use lctree::LinkCutTree; use rand::{rngs::StdRng, seq::SliceRandom, Rng, SeedableRng}; use rand_derive2::RandGen; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; #[test] pub fn validation() { // These can be larger if you have time to spare: let num_nodes: usize = 100; let num_operations: usize = 2000; let seed = rand::thread_rng().gen(); println!("Seed: {}", seed); // print seed so we can reproduce the test (if it fails). let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(seed); // Generate distinct random weights: let mut weights = (0..num_nodes).map(|i| i as f64).collect::>(); weights.shuffle(&mut rng); // Initialize link-cut tree, we start with a forest of single nodes // (edges are not added yet): let mut lctree = LinkCutTree::default(); for w in 0..num_nodes { lctree.make_tree(weights[w]); } // Initialize brute force data structure: let mut brute = BruteForce::new(weights.clone()); // Perform random operations: link, cut, or connected: for _ in 0..num_operations { // Choose two random nodes to perform: // - link: link the two nodes if they are not connected // - cut: cut the edge between the two nodes if it exists // - connected: check if the two nodes are connected // - path: find the maximum weight in the path between the two nodes let v = rng.gen_range(0..num_nodes); let w = rng.gen_range(0..num_nodes); // Choose a random operation: let operation: Operation = rng.gen(); match operation { Operation::Link => {, w);, w); } Operation::Cut => { lctree.cut(v, w); brute.cut(v, w); } Operation::Connected => { let actual = lctree.connected(v, w); let expected = brute.connected(v, w); assert_eq!(actual, expected); } Operation::Path => { let actual = lctree.path(v, w).idx; let expected = brute.findmax(v, w); assert_eq!(actual, expected); } } } } #[derive(RandGen)] enum Operation { Link, Cut, Connected, Path, } struct BruteForce { weights: Vec, adj: Vec>, component_ids: Vec, } impl BruteForce { pub fn new(weights: Vec) -> Self { // We start with a forest of single nodes: let component_ids = (0..weights.len()).collect::>(); let adj = vec![HashSet::new(); weights.len()]; Self { weights, adj, component_ids, } } fn update_component_ids(&mut self, node_idx: usize, new_component_id: usize) { // Explore each component and assign new component id let mut visited = HashSet::new(); let mut stack = vec![node_idx]; while let Some(cur) = stack.pop() { if visited.contains(&cur) { continue; } visited.insert(cur); self.component_ids[cur] = new_component_id; for next in &self.adj[cur] { if !visited.contains(next) { stack.push(*next); } } } } pub fn link(&mut self, v: usize, w: usize) { // We only add the edge if it connects two different trees, // (we don't want to create cycles): if self.component_ids[v] != self.component_ids[w] { let new_component_id = self.component_ids[v].min(self.component_ids[w]); if self.component_ids[v] == new_component_id { self.update_component_ids(w, new_component_id); } else { self.update_component_ids(v, new_component_id); } self.adj[v].insert(w); self.adj[w].insert(v); } } pub fn cut(&mut self, v: usize, w: usize) { // We only cut the edge if it exists: if !self.adj[v].contains(&w) { return; } // Remove the edge and update the component ids: self.adj[v].remove(&w); self.adj[w].remove(&v); self.update_component_ids(v, v); self.update_component_ids(w, w); } pub fn connected(&self, v: usize, w: usize) -> bool { self.component_ids[v] == self.component_ids[w] } pub fn findmax(&self, src: usize, dest: usize) -> usize { if self.component_ids[src] != self.component_ids[dest] { return usize::MAX; } // explore each component and compute aggregates in the path // until we reach the destination let mut max = HashMap::new(); max.insert(src, src); let mut visited = HashSet::new(); let mut stack = vec![(src, src)]; while let Some((prev, cur)) = stack.pop() { visited.insert(cur); max.insert(cur, cur); let prev_max = max[&prev]; if self.weights[prev_max] > self.weights[cur] { max.insert(cur, prev_max); } if cur == dest { return max[&dest]; } for next in &self.adj[cur] { if !visited.contains(next) { stack.push((cur, *next)); } } } usize::MAX } }