
- Helpful blog posts on the concepts of [rooted trees](https://codeforces.com/blog/entry/80383), [rerooting](https://codeforces.com/blog/entry/75885) and [splay operations](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eCKpEmkxIc).
## License
This project is licensed under the [Apache License, Version 2.0](LICENSE.md) - See the [LICENSE.md](https://github.com/azizkayumov/lctree/blob/main/LICENSE) file for details.
## Contribution
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the [Apache-2.0
license][apache-license], shall be licensed as above, without any additional
terms or conditions.
[apache-license]: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0